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Can anyone write me a Photoshop Script to incremental save a PDF.

Participant ,
Oct 27, 2022 Oct 27, 2022

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Hi I often use scripts to save out PNGs or JPGs from actions that will save a incremental number each time a save occoures.. so if I have a document open and run the save it is docName_000 at the end.. if I save again it is docName_001.


These are the setting I use in the PDF file...


Here is my current PNG Incremental Save Script


var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\pathto\\SaveDir" );
var saveExt = 'png';  
var saveSufixStart = '_';  
var saveSufixLength = 3;  
// End of user options   
var docName = decodeURI ( activeDocument.name );  
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];  
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDocument name with out ext  
var files = saveFolder.getFiles( saveName + '*.' + saveExt );// get an array of files matching doc name prefix  
var saveNumber = files.length + 1;  
//alert("New file number: " + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ));  
var saveFile = new File( saveFolder + '/' + saveName + '_' + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ) + '.' + saveExt );  
saveAsPNG(saveFile, 9);  
function zeroPad ( num, digit ) {   
   var tmp = num.toString();   
   while (tmp.length < digit) { tmp = "0" + tmp;}   
   return tmp;  

function saveAsPNG(saveFile, quality) { 
    pngOpts = new PNGSaveOptions();
    pngOpts.compression = quality; //0-9
    pngOpts.interlaced = false;
    activeDocument.saveAs(File(saveFile), pngOpts, true); 

Thanks.. I hope one of the more skilled peeps around here will be able to revamp this script to incrmental save a PDF file using the provided setting.


Thanks in advance


Actions and scripting , Windows






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 28, 2022 Oct 28, 2022

@abUSER23 – Please test with care and compare to your manual saves to ensure that all settings are correct:


var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\pathto\\SaveDir" );
var saveExt = 'pdf';  
var saveSufixStart = '_';  
var saveSufixLength = 3;  
// End of user options   
var docName = decodeURI ( activeDocument.name );  
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];  
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDoc



Community Expert ,
Oct 27, 2022 Oct 27, 2022

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Community Expert ,
Oct 28, 2022 Oct 28, 2022

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@abUSER23 – Please test with care and compare to your manual saves to ensure that all settings are correct:


var saveFolder = new Folder( "d:\\pathto\\SaveDir" );
var saveExt = 'pdf';  
var saveSufixStart = '_';  
var saveSufixLength = 3;  
// End of user options   
var docName = decodeURI ( activeDocument.name );  
docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) ? docName = docName.match( /(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/ ) : docName = [ docName, docName, undefined ];  
var saveName = docName[ 1 ]; // activeDocument name with out ext  
var files = saveFolder.getFiles( saveName + '*.' + saveExt );// get an array of files matching doc name prefix  
var saveNumber = files.length + 1;  
//alert("New file number: " + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ));  
var saveFile = new File( saveFolder + '/' + saveName + '_' + zeroPad( saveNumber, saveSufixLength ) + '.' + saveExt );  
saveAsPDF("High Quality Print", false, false, 7, "U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2", false, "CGATS TR 001", saveFile, true, true, false, false); 
function zeroPad ( num, digit ) {   
   var tmp = num.toString();   
   while (tmp.length < digit) { tmp = "0" + tmp;}   
   return tmp;  

function saveAsPDF(pdfPresetFilename, pdfPreserveEditing, pdfOptimizeForWeb, pdfCompressionType, pdfDestinationProfileDescription, pdfIncludeProfile, pdfOutputConditionIdentifier, in2, copy, lowerCase, layers, embedProfiles) {
	function s2t(s) {
        return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
	var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
	var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();
	descriptor2.putString( s2t( "pdfPresetFilename" ), pdfPresetFilename );
	descriptor2.putBoolean( s2t( "pdfPreserveEditing" ), pdfPreserveEditing );
	descriptor2.putBoolean( s2t( "pdfOptimizeForWeb" ), pdfOptimizeForWeb );
	descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "pdfDownSample" ), s2t( "pdfDownSample" ), s2t( "none" ));
	descriptor2.putInteger( s2t( "pdfCompressionType" ), pdfCompressionType );
	descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "pdfColorConversion" ), s2t( "pdfColorConversion" ), s2t( "name" ));
	descriptor2.putString( s2t( "pdfDestinationProfileDescription" ), pdfDestinationProfileDescription );
	descriptor2.putBoolean( s2t( "pdfIncludeProfile" ), pdfIncludeProfile );
	descriptor2.putString( s2t( "pdfOutputConditionIdentifier" ), pdfOutputConditionIdentifier );
	descriptor.putObject( s2t( "as" ), s2t( "photoshopPDFFormat" ), descriptor2 );
	descriptor.putPath( s2t( "in" ), in2 );
	descriptor.putInteger( s2t( "documentID" ), 862 );
	descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "copy" ), copy );
	descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "lowerCase" ), lowerCase );
	descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "layers" ), layers );
	descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "embedProfiles" ), embedProfiles );
	descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "saveStage" ), s2t( "saveStageType" ), s2t( "saveSucceeded" ));
	executeAction( s2t( "save" ), descriptor, DialogModes.NO );






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