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I updated my photoshop cc about a month ago after not updating it since 2016, there are a lot of new features one of them being the free transform grid showing automatically on every selected shape/path. Honestly, it makes my work much more complicated and basically making it annoyingly hard for me to work with shapes/paths. Is there any way of turning that feature off?
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Are you talking about handles and "frame" arond shape and any layer selected? Activate Move tool and uncheck Show Transform Controls in the Options bar.
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Thank you for your answer.
Yes I am talking about that frame, but the "Show Transform Control" is unchecked, I don't see the transform controls when the Move tool is activated, only when the Path/Direct Selection tool and the Shape tool are activated.
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Then you are seeing path outline not transform control. Can you post screenshot to ensure we are talking about same thing?
There isn't any setting to prevent Photoshop from showing path outline.
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No, it's not the path outline.
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It seems to be related to the View>Extras toggle. Unchecking that made it go away.
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View > Extras will hide/show everything that is currently checked in the menu item just below it: View > Show.
If View > Extras solves it temporarily, you might want to uncheck the offending feature in View > Show to take care of it long term. If you don't see it, take a screenshot of what you have checked in that sub-menu so we can assist.
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Uncheck View > Show > Target Path. It is a toggle that shows and hides the current active path. The shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + H.
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It's the transform tools that I want to get rid of, not the target path.
Here, now it's unchecked but the transform tool is still present:
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Sry it's in Czech, but it might help
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I too have had this issue for a couple years now and have not found a solution. The solutions offered here are either in reference to the Move tool NOT the Direct selection tool or they only temporarily disable the transform controls on shapes.
View > Extras will toggle the transform controls on and off while a shape is selected, however as soon as I select another shape or deselect and reselect the same shape again, Extras is re-enabled and the transform controls are visible again.
It's really annoying to work with small shapes especially. In order to move them you have to zoom in a lot otherwise you just end up moving the transform box center point or accidentally rotating the shape.
Any help will be appreciated, it's a small inconvenience but it gets frustrating quickly as I work with vector shapes constantly in PS. Thanks in advance!
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It looks to me that a Shape made with the Shape tool is a "Live Shape", and shows a bounding box if the Shape or Path Selection tools are selected, but not the Direct Selection tool. Paths and Shapes made with the Pen, and converting Text to Shape, do not.
If you drag one of the nodes with the Direct Selection tool, a popup says "This operation will turn a Live Shape into a regular Path. Continue?" The bounding box will go away, but the Shape has been altered. I don't know any easy way to convert to a regular Path without altering the Shape.