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Hello there,
When I'm using the clone stamp, every click I do, the clone stamp result is getting darker. It looks like the opacity is not set to 100% (but it's). My file is basically some straights lines that are interrupted and I'm using the clone stamp to fix it more quickly. I already did in other files with no problem, but now is weird. Here are some checks I did:
- clone stamp blend options: it's set to normal
- optical illusion: the main colors are black and white with a very few shades of gray. It's unlikely to be an optical illusion.
- I reset PS sets and the problem keeps happening.
- I tried different files and still happening.
- opacity is set to 100%
- brush type is hard.
I recorded a video showing what's happening.
Thanks for any help
but it's not a black and white image. You're trying to clone areas with transparency and that's going to be additive.
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Looks like the Override Size button for pen pressure is enabled,
Disable that and see if the Clone Stamp works better.
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Hi! Thanks for your help! I disabled but still not working correctly.
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but it's not a black and white image. You're trying to clone areas with transparency and that's going to be additive.
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The root file is a PDF created in AutoCAD. The lines are the autocad lines. I did the same procedure in different files before and never happened this. I don't think would be transparency. Anyway, how do I check if it's transparency? All the layers are set with 100% opacity.
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it's right there in your layer. Anything on a transparent layer that is not pure black is transparent.
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So how do I make to clone something that is not black?
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If you want to include the background layer (white in this case) then select »Current & Below« instead of »Current Layer«.
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but then that would add white to the transparent layer...
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@Earth Oliver wrote:
but then that would add white to the transparent layer...
But otherwise clone stamping semitransparent pixels will result in the build-up the OP apparently wants to avoid.
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Like i said, the layer is black, but the black is partially transparent. Do you need the transparency? If not, just flatten the image and clone the merged layer. If you do need the transparency, you'll need to merge the layers, then reconvert back to transparent layers... which should be easy, but Adobe has never bothered implementing a one-button tool for this process.
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Did you find a solve for this. I have the same issue. 3D glass created in blender as a png. I'm just trying to clean up some fireflies and dont want to loose the transparency so the png can still be overlayed afterwards. Any tips?
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Tip 1: Post the image you are talking about.
Tip 2: Use Layer > Layer Mask > From Transparency and then you can edit the Layer Mask (the transparency) amd the RGB-pixels separately
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Did you try restting the photoshop preferences by going to Edit>Preferences>General, clicking Reset Prerences On Quit and restarting photoshop?
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This isn't a Prefs issue, as i've explained above.
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Are you using a Drawing Tablet such as a Wacom?