Color profile script

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Is it possible to create a script that goes through a folder, and changes every .png file to use sRGB as color profile?
To further describe my problem- I use a application that decrypt apples .png files so that they can be read in photoshop. But for some reason this script flips the blue and red channels too, making the colors messed up when i save a file.
So basically, i need a script that opens every png file, and converts their color profile from sBGR to sRGB and then saves them.
I already have a script that can convert PSD's to PNG's, but it does not edit the color profile, so if it could be edited to do that (And possibly also edit .png files) that would be awesome. the script:
#target photoshop
var imageFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select top folder to process");
var folderList=[];
if (imageFolder != null) {
function createPNGfromPDF(folderList){
for(var a in folderList){
var fileList = folderList.getFiles ("*.psd");
for (var z in fileList){
var file = fileList
var Name = fileList
var saveFile = File(decodeURI(fileList
function processFolder(folder) {
var fileList = folder.getFiles()
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
var file = fileList;
if (file instanceof Folder) {
function SavePNG(saveFile){
pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
pngSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
pngSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
pngSaveOptions.quality = 1;
pngSaveOptions.PNG8 = false;
pngSaveOptions.transparency = true;
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
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convertProfile (destinationProfile, intent [, blackPointCompensation] [, dither])

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Could you elaborate? Where should i put this line, do i have to use any variables?
Remember, I'm not familiar with Photoshop Scripts at all..
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Alright, thanks! though there's just one thing I'd need help with..
Would i need to edit the line of code you posted? and if so.. Well, how?
convertProfile (destinationProfile, intent [, blackPointCompensation] [, dither])
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convertProfile (destinationProfile, intent [, blackPointCompensation] [, dither])
That is the javascript syntax of the line you would need to add to your script. The square bracketed parameters are optional the other are required. You need to supply the color profile and intent prams. If you want to use scripting you need to learn a bit about programming in a scripting language javascript is the best choice for there a version for both the MAC and PC Windows platforms. There are many script you can download and HACK on then. Without some knowledge you will not be able to hack. If your do not have the time to read and gain the required khowledge you may want to look into Photoshop Actions they are much easier to record and edit. It would be very easy to record an action to convert an image to the sRGB color space. The action could then be batched. The file>Automat>Batch... Will open a dialog thtat you use to point to your png folder the action set and action and thers is an option to save and close them.
A one step action can do what you want. Record ment Edit>Convert to Profile. In the Convert to Profile dialod use the destination space pull-down meny and choose sRGB then click OK. When you play the action no dialog will be displayed the document will just ne converted to the sRGB color space. Batch that Action.
If you know nothing about actions either my crafting actions package may be of some help.
Action Actions Palette Tips.txt
Action Creation Guidelines.txt
Action Dealing with Image Size.txt
Action Enhanced via Scripted Photoshop Functions.txt
CraftedActions.atn Sample Action set includes an example Watermarking action
Sample Actions.txt Photoshop CraftedActions set saved as a text file. This file has some additional comments I inserted describing how the actions work.
12 Scripts for actions
Message was edited by: JJMack
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An old thread, but hey…
I would simply do this via an action (because I can’t script, however does one really need a script?), then batch the action on all afflicted files.
The colour swap could be done by recording a mode change to multichannel mode, moving the channel order around, then changing back to RGB mode and assigning sRGB…
However I would probably just use a channel mixer move, B=R and R=B, then assign sRGB.
Channel Mixer
Preset Kind: Custom
Output Red: is a mixture of
Blue: 100%
Output Green: is a mixture of
Green: 100%
Output Blue: is a mixture of
Red: 100%
I guess another option would be to create a custom sRGB profile and swap the channel order around so that it is BGR, then convert to sRGB – however this would mess with the files numbers/values when the previous two methods would not.
EDIT: If this is needed to fit into a larger scripting workflow, you could just insert the moves for the channel mixer and or assign profile steps. If one is not after elegant code, the ScriptListener plug-in would do the job of recording the moves.