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convert after effects photoshop

Contributor ,
Mar 28, 2017 Mar 28, 2017

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good morning

the web I found a script for after effects

unfortunately it does not work in photoshop

do you think can be adapted for Photoshop

or are two different languages.

Actions and scripting






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

That sounds like one of my favorite Photoshop extension.  Have you ever use Photoshop menu Help>Find Plug-ins and Extensions....

It may not be the one I found and use all the time.  The one I found is names JSX Launcher I doe not think that one supports JSXbin or JS files.  It may I never tried  adding in any .JS or .sxbin file.




Community Expert ,
Mar 28, 2017 Mar 28, 2017

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How would we have any idea?  Given the information you posted we have not Idea of  what you found or what it does. Photoshop also only supports some basic video editing.   AE is more a video editor than PS.

Supply pertinent information for quicker answers

  • The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
  • Adobe product and version number
  • Operating system and version number
  • The full text of any error message(s)
  • What you were doing when the problem occurred
  • Screenshots of the problem
  • Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.





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Contributor ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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JJMack you're absolutely right

the script and a launcher that works this way

once started you select the folder where the file .jsx

automatically loading in the dialog window ui

This and the script:

// rd_ScriptLauncher.jsx

// Copyright (c) 2005-2013 redefinery (Jeffrey R. Almasol).

// rd_ScriptLauncher()


// Description:

// This function contains the main logic for this script.


// Parameters:

// thisObj - "this" object.


// Returns:

// Nothing.


(function rd_ScriptLauncher(thisObj)


  // Globals

  var rd_ScriptLauncherData = new Object(); // Store globals in an object

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName = "rd: Script Launcher";

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptTitle = rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName + " v3.1";

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath = "";

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles = new Array();

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strScriptsFolder = {en: "Folder..."};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strShowPaths = {en: "Show paths"};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strRefreshList = {en: "Refresh"};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strRun = {en: "Run"};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strHelp = {en: "?"};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strErrNoScriptsPath = {en: "Cannot open the palette because the Scripts folder could not be located."};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strErrMissingFile = {en: "Cannot locate the selected script."};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strMinAE100 = {en: "This script requires Adobe After Effects CS5 or later."};

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.strHelpText =


  en: "Copyright (c) 2005-2013 redefinery (Jeffrey R. Almasol). \n" +

  "All rights reserved.\n" +

  "\n" +

  "This script displays a palette of the installed scripts in the selected Scripts folder (and subfolders). Only scripts with .js, .jsx, and .jsxbin extensions are displayed. Double-click a script to launch it. Double-click a script to launch it. Scripts located in subfolders whose names are enclosed in parentheses are ignored. You can change the Scripts folder at any time, and refresh the scripts list if the contents of the folder have changed. The selected scripts folder is stored as a setting, so you don't have to reselect it every time you reopen this palette.\n" +

  "\n" +

  "Note: The palette cannot detect any errors in the scripts that you run from it. It's just a quick way of launching scripts without restarting AE or using ExtendScript Toolkit (i.e., switching away from AE).\n" +

  "\n" +

  "If a PNG file of a similar name and same folder as the script file (but with a .png file name extension) exists, it will appear next to the script name in the list.\n" +

  "\n" +

  "Note: This version of the script requires After Effects CS5 or later. It can be used as a dockable panel by placing the script in a ScriptUI Panels subfolder of the Scripts folder, and then choosing this script from the Window menu.\n" +

  "\n" +

  "Enhancements requested by Russ Maehl, Julian Herrera, and Navarro Parker."


  // rd_ScriptLauncher_localize()


  // Description:

  // This function localizes the given string variable based on the current locale.


  // Parameters:

  //   strVar - The string variable's name.


  // Returns:

  // String.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(strVar)


  return strVar["en"];


  // rd_ScriptLauncher_buildUI()


  // Description:

  // This function builds the user interface.


  // Parameters:

  // thisObj - Panel object (if script is launched from Window menu); null otherwise.


  // Returns:

  // Window or Panel object representing the built user interface.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_buildUI(thisObj)


  var positionPal = (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_frameBounds") && !(thisObj instanceof Panel));

  if (positionPal)


  var bounds = new Array();

  bounds = app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_frameBounds").split(",");

  for (i in bounds)

  bounds = parseInt(bounds, 10);



  var bounds = undefined;

  var pal = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName, bounds, {resizeable:true});

  if (pal !== null)


  var res =

  "group { \

  orientation:'column', alignment:['fill','fill'], \

  header: Group { \

  alignment:['fill','top'], \

  title: StaticText { text:'" + rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName + "', alignment:['fill','center'] }, \

  help: Button { text:'" + rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strHelp) +"', maximumSize:[30,20], alignment:['right','center'] }, \

  }, \

  listBox: ListBox { alignment:['fill','fill'], properties:{items:" + rd_ScriptLauncherData.scripts + "} }, \

  footer: Group { \

  alignment:['fill','bottom'], \

  folder: Button { text:'" + rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strScriptsFolder) + "', alignment:['left','center'], preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \

  showPaths: Checkbox { text:'" + rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strShowPaths) + "', alignment:['left','bottom'], value:true }, \

  refresh: Button { text:'" + rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strRefreshList) + "', alignment:['right','center'], preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \

  }, \


  pal.grp = pal.add(res);

  pal.grp.listBox.preferredSize.height = 300;


  pal.grp.minimumSize = [pal.grp.size.width, pal.grp.header.size.height + pal.grp.spacing * 5];


  pal.onResizing = pal.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}

  pal.grp.header.help.onClick = function () {alert(rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptTitle + "\n" + rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strHelpText), rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName);}

  pal.grp.footer.folder.onClick = rd_ScriptLauncher_doSelectFolder;

  pal.grp.footer.refresh.onClick = rd_ScriptLauncher_doRefreshList;

  pal.grp.listBox.onDoubleClick = rd_ScriptLauncher_doRun;

  pal.grp.footer.showPaths.onClick = function ()





  return pal;


  // rd_ScriptLauncher_doSelectFolder()


  // Description:

  // This callback function asks the user to locate the Scripts folder.


  // Parameters:

  // None.


  // Returns:

  // Nothing.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_doSelectFolder()


  var folder = Folder.selectDialog("Locate AE's Scripts folder");

  if (folder !== null)


  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath = folder;

  // Store the path in the settings so the user doesn't have to set it the next time

  app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_scriptPath", folder.fsName)




  // rd_ScriptLauncher_doRefreshList()


  // Description:

  // This callback function rescans the current Scripts folder and

  // rebuilds the scripts list.


  // Parameters:

  // None.


  // Returns:

  // Nothing.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_doRefreshList()




  // rd_ScriptLauncher_doRun()


  // Description:

  // This callback function runs the selected script.


  // Parameters:

  // None.


  // Returns:

  // Nothing.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_doRun()


  var scriptSelected = (rdslPal.grp.listBox.selection !== null);

  if (scriptSelected)


  var scriptIndex = rdslPal.grp.listBox.selection.index;

  var scriptFile = new File(rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles[scriptIndex].absoluteURI);

  // Load the script's contents into a string


  if (scriptFile.fsName.match(/.jsxbin$/) === null)


  var scriptText = "";

  // Load the script's contents into a string


  while (!scriptFile.eof)

  scriptText += scriptFile.readln() + "\r\n";


  // Evaluate the script's contents






  if (scriptFile.exists)



  alert(rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strErrMissingFile), rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName);



  // rd_ScriptLauncher_sortByName()


  // Description:

  // Custom array sort function for sorting File and Folder objects by their names.


  // Parameters:

  //   a - First object.

  //   b - Second object.


  // Returns:

  // Integer controlling the array sort function.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_sortByName(a, b)


  if (a.name.toLowerCase() < b.name.toLowerCase())

  return -1;

  else if (a.name.toLowerCase() > b.name.toLowerCase())

  return 1;


  return 0;


  // rd_ScriptLauncher_getAEScripts()


  // Description:

  // This callback function retrieves the list of scripts.


  // Parameters:

  //   path - Folder object of the folder to scan.


  // Returns:

  // Array of FileSystem objects.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_getAEScripts(path)


  var pathFiles = path.getFiles(), files = new Array(), subfiles;

  // Sort the entries in pathFiles


  // Loop through the current folder's files and subfolders

  for (var i = 0; i < pathFiles.length; i++)

  if (pathFiles instanceof Folder)


  // Skip recusion if folder's name is enclosed in parentheses

  if (pathFiles.name.match(/^\(.*\)$/))




  // Recurse, and append contents - isn't there an easier way, like array addition?

  subfiles = rd_ScriptLauncher_getAEScripts(pathFiles);

  for (var j = 0; j < subfiles.length; j++)

  files[files.length] = subfiles;





  // Add only files that end in .js or .jsx or .jsxbin, and that isn't this file itself

  if (pathFiles.name.match(/\.(js|jsx|jsxbin)$/) && (pathFiles.fsName !== File($.fileName).fsName))

  files[files.length] = pathFiles;


  return files;


  // rd_ScriptLauncher_buildScriptsList()


  // Description:

  // This function builds the contents of the scripts list.


  // Parameters:

  //   palette - Window object.


  // Returns:

  // Nothing.


  function rd_ScriptLauncher_buildScriptsList(palette)


  var fullName, script;

  // Remove the existing list items


  // Load the scripts from the Scripts folder hierarchy

  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles = rd_ScriptLauncher_getAEScripts(rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath);

  var item, iconFile;

  for (var i = 0; i < rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles.length; i++)


  // Build the array of script names used in the UI, but strip off the base path

  // (and folder separator, assumed as one character)

  fullName = rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles.fsName;

  iconFile = File(fullName.replace(/.(js|jsx|jsxbin)$/,".png"));

  if (palette.grp.footer.showPaths.value === true)

  fullName = fullName.substr(rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath.fsName.length+1);


  fullName = rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptFiles.displayName;

  // Add the script's name to the list box

  item = palette.grp.listBox.add("item", fullName);

  if (iconFile.exists)

  item.icon = iconFile;



  // main code:


  // Prerequisites check

  if (parseFloat(app.version) < 10.0)

  alert(rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strMinAE100), rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName);



  // Check if the script path variable is stored in the settings; use if so

  var gotScriptPath = false;

  if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_scriptPath"))


  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath = new Folder(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_scriptPath"));

  gotScriptPath = true;




  // No stored script path, so ask the user where the Scripts folder is located

  var folder = Folder.selectDialog("Locate AE's Scripts folder");

  if (folder !== null)


  rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptPath = folder;

  gotScriptPath = true;

  // Store the path in the settings so the user doesn't have to set it the next time

  app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_scriptPath", folder.fsName)



  // Build and show the palette

  var rdslPal= rd_ScriptLauncher_buildUI(thisObj);

  if (rdslPal !== null)


  if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_showPaths"))

  rdslPal.grp.footer.showPaths.value = (app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_showPaths") === "false") ? false : true;

  if (gotScriptPath)



  alert(rd_ScriptLauncher_localize(rd_ScriptLauncherData.strErrNoScriptsPath), rd_ScriptLauncherData.scriptName);

  rdslPal.onClose = function()


  app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_showPaths", rdslPal.grp.footer.showPaths.value);

  if (!(rdslPal instanceof Panel))

  app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_ScriptLauncher_frameBounds", rdslPal.frameBounds.toString());


  if (rdslPal instanceof Window)














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Community Expert ,
Mar 29, 2017 Mar 29, 2017

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That sounds like one of my favorite Photoshop extension.  Have you ever use Photoshop menu Help>Find Plug-ins and Extensions....

It may not be the one I found and use all the time.  The one I found is names JSX Launcher I doe not think that one supports JSXbin or JS files.  It may I never tried  adding in any .JS or .sxbin file.







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Contributor ,
Mar 30, 2017 Mar 30, 2017

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You are a great just what I wanted.





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