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I would like to create a design by using single elements drawn by myself. I am using Adobe fresco to design the different elements, and than I would like to use them combining them in different ways in order to create different but similar backgrounds on PS. Any suggestions? I found difficulties in using the copy-paste tools on PS and with selecting precisely only the object without any space over the border.
Many thanks!
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Please provide at least one of the images.
Do the images contain Layers and transparency?
What »border« do you mean – edges of elements in the image or the edges of the image as a whole?
Terminology nitpicking:
What’s not represented in the Toolbar is not called a Tool in Photoshop.
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Hi! Many thanks for replying me!
I have this vectorial design drawn on adobe fresco and saved as a psd file. I would like to use only the design (no background) as an element to be replicated in different scales on the same sheet, to compose a pattern. But I don't know how to do (and if it is possibile).
Many thanks!!
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I don’t follow.
»Livello vettoriale« is a Smart Object without a solid background anyway, so what is the problem?
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Have you checked out View > Pattern Preview?
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The point is I would like to use the element in a free manner: like a stamp, copying and applying it on another background in multiple sizes, as I prefer. Is it possibile? I don't want an authomatically created fixed patter by PS but I want to copy-paste the object, maintaing only the object (so round shape exactly at the external circunference).
Many thanks for helping!
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You can create a custom Shape (see Shape Tool) or a Brush Preset.
Shape Layers would naturally be preferable for editability.
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Hi Nelly,
I think you'll find joy with custom brushes.
Here's how.
Let us know how you go
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You could make it a brush.
In Brush Settings set some size and angle jitter, or perhaps set size jitter to pen pressure.
Give it scatter jitter and check Both axis.
Ajust spacing as required.
I also gave it foreground/background and hue jitter and set the colours to something bright.
Those settings gave me this:
You could give it some order by stroking a path with that same brush
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I'm thinking that some of the Filter Forge effects might work. Drost for instance.