CS5 Crashes on Quit
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Has anyone else seen this and found a solution?
Installed CS5 Standard, OS 10.6.3, MacBook Pro 4,1
When first installed, I could not change prefs - as discussed in thread:
I manually changed permissions. CS 5 will now launch and operate. When choosing "Quit" CS5 closes all windows normally, however the menu bar does remains and the spinning beachball displays. After about 20 seconds Mac OS reports that Photoshop quit unexpectedly. A minute later Adobe's crash reporter appears.
I've uninstalled and re-installed.
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Thank you for that but the question remains that in some cases the "permissions" don't seem to be functioning as they SHOULD so I was just seeking a place where I could find a better understanding of what we are discussing to help me spot the problems.
Perhaps there is no way to find that.
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...I have solved the permission problem of CS5 not being able to save your preferences on exit. You need to add read/write permissions to
/users/<your username>/library/preferences/adobe.
On my installation of CS5 without changing any permissions, I already am showing my user account to be the owner of the ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ with Read & Write permissions
Not that I'm having problems like you folks, but the CS5ServiceManager folder came in with the owner set to system with Read & Write permissions and staff group also with Read & Write permissions. While there may be issues with the Adobe installer. it seems to be OK for some people. Perhaps I maintain my permissions properly before I install software. I suspect Adobe software engineers do too.
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I've read every answer before responding. Why the hostile response?
That wasn't hostile.
That was simply pointing out your mistakes and lack of information.
The only thing I know that makes Macintosh OpenGL fail is having multiple mismatched video cards or using the Intel integrated chipset. MacOS OpenGL only works with matching video cards. And the Intel graphics chipset is just underpowered. (oh, and certain video cards that just don't work: like the old 7300GT)
The preferences file is in /Users/<yournamehere>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop CS5/...
(or ~/Library/Preferences/... for folks familiar with Unix)
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That video card is not supported by Apple, so if the 3rd party driver is lacking, you will have to consider talking to them, not Apple nor Adobe. Yes it's listed for Mac OS X under the Adobe Mercury Playback Engine info for Premiere Pro CS5. Adobe's specs on the web aren't perfect.
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I bought the video card from Apple online and was told how to install it by Apple experts. If that isn't support from Apple, please explain to me what is. You can still buy the card from the Apple store online. Just checked and it is still there.
Also, I run "fix permissions" once a day and before and after every installation of anything. Please tell me what I'm doing that is "not taking care of my permissions properly." It sounds like you have some magic trick for your permissions and it would be good to share it with the rest of us.
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OK, so it's news to me that Apple is now selling this card after the fact, not as build to order option. EVGA makes the drivers, and the reviews have not been 100% nice.
As I said, particularly in the case of the new MacBook Pro, I just installed CS5 after installing the Apple updaters and before anything else and it worked just fine. I used the downloaded trial software plus a serial number. I latter added Acrobat 9 Pro and InDesign CS4 from CS4 Master Collection and assorted other goodies and things are all just fine, no special permissions fix, just once at the end because I installed Flash Player which always needs fixes. CS5 doesn't seem to like MM fonts, so replace old fonts with OTF modern ones. I can't be blessed by Adobe and every time I've installed CS5 it works because of that, but still, that has been my experience. And by the way, it didn't upset my Highpoint RocketRAID 3522 driven external 8 drive bootable RAID 6 array either. Also I use only admin accounts with a non-black password. I've heard folks without that having problems.
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Consider this. If Apple is so reliable, how is it they sell LaCie external drives from their Apple Store? Or have they figured that one out?
Cowboy Bill
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Last I checked they still sold LaCie desktop drives with the flakey power supply. They don't know about this problem. They also sell other brands that are not in fact bootable. They don't know everything. Heck, I don't know everything, but I have a better track record as a consultant since 1993.
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They know about the power supply. Trust me on that. But the customers aren't aware -- though they should be, I guess -- that LaCie doesn't manufacture the discs. What you get inside is whatever was 'on sale' that day and it could be a Seagate, Western Digital or another brand. There are those who think it is the cause of LaCie drive failures because of possible mismatch with disc and card specs.
The issue with CS5 is thought among other things to be graphic card problems in some older Macs. One very alert Adobe tech support gentleman asked about my card and checked it with the folks upstairs but that was not my problem.
The problem CS5 is having seems to focus on the failure of the installer to save and transfer permissions and other settings from CS4 or wherever to CS5 apps. How that can happen in a major Adobe upgrade may be a story we can tell our grandkids. I've suggested that those of us with problems caused by this failure should be offered a free download of InCopy which would be a sensible addition to CS5 Design Premium anyway. It should be part of InDesign, in other words.
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LaCie should make the power supply handle the peak surge current needs for the worst offending internal hard drive and the most marginally out of spec FireWire bridge board. While the OpenGL drivers could cause a performance problem, it should not cause a crashing problem. I would imagine the installer uses the same criteria for permissions as Apple's, the contents of the /Library/Receipts/ folder. Some folks delete files from here to free up disk space. As for Adobe's beta program, as I understand it, the beta testers had installers for individual programs and didn't have this problem. Us final version, either trial downloaders or retail DVD users, have a combined installer for the suite. This combo overall suite installer seems to have problems for some users. Don't know why. As I said earlier, a essential virgin MacBook Pro and my heavy used 2009 Mac Pro both had no issues with the trial installation of Master Collection, followed by a serial number. No problem reported for the trial download of Photoshop CS5 Extended as well. I'm guessing something like anti-virus software or something else running in the background, is getting in the way.
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Back to the topic at hand, I always turn off every language but English in the International System Preference panel as a first thing. Maybe that step is important for proper CS5 installation.
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Brad - no. We test on systems with every language enabled, localized keyboards, etc.
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I imagine you do but as didn't have a problem and some did, the
disabling of other languages is atypical action prior to installation
and may possibly have a bearing on why mine worked and theirs did not.
Sent from my iPhone 3G
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I had all these errors and crashes, and I have been using Photoshop CS5 for a couple of days now with no problems, starting and quitting many times. MacBook Pro 10.6.3. Here's what I did:
* Uninstalled Photoshop CS5 and all previous versions of Photoshop. Used the appropriate uninstall programs -- did not rely on dragging files to the trash. I had saved a copy of my former Presets (brushes, actions, etc.) that I wanted to use with the new version.
* Created a new Test user account. I left the password area blank; kept it simple. If you don't know how to do this, here's how: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Mac/10.6/en/8235.html
* Logged out and logged in as Test user.
* Installed the program from the CD within the Test user account. Made sure to install it in the system-wide Applications area (under the name of your hard drive) so it can be used by any user on the computer.
* Used Get Info to change permissions on all the Adobe files and folders listed by another writer above to Read/Write for Everyone.
* Opened PS CS5, created and saved a new document size preset, put some type into a dummy document, saved the doc.
* Quit -- no crash.
* Reopened program; document and preset (a change to preferences) had been saved.
* Logged out and logged back in to my regular user account.
* After another fine start and quit, I moved all my former brush folders and actions into the CS5 Presets folders.
* Everything has been working fine ever since.
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Thank you clstern for that good detail. Seems very different from the instructions passed along by Adobe.
I've been noticing a lot more problems from folks using Snow Leopard than I see from old Leopard where I'm still parked.
Wonder if there are some internal CS5 differences with Leopard 10.5.8 a few different problems to go with them.
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Hawaii Bill wrote:
Thank you clstern for that good detail. Seems very different from the instructions passed along by Adobe.
I've been noticing a lot more problems from folks using Snow Leopard than I see from old Leopard where I'm still parked.
Wonder if there are some internal CS5 differences with Leopard 10.5.8 a few different problems to go with them.
i'm hoping there'll be some improvement with the graphic driver update in 10.6.4. 10.6.3 seemed to make alot of open gl stuff unpredictable and i found in the past that gpu freakyness in general would make cs4 unstable
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Apple released a "Snow Leopard Graphics Update" through Software Update today.
Additional details on the update here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4286
This should address GPU driver issues affecting Photoshop:
System or application crash when using Photoshop CS5 and CS4 after updating to OS X 10.6.4

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Thanks. That worked perfect for me and now everything works as it should.
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From Mac Fixit:
Sorry if this has already been covered here.
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With gratitude for MacFixit's Topher Kessler wading in on this I have to admit that I can't follow it.
Did as instructed, to the best of my ability, but going to his mentioned folders isn't productive for this old dude.
I think we need more detail in the third paragraph before Topher lists the Library items. "What small plus sign," is the first question that comes to mind. I'm going to have to go back to school.

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We can walk you through it.
Start at your Mac drive and move down to the folder they specify.
For example, the ones that start with /username go down from your Home directory. So there is a Library folder in your Home folder and one under your top hard disk directory. They are different.
Once you find each directory, Right-Click on that folder. Select "Get Info"
Way on the bottom right you will see a lock. Assuming you are logged into an account with admin privileges, click on the lock, and enter your login password. The lock will unlock.
Now, look for your login name under Name. On the right of it under Privilege it should say "Read & Write" but it likely only says "Read"
To the left of the "Read" there are two tiny arrows to change the privileges. Click on that and select "Read & Write"
If for some reason your login name is not on the list, you can add it. On the bottom left is a + and a -
Click on the + to add your name. "Users & Groups" will show up and pick your username. Again, make sure its "Read & Write" like it describes above. You should probably add the names of all users of Photoshop on this machine, and repeat, make sure they are added to the list and "Read & Write"
Now do this for all the folders listed in the article.
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Hey Everybody,
Let's focus on this first. How the hell can Adobe miss this after ALL THE YEARS THEY HAVE BEEN RELEASING PRODUCTS FOR OSX!!!
Now to the first solution for the inherent problems with the installation, more to come on the problems within the applications later.
Fix the permissions on the Library/Application Support/Adobe, User/Library/Application Support/Adobe, User/Library/Preferences and User/Applications by selecting the folder itself, adding your user and allowing read/write permissions and then Apply to Enclose Items
This will change the permission for all items that Adobe somehow missed if they beta tested on anyone's system before release...
Really poor programming and customer support.
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Can anyone tell us if Adobe is a.) aware of this problem and,
b.) doing anything about it and,
c.) the schedule for getting CS5 back to expectations?
Thank you
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a) and b) - read the existing posts in the topic
c) nope, not yet.