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desactivar Transferencia del pincel (disable Automatic transfer brush) HELP!

New Here ,
Jun 22, 2018 Jun 22, 2018

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Uso photoshop con la tableta digital, y en F5, el panel de pinceles me aparece activada la opción transferencia y la desactivo, pero cuando uso el pincel se me activa automáticamente transferencia, y no quiero usar el pincel así, desactivo nuevamente, y nuevamente se me activa automáticamente, no he podido con eso!

I use photoshop with the digital tablet, and in F5, the panel of brushes appears activated the transfer option and I deactivate it, but when I use the brush it activates me automatically transfer, and I do not want to use the brush so, I deactivate again, and again it activates me automatically, I have not been able to do that!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , Jun 24, 2018 Jun 24, 2018

Hi - I suspect the brush you are choosing has the Transfer function saved into the brush. Try turning off Transfer, then saving that brush as a new brush by clicking the New icon in the Brush panel. The new brush should have all the same functionality but no Transfer function.


New brush icon.jpg


Engaged ,
Jun 24, 2018 Jun 24, 2018

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Hi - I suspect the brush you are choosing has the Transfer function saved into the brush. Try turning off Transfer, then saving that brush as a new brush by clicking the New icon in the Brush panel. The new brush should have all the same functionality but no Transfer function.


New brush icon.jpg




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New Here ,
Jun 15, 2021 Jun 15, 2021

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this is not a solution....problem with this way is that u can t change options of a brush except if u save another brush with the new functuonalities. In other versions of photoshop u can change different functionalitys of any brush, activate or desactivate any functuonality. Now if i change only transference and dinamic form (not the other functuonalities) it activates automatic. Save each brush with each functionality combinations is crazy...




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New Here ,
Jun 15, 2021 Jun 15, 2021

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La solucion a este problema es desactivar 2 funciones que hay en la barra superior del pincel. Son 2 iconos ambos con un pincel o lapiz con un circulo debajo (uno a la derecha de la opacidad y el otro a la izquierda de la mariposa que sirve para las opciones de simetria). Uno sirve para tener siempre activo la transferencia y el otro para tener siempre activa la dinamica de forma. Si desactivas ambos podras activar o desactivar la funion de transferencia y dinamica de formas desde el panel de pinceles, y asi customizar cada pincel sin tener que guardar un nuevo pincel como aconsejan en el post de arriba.




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