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I'm having trouble with Photoshop CS6 in Mavericks. After a working a little while, all pop up/drop down menus goes blank. They still work, but I can't see what's on them. Even the Apple menu bar is afflicted by this, though only when Photoshop is in the front.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks. PS: I do use a cintiq on a 2012 Macbook Pro 15" with retina display.
It looks like the plug-in fails to initialize on certain Photoshop installations. This should be fixed in:
If the plug-in is properly installed, then you should see something similar to the following in the OSX console after launching Photoshop:
Adobe Photoshop CC[14728]: WhiteWindowWorkaround Initialized
You can see the OSX console by going to “Utilities” from Finder, and then running the Console application.
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It sounds like you spoke to somone at Apple who was not aware of the full situation. They really should have checked the status of the MacOS 10.9 bugs in RADAR (Apple's bug tracking system).
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I was at great pains to explain all the above points to The person I spoke to at Apple , who I had been told, was a senior advisor, having had my problem escalated to him. I explained the full nature of the problem iin all its aspects as illustrated in this thread and his response that was still Apple's position.
Please be clear that I am not standing up for apple - just reporting that, at the level I was able to access, and having spoken to more than one person there about this, and having explianied all I could about this problem and about how many people had it, and yes he was aware of these threads, and the one on apple discussions, he stated that Apple's position was as stated.
Like everyone else here I was not imprressed by this, but having done all I could and having expressed my concern at this, I could get no other response
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We continue to work with Apple on this. At the moment we (still) do not think that this issue requires a change to Photoshop. If you are in contact with anyone at Apple that needs to know the status of this issue, then they can contact me.
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Thank you - but my main thrust was to find a way to revert to 10.8 on my new iMac - which a I bought specifically to speed up my photoshopping. The man at Apple explained that as I had not backed up with time machine before upgrading to mavericks ( yes yes I know!) there was no way, at all, under any circumstances, that I could now revert to 10.8, I pleaded my case efficiently , I thought, but to no avail.
I did press himon his level of awareness of the issue, and he did seem to be au fait with it, and did not require me to provide him with any further info or links, or contacts etc, despite my suggesting several times this might be useful.
Pity Steve is no longer at the top
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Everything is still going fine for me. Thanks again to you and your Adobe associates, Jesper.
I love my Macs, but I too have to admit that Apple is more in denial on these Mavericks/Photoshop issues than the US Government was with their "secret UFO projects" Sign, Grudge, and Bluebook combined;).
With that said though, all of my Apple support techies were more than helpful and I certainly do not blame them for any of this.
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Is there any sort of timeframe for a fix?
This is having a massive impact on our productivity. None of the fixes suggested have resolved any issue.
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You installed the following plug-in and you're still getting white windows and menus?:
If so, have you confirmed it's installed correctly?
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I have the issue with blank menus in photoshop. I notice that most of the replies mention that this has something to do with a tablet. I am not using and have never installed a tablet. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I am new to the adobe community and new to photoshop.
I currently have an open project I would really not like to lose even though I am probably only a couple of steps in.
Please help me figure this out.
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I believe that it is possible that the white-menu issue could occur even without a tablet.
I would recommend that you try to install the plug-in mentioned in post 328 (by Adam).
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Hello, I am experiencing the same problems of blank menus and different glitches... (and unfortunately am unable to save my work!) but with Photoshop Elements 12... I have downloaded the plug-in mentioned in the discussion however have tried to launch it with the software open as I don't want to lose my work! Does this plug-in work with Elements? Do I have to close the program first?
Thank you in advance for you help!!!
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I am having this same problem about once a week. I am using WACOM tablet as well and will make sure it is updated.
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Install the workaround plugin, and hope Apple gets the OS bug fixed soon.
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Hi All,
Apple has released 10.9.3. That release contains a fix for the white window issue.
Note that the white window workaround plug-in includes an additional fix for an issue observed when using a stylus (for example with a Wacom device).
If you are using a stylus you may want to continue to use the plug-in. The plug-in works with 10.9.3.
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and thanks for letting us know
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This is really good news. Though I´ll stick with the plu-in until the lasso tool works....Lasso tool is an important tool.
Btw, is this polygon lasso and keyboard lag which the plug-in fixes an apple bug too? Is that something Apple is working on fixing?
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I'm getting this error on Windows 7, CC. The plugin posted obviously doesn't work for PC. Fully updated system and high-end GPU. I've tried re-installing multiple times now.
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This topic is about a bug in MacOS, that was worked around in Photoshop CC.
The plugin only works on MacOS because this is only a MacOS issue.
So you have a completely different issue, seeing as your problem is on Windows.
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Windows, no wacom and no right click menus here either.