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the whole message says " Could not save (file) because the file is locked, you do not have the necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the "Properties" command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
I have Windows 10 so have looked in the properties command of File Explorer and there is no way to unlock a file. I have also looked at the previous forums and have had no success. I was thinking Google Drive might have something to do with this.
I'm thinking the only thing to do is to uninstall PS and reinstall (which I don't know how to do). Unless anyone else has a bright idea.
Thanks a lot.
I found the answer on another thread. It was the anti virus causing the problem. I uninstalled Avast and now I can save. Problem solved.
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I was almost sure that shite was ruining things. Wasn't able to also save directly from camera raw with permission's issue. After that i wasn't able to save the files I've created. This fixed it. Thanks! Life saver!
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I overcome this type of problem by ctrl+alt+shift+s while we need to save and the file is save as a web in over determine location. And right click on the image and choose ms office photo viewer to open and print that image. This is the method who do not need to uninstall the avast free antivirus. Bye friends use this and also reply me if this method is useful for you by Remo
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This worked for me. I duplicated the file in Photoshop and saved the duplicate/s
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I don't have Avast on my computer. I have a windows 7 what do I do.
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please go to photoshop foot folder and chaneg photoshop.exe property , enable "Modify"
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Check your antivirus, even Windows Defender, and uncheck any options that deal with folder protection.
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found the solution to the issue, i simply switched off my avastavast anti viruse... Then i was able to save
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Thanks a lot - the same problem i had 🙂
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For me the problem turned out to be the Amazon Photos app that I have configured to automatically backup photos. Seems that as soon as it detects a new file it locks it and starts doing a backup. I use Lightroom and do the Photo> Edit In> Photoshop to create a TIF file. After the file is created, when I try to save edits I get the file locked error. Killing the app in task manager resolved the error. So this problem could probably be caused by other could backup apps.
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Go to the file on your drive and try to delete it. It should tell you what program has the file open. In my case, it was Carbonite backing up my system. I had already saved the file by a different name so was deleting the old original file. Getting this message was a, "well, duh!" moment although Carbonite runs in the background.
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I have been following all the different solutions in this thread but none of them worked for me.
I gave read &write full disk access in security and privacy, updated the app (v23.3), uninstalled the previous version and my software is Monterey 12.3.
Any leads on what else I can try? I am trying to save on my hard drive which always worked!
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save as different file name is all you have to do
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Open your avast
Click Protection>Quarantine>
then click the bubble Setting (Upper right)
the click the Search (Upper right)
type App. (from drop down click "Blocked and allowed app"
Look for Adobe Photoshop the click remove.
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It's Antivirus problem.
Mine is Avast, just go to General settings > Blocked & Allowed App > + ALLOW APP > Add Photoshop
Problem solve, you can try 🙂
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I had the same problem. I'm not running anti-virus on my Mac. I had to change permissions on the entire folder I was trying to save the file to. Changing permissions on just the file did not work. I changed everything to read and write for that folder and I can save now.
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I have this error since V25. Other apps as InDesign show it too and Lightroom just crashes since the new version.
One solution is compatibility mode to run them as administrator. Disadvantage is that I can't open the adobe apps within their cloud app anymore. Not sure why. Now I'm about to change compatibility mode on all apps as the error is showing up on more and more adobe apps.
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I was getting so stressed, trying all solutions online. And for me, it was as simple as my hard drive was full....
Usually Photoshop says "scratch disks are full" or something else. But nope, just not enough space.
So to those like me, just remember to make sure you have space on your computer or portable hard drive 🙂
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I found a answer to uninstall the avast may helpful, but there is another method. if you are using avast antivirus (other antivirus programs may or may not work like this)
1. Go to avast antivirus
2. Then go to Menu > Settings > Blocked and allowed applications.
3. In there, add the neccessary aplications (like adobe photoshop) to the allowed list.
This method helps me.