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I've only recently upgraded to CC and am finding using the Esc key to cancel text somewhat annoying.
On the first time I hit escape while editing text it gave me a choice to set esc as cancel or commit changes - being used to CS6 I want cancel. This seems to work fine, but it doesn't seem to remember what I chose between sessions, and sometimes will pop up multiple times per session.
Is there anything I can do to stop it popping up this alert?
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Go to the photoshop preferences under Type, uncheck Use ESC key to commit text and restart photoshop.
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Hi Jeff.
That option is already unchecked in preferences. It's not that pressing escape is not doing what I want, it's that Photoshop keeps asking me over and over for my choice, interrupting my workflow with unnecessary alert messages
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What operating system are you using?
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If in photoshop you go to Help>System Info what version of photoshop does the top line say?
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I'm running CC2018 19.1.5 on Windows 7 SP1
Adobe Photoshop Version: 19.1.5 20180604.r.346 2018/06/04: 1175273 x64
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See if resetting the photoshop preferences fixes it.
You'll still get the dialog the first time you use the esc key, but hopefully it will stick.
Go to Edit>Preferences>General, click Reset Preferences On Quit and restart photoshop.
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Thanks, I'll give it a go