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I'm trying to get working an old jsx script + applescript that split my main screen with the two frontmost Photoshop documents - it was very useful for comparing two documents.
This script worked with an old Photoshop CS6 but it gives an error on Photoshop 2025 when I try to retrieve my screen sizes.
I was using :
Do you know any Photoshop 2025 compatible equivalent?
1 Correct answer
Sorry, I forgot to answer your question. This is a part of my script and the results.
var myProp = 'screensSize';
var myString = 'Hello';
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
app.putCustomOptions(myProp, desc, false);
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize')); // --> [ActionDescriptor] : [count]'0' [typename]'ActionDescriptor'
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize').getString(0)); // --> ERROR 8500 : property doesn't exist
I'll try with your links.
By @frmorel
First, you use getString(),
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If I understand correctly, do you need this?
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Thank you for your answer.
Yes, this kind of display.
But better:
- I would like only the windows of the two frontmost documents to be modified
- I would also like the windows of any other documents not to be placed in tabs
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you could put a screenshot of what you would like.
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Did you »app.putCustomOptions(…« before trying to get them?
Otherwise there being nothing to retrieve seems logical.
Please post screenshots illustrating what you mean exactly.
If you (understandably for a Mac-user) don’t want tabs please disable them via the Preferences (»Open Documents as Tabs« and QEnable Floating Document Window Docking«).
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returns "error 1302" -> Nonexistent element
These are some screen captures:
1 - initial demo state (please note the order of the windows : car and cat are the two frontmost documents)
2 - what I want (what I had in CC6!) - dog document has not been affected, it is below the others
3 - what I have with Arrange > 2-up Vertical - note the tab (though open docs in tabs is not checked in the settings)
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3 - what I have with Arrange > 2-up Vertical - note the tab (though open docs in tabs is not checked in the settings)
But is »Enable Floating Document Window Docking« checked?
Edit: Never mind, apparently the Preferences settings are disregarded when invoking those arrangements.
Again: Did you putCustomOptions?
If not what would be there to retrieve?
I suspect you set this up when installing the Script/s originally on CS6 and you would have to do the same for 2025.
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I generally use txt-files to store data across runs of a Script but in this thread
I posted an example @Paul Riggott had originally posted (though I may have changed the code somewhat, I cannot locate the original thread) that shows how to use getCustomOptions and putCustomOptions to store and retrieve information.
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Sorry, I forgot to answer your question. This is a part of my script and the results.
var myProp = 'screensSize';
var myString = 'Hello';
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
app.putCustomOptions(myProp, desc, false);
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize')); // --> [ActionDescriptor] : [count]'0' [typename]'ActionDescriptor'
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize').getString(0)); // --> ERROR 8500 : property doesn't exist
I'll try with your links.
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Forgive the bluntness, but that code seems contradictory to me.
You define »desc« as a new ActionDescriptor, put it in custom options with the name »myProp«, then
• try to retrieve it by the name »screensize« and
• expect it to carry some specific information.
But … I seem to vaguely recall that custom options cannot be defined by simple names anymore but need to be identified by a UUID – a change that was implemented some time after CS6, I expect.
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You're right, there is a small mistake in my demo code.
But if I write :
app.putCustomOptions('screensSize', desc, false);
I have the same error. Maybe it's due to the UUID identifier... but what is an UUID? Where could I find some detailed informations about app.putCustomOptions()?
Anyhow, if it's too complicated, I think I can make a workaround for my problem with an Applescript.
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but what is an UUID?
By frmorel
You can Goolge or ask AI about UUID or GUID.
For Photoshop, they are most “commonly” used in scripts to provide a unique I.D. for a custom menu item, such as the <eventid></eventid> used in the <javascriptresource></javascriptresource> block in scripts such as Export Layers to Files. I have also used them when adding a layer that should have a "unique" name.
Here are a couple of script examples:
function generateGuid() {
// GUID generator
/* */
/* */
var result, i, j;
result = '';
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 20)
result = result + '-';
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16).toUpperCase();
result = result + i;
return result;
function uuid() {
/* */
var chars = '0123456789abcdef'.split('');
var uuid = [],
rnd = Math.random,
uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = '-';
uuid[14] = '4'; // version 4
for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
if (!uuid[i]) {
r = 0 | rnd() * 16;
uuid[i] = chars[(i == 19) ? (r & 0x3) | 0x8 : r & 0xf];
return uuid.join('');
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Thank you Stephen for your explanations.
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Sorry, I forgot to answer your question. This is a part of my script and the results.
var myProp = 'screensSize';
var myString = 'Hello';
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
app.putCustomOptions(myProp, desc, false);
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize')); // --> [ActionDescriptor] : [count]'0' [typename]'ActionDescriptor'
alert(app.getCustomOptions('screensSize').getString(0)); // --> ERROR 8500 : property doesn't exist
I'll try with your links.
By @frmorel
First, you use getString(), but I don't see putString().
Second, don't use 0 for the key(id) argument. more
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It works! Thank you very much for your help.
var myProp = 'screensSize';
var myString = 'Hello';
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putString(1, myString);
app.putCustomOptions(myProp, desc, false);
alert(app.getCustomOptions(myProp).getString(1)); // --> "Hello"
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I apologize, I was mistaken, the UUID-identification is apparently not necessary.