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I experience very slow save time (about 1 minute) since I upgraded to latest version of Ventura (13.1) and Photoshop (24). The file I'm saving is a simple photo, with couple layers. Sometimes there is progression in percentage, but most of the time it's simply stuck at 99% for the whole save operation duration. I have a MacBook Pro M1 Max. I even tried reinstalling MacOS from scratch and it doesn't work... Photoshop was reinstalled without any user preference: everything is factory settings. I tried reverting to Photoshop 23, and it doesn't work...
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Try logging into another user account (you may need to make one), still slow?
Try starting up in Safe mode (hold down Shift Key when booting), still slow?
You might want to try running a free utility like Onyx: still slow?
Also view:
From Adobe:
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I tried another user, it's still slow. Also tried on Safe mode, without success... Again, I tried a fresh install and it's still slow.
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You could try running the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to remove all traces of the Adobe software before reinstalling it (yet again):
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Have you checked your Apple System preference/Security and Privacy to make sure PS is in the Full Disk Access list and activated (checked)?
Where are you saving to? If external is it formatted properly for Mac OS? Ventura gets wiggy with Windows/Ex-Fat formatting.
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Did you try this
Go to Preferences > Technology Previews... and check "Disable Native Canvas" - then restart Photoshop. Does the problem still occur?
If it doesn't work, go to Preferences > Performance and uncheck Use Graphics Processor.
maybe this can help
here are the problems that can be with Ventura
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Thanks for all replies. I'm saving the file locally, right in "Documents" folder. Nothing fancy. I did try to disable Native Canvas, without success. I didn't try the CC Cleaner tool, but I can't imagine how a OSX reinstall wouldn't do the same... nothing survives an OS reinstall. I simply just formatted the whole computer, installed CC & Photoshop and did the save test: still slow.
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An OS reinstall will do a lot more, at least a clean install. Did you then use migration assistant?
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@MarieCouleur Did you confirm your Apple System Preferences? That has been the noted resolution in other similar posts.
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@TheDigitalDog Didn't use the migration assistant. I really wanted to have clean state... 😞
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I'm on an M1 with the current release of Photoshop, but I am still on Monterey - there have been so many issues with Ventura I've stayed back to avoid them. Not just with Adobe products either, Microsoft and others too.
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Hi Marie - just to be clear, that Apple System Prefs setting needs to be on not "tried" or you will have issues. Just wanted to make sure you left it on if it wasnt before.
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Good but so odd. I'm on an M1, no issues. Can you try an external drive?
Edit; super important to have those privacy setting invoked.
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Do you have a scratch disk installed? I always had that same problem, especially with pdfs, until I got a dedicated scratch disk. I use a Samsung SSD now, but previously I used a WD HDD, and either way, it makes a huge difference when saving files.