F keys no longer work as shortcuts?
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I used to have F1 as shortcut to image processor . just tried to add that but wont add it, No longer possible? thanks.
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First, do you see F1 assigned as below and second, do you get a similar warning that it might be assigned to another shortcut?
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Thanks Dog, for F1 don't get anything, cursor wont even go in.
However for some other F keys get warning that is already in use.
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larry45 wrote:
F keys no longer work as shortcuts?
A second thing to check is if your Function keys are set to be standard function keys or brightness, contrast, sound, etc.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
then select “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”.
To toggle to the "other" set hold down the fn key and tap the function key.
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Thanks Jane, well that use F1 was unchecked, so I checked it, (after replying to Digital Dog) and this came up; but I have no recollection of ever setting it up in PS for anything other than image processor, don't even know what that mean, edit, edit, undo/ redo. Also what is the forum to ask if email notifaction is working thanks!
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larry45 wrote:
…don't even know what that mean, edit, edit, undo/ redo.
It means F1 is already set up as a shortcut for the Toggle Last State command that toggles between Undo and Redo (see picture below). Now, it’s totally OK if you accept re-assigning the F1 shortcut to Image Processor, because if you weren’t using F1 for the undo/redo toggle, you won’t miss it being removed there. You can see that if F1 is removed from Toggle Last State, that command will still have its alternate Option-Command-Z shortcut (a command can have multiple keyboard shortcuts assigned to it). So if using F1 for Image Processor would be better for you, go ahead and reassign it.
This configuration is part of the Photoshop Defaults keyboard shortcut set, as you can see near the top right corner of the picture. That means Photoshop shortcuts have been set this way “out of the box” for a while.
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