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find object method in the official adobe API

Explorer ,
Sep 17, 2016 Sep 17, 2016

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i see i nthe forum some link to ps-scripts Homepage  so i think the adobe forum is not the only efficient way to find information.

I need to have acces to all the color in the swatche to retrieve the name and color value for export .

I read in the internet a javascript file with this  code

...  var doc = app.documents;



Then i go to the Adobe library page  here and i open  Photoshop cs6 javascript ref.pdf

In chapters

-Javascript Objetc Reference

---Document  ( Documents is a collection of open Document objects)



And i don't see the term swatches in the pdf neither in the sub chapter ( see below) !!

Does it mean it is not available in the CS6 version of photoshop ?

I really thing it is really a shame that the object Model of photoshop CS6 is not available to script when see

young Gis manifold Software that support outstanding Object documention and GPU .

Now i need to export "aco" and parse the file to convert it to new formated contents ......really cumbersome !!!


Actions and scripting






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Advisor ,
Sep 17, 2016 Sep 17, 2016

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i see i nthe forum some link to ps-scripts Homepage  so i think the adobe forum is not the only efficient way to find information.

That site is a PS/JS (retired) developer (me) who hosts xtools, CSX, and Image Processor Pro there.  A better link to work with is https://sourceforge.net/projects/ps-scripts/  then go to Files to get the downloads.

I read in the internet a javascript file with this  code

...  var doc = app.documents;



That code was for InDesign JS. PS/JS Document does not have a swatches property in any version of PS. xtools/xlib/ColorSwatches.jsx has code for reading and writing ACO files in PS/JS and fiddling with swatches. All of the bits that you need should be there.





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