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Galaxy S7 and S8 mockup templates

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Aug 21, 2020 Aug 21, 2020

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elvisk 99891586 The thread we were use dealing with your mockup seems to be busted.


The thread I started yesterday was slammed to the old thread and now has vanished from the Photoshop form.


Lets try again:


I had look at your mockup templates they basically had two problems. So I create three that should work and posted a link them. However, the post to them did not get posted in that thread. The thread is busted??? And the thread I started yesterday has vanished.


Your Phones Mockup Templates have two different aspect ratios and your smart objects design has a third aspect ratio.


The Smart Layers that shows the content of the smart object design on your Phone Cases have linked Layer Mask. They should not be linked. You want to be able to scale the smart object for the size and position of the case in your mockup. You want to mask the scaled object for the Shape of the case and the cut-outs in the case.

Your S7 phone has a 0.493 aspect ratio. Your S8 and S8+ case have a 0.467 aspect ratio which is close to the S7 aspect ratio. Your Smart Object design has a 0.588 aspect ration. A wide aspect ration like that content will not scale well for your cases aspect ration its content would need to be cropped.


When you use my script with the wrong aspect ration replacement content and use its edit option to fit the content to the smarts object my script will scale the replacement to fill the smarts object area either the height or width will be the correct size. The smart object canvas size will clip off any excess image. The replacement will be like a centred aspect ration image crop. The Mockup template should have an aspect ratio that is good for the case with a proper aspect ration for the case. Only replacement images with the same aspect of the Smart Object will be perfectly fitted to you cases. Other aspect ratio designs will be like centred aspect ration crops.


So I creates a smart object that is larger than the S7 case that has the same Aspect ratios as your S7 case. I scaled the smart object layer for the S7 Case size and position it in the mockup template. I then added your layer mask not linked to the smart object content. The mask is for the case which is in many layers that need the be in same alignment. Changing the layer's transform to tweak the design content would mess up the layers alignment and size if the layer mask was linked. I use the same smart objevt in the three mockups. I squeezed in the design a little in the S8 abd S8+ template girls will be a little thinner. Not a bad thing...


I then through some random portraits replacement images at the mockups in general the cases mockup look good however some of the wider portraits virtual centred corps composition is not very acceptable. Design for your cases need to have a narrow aspect ratio.











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Sorry, I am new to scripting and having issues with the accepted solution for the OP.


When I run the script, it keeps bringing up a warning saying the smart layer is not on top (I am assuming in the layer panel)? 

However, I cannot have it at the top as there are effects layers that I need to keep.


What the layers are like for my filesWhat the layers are like for my files










I ended up finding this on Github;


#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var theName = myDocument.name.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
var thePath = myDocument.path;
var theLayer = myDocument.activeLayer;
// JPG Options;
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 8;
// Check if layer is SmartObject;
if (theLayer.kind != "LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT") {
alert("selected layer is not a smart object")
} else {
// Select Files;
if ($.os.search(/windows/i) != -1) {
var theFiles = File.openDialog("please select files", "*.psd;*.tif;*.jpg", true)
} else {
var theFiles = File.openDialog("please select files", getFiles, true)
if (theFiles) {
for (var m = 0; m < theFiles.length; m++) {
// Replace SmartObject
theLayer = replaceContents(theFiles[m], theLayer);
var theNewName = theFiles[m].name.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
// Save JPG
myDocument.saveAs((new File(thePath + "/" + theName + "_" + theNewName + ".jpg")), jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);
// Get PSDs, TIFs and JPGs from files
function getFiles(theFile) {
if (theFile.name.match(/\.(psd|tif|jpg)$/i) != null || theFile.constructor.name == "Folder") {
return true
// Replace SmartObject Contents
function replaceContents(newFile, theSO) {
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theSO;
// =======================================================
var idplacedLayerReplaceContents = stringIDToTypeID("placedLayerReplaceContents");
var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID("null");
desc3.putPath(idnull, new File(newFile));
var idPgNm = charIDToTypeID("PgNm");
desc3.putInteger(idPgNm, 1);
executeAction(idplacedLayerReplaceContents, desc3, DialogModes.NO);
return app.activeDocument.activeLayer


It seems to do the job but I have two aspects that I would like to improve for it to really work as I would like;


1- How to make it so that it automatically selects the smart layer? Currently, the smart layer has to be pre-selected.

2- How can I automate it to place the image in the smart layer across all open files? Right now it only does one file so I have to keep switching and running the script. I then created an action for this so it goes to the next open file after it is done but I still have to select the file to place in the smart layer manually through a pop-up.


Thank you! 





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Jul 29, 2020 Jul 29, 2020

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But you can have the smart object that need to be replaces on the top of the layer stack.  That should not be a problem. The smart object layer on the top of the layer stack do not have to be visible in the templates composition.  Smart Object Layer that share the objects in the top level smart objects can use(display)  the object in the templates composition.  For example here is a Car Seat mockup template. It has two top level smart object layers. The Driver Seat and the passenger seat covers.  They are not visible.  In the Mockup Group there are four smart object layers that share the seat objects at the top of the stack two share the driver seat two the passenger seat. They display the seat backs and the and the seat bottoms  in the composition.  The issue is you did not know how to make  your mock up compatible with the script.  You lack some knowledge about Photoshop. We all share this issue no one knows everything that can be done with Photoshop. We only learn what we need to use.... over time as we use Photoshop.image.png






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That mockup is great. What do I need to do for you to get a copy of it? 





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Jul 31, 2020 Jul 31, 2020

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So you asked the following short answer is the script does it all, but you need to set thing up correctly.

1- How to make it so that it automatically selects the smart layer? Currently, the smart layer has to be pre-selected.

2- How can I automate it to place the image in the smart layer across all open files? Right now it only does one file so I have to keep switching and running the script. I then created an action for this so it goes to the next open file after it is done but I still have to select the file to place in the smart layer manually through a pop-up.


  1. You put copies of the smart object layer you want populated on top of the layer stack.  The batch script design is to populate automatically the top smart object layers.
  2. With my Batch mockup script  no template psd need be open.   If you have a batch of templates that all need to be populated with the same content.  You would store these templates in a folder and in the Script dialog you would select that folder of templates for the script  to populate.
  3. You need a collection of replacement object images.
  4. You need a destination folder for ths script to store the output Jpeg files. Optionally Populated layered psd can also be save as will.
  5. In the Collection of replacement object folder there need to need to be a sub folders that contain the replacement object for each of the smart object layers that will have their contents replaced.  These sub folders Names are required to be obj0, obj1, ... objN.  obj0 contain the replacement image for the very top smart object layer.  Then obj1 the replacement objects for the next smart object late down in the layer  stack and so on. 


The script well replace All the Smart layers contents using  Layer>Smart Object>Replace Content or Edit Content.   The default operation is to use Replace Content which require you to have the correct size objects in the replacement collection sub folders.   The Script has a Edit option if checked the script will edit the replacement into the object.  There are additional edition the select how the replacement should be fitted into The object.






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 03, 2020 Aug 03, 2020

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Hi @JJMack, 


Sorry for the delay, I was traveling and could not get back to you.


With some trial and error here, I managed to get my files to work with the script as you mentioned and now I am getting the results I was looking for!!


Thank you so much for your help as well as your scripts, it is all very much appreciated! 🙂





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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Hi @JJMack,


I just switched to a Windows PC from Mac and did all steps as supposed to but the script seems to not run on Windows...


I get to the stage of selecting folders for Mockups Templates, Objects and Output, when I click create, nothing runs, it just closes the folder selection window. All steps and folders are exactly as they were on my Mac so I'm not sure where I am going wrong?


Thank you





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Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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You need to complete the top of the dialog template, replacement, ouput, folders then click the create button in the bottom of the dialog. I use Windows the Script should also work on a Mac. Welcom to Windows.


Did my script give you any massage.  It should have stated how lonng  ran  and the number of mockup it crated or it coul mof find something.








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Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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Thanks, yes, Windows is much more robust for multiple tasks I just couldn't easily get done on Mac 🙂


When you say Complete the top of the dialog template, do you mean to assign the correct folder paths? If so, this is already done. Each input has the correct folder path and when I click Create, nothing runs/happens...


Maybe it could be something with PS so I may try a reinstall.





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Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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If my script dialog is filed with wrong data I would think it would display error messages for you.








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Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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scrn.jpgNo error(s) shows up..the window just closes once I click Create then nothing happens





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Aug 17, 2020 Aug 17, 2020

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From reading the settings in that dialog you posted


It look like you may not have installed my toolkit correctly.  I forgot to add the mockup scripts  into the readme file. I did not think I needed too.  I'll do that soon. Still If the script could display its dialog and you could select folders. I think the script should put out some  message if it could not find a template or smart object layer or replacement folders or files. any error it may catch catch should have generated some message. Did you see any document tab or image window open?. After checking settings folders and files exist the first thing the script dos is open a template.  Can you post your mockup template psd file.


If the batch job was large nothing may happen for a long time if Replace content is being used  It will look like Photoshop is hung till all the mockups have been save.  Did  you have to terminate Photoshop did it look hung?




Place the .jxs files in Photoshop Presets\Scripts Folder
Drop the .atn files and .asl files onto Photoshop to load the actions and Layer styles
Unzip CollageTemplates.zip into "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Templates" or any folder you want to keep your collage templates in.
You will see the scripts listed in Photoshop menu File>Scripts>script name

Files in zip

 1.) ReadMe.txt

 2.) JJmack's Photo Collage Toolkit Scripts.atn
 3.) SnowGlobe.atn

 4.) Photo Collage Styles.asl
 5.) Photo Collage Text Styles.asl

 6.) CollageTemplates.zip

 7.) HelpPhotoCollageToolkit.jsx
 8.) LayerToAlphaChan.jsx
 9.) CollageTemplateBuilder.jsx
10.) TestCollageTemplate.jsx
11.) InteractivePopulateCollage.jsx
12.) PopulateCollageTemplate.jsx
13.) BatchOneImageCollage.jsx
14.) BatchMultiImageCollage.jsx
15.) ReplaceCollageImage.jsx
16.) ChangeTextSize.jsx
17.) PasteImageRoll.jsx
18.) BatchPicturePackage.jsx
19.) BatchPicturePackageNoRotate.jsx
20.) PopulatePicturePackage.jsx
21.) PCTpreferences.jsx






 add the four mockup script to the script list





22.) BatchMockupTemplates.jsx
23.) BatchUpdateSmartObject.jsx
24.) BatchReplaceOneObject.jsx
25.) PopulateAlbumPageMockups.jsx










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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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I have been trying nearly all day to get this to work but for some reason still not. The other scripts seem to execute without any problems, it is only the Batch Mockup Templates that does not.


The mockup files are the same as they were on my Mac and when I try the exact same process there, it runs without any issues. They also work with other scripts as mentioned. Here is the link to 3 of the mockup files as well as a screen recording of the process; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KJfLNi8uouXZRDWOtkTh-rYwYPXBqHTJ?usp=sharing


I even updated to the latest version of PS but still doesn't seem to work out. I am not sure why the other batch scripts run but just not this one.








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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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I miss the link to your templates. basically the templates have two problems, The Smart object Aspect ration is not appropriate for your  Phone cases. You have  three phone cases with two different aspect ration.  The second problem you did not transform the smart object  layer for the cases you just masked it and the mask is link it should not be so you can transforms the smart object layer for the case and mask  it for the case cutouts and shape.


The aspect ration you have are .493 and .467 they aer not that far apart. So I created the Object with an .493 aspect ratio for the S7.  So when the object is transform fro the ,467 cases the image will be distorted a little inward the Girls will look a little thinner.


Try these PhoneTemplates.zip






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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Try these PhoneTemplates.zip 






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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Ok, I managed to get something working because I have received errors after clicking Create. 
Dialog SettingsDialog Settings1st Error Message1st Error Message2nd Error Message2nd Error Message




Results in Output FolderResults in Output Folder






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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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To add, the name of the output file (apart from the first two characters "._") is not from the current file in the Replacement folder. It is actually the name of a file that had worked previously on my Mac (I just transferred the folders to my Windows PC). 


To try again, I deleted all scripts, downloaded them again, used fresh PSD files, and new dialog folders but the errors come up and it somehow saves output files with that old file name...





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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Thanks for your replies. 


It is strange because I just tried the same exact files on my Mac and the script worked perfectly. I then downloaded the original PSD files, set them up according to the 4 rules, tried running it on my Windows PC, and still came up with the errors...


Here is the link to the mockup template; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KJfLNi8uouXZRDWOtkTh-rYwYPXBqHTJ?usp=sharing


Many thanks





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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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This message


Indicated you are using the script edit option to edit wrong size replacements into the existing smart Object.  Unfortunately your Mockup template is not compatible with this option your ArtLayer Case Design object is not a Photoshop object it is an ACR or AI object  the script can not edit ACR and AI object.  It in the documentation. 


You either need to have the correct size replacement and have the Script use it default operation mode Replace Content to populate the Template  or updated  your mockup template. Re-create the Mockup template's  smart object layer ArtLayer Case Design  using a Photoshop object.  All smart object layer that share that ArtLayer Case Design object also need to be replaced   using duplicates of the re-created ArtLayer Case Design smart object layer and then positioned in the layer stack for how it was used transform and distorted for the mockup composite.  Simple Mock Rule #2


Simple Mockup Templates

Four Rules

  1. Simple Mockup Templates Only the Smart Object Layer on the top of the Template layers stack will be updated then a Jpeg file saved.
  2. Only Photoshop Objects are support in the top smart objects layers. That is they can not be Object File that are not supported by Photoshop like Camera RAW Files or Illustrator file like .ai, .svg.
    I suggest these objects should be PSD or PSB the Photoshop creates. Avoid using PNG objects in Mockup template use replace content to replace .png objects with a .psd which has your png's content.
  3. The first None Smart Object Layer near the top of the layer stack Marks the end of Smart Object Layers the will be updated. Lower Smart Object Layers only update if they share top layers objects.
  4. The Replacement Image Collection need to be in sub folders named obj0, obj1, obj2, .... objN. Each folder must contains the same number of replacement Image files.




Upload your mockup template and post a link to it.







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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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The reason the the script can not edit Photoshop object is quit simple.  If the script were to open a none Photoshop object the Work File created by Photoshop to work on the object would open in ACR  or Illustrator  the script can not automate ACR or Illustrator operation to change the object content.






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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Thanks for your replies.


I had a look and tried to use the original source files and made sure they are within the 4 rules but still got the errors.


When I ran the script with same files on my Mac, it ran without any errors and I got the results correctly in the Output folder.


Did you manage to try with the files in the Google Drive link above? If you could please have a look to see, maybe it runs fine for you then I can consider what else to try.


Many thanks





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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Thanks for your replies. 


It is strange because I just tried the same exact files on my Mac and the script worked perfectly. I then downloaded the original PSD files, set them up according to the 4 rules, tried running it on my Windows PC, and still came up with the errors...


Could you please have a look at the PSD files in the Google Drive link I posted earlier? Maybe there is something you can point out in the file because on Mac it runs the script fine...


Many thanks





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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Try thess PhoneTemplates.zip 






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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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I tried to post some updated template for your Phone. The problem you  had were your smart object has the poor aspect ration for you Phones.  Then the Smart Object layer in the mockup for the actual case had a linked layer mask it should not have been linked. The Smart Object layer content should have  been Transform for the case Aspect ratio and positioned over the case and then mask for the case shape and cutouts, the S7 has a wider Aspect ratio. So I created the object Aspect ratio for the s7 so image will be squashed in a bit on the other two phone not badly girls will be a little thinner.






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