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Grid set to 1 px is actually smaller

Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2018 Jan 20, 2018

Hello guys,

recently I wanted to do some pixel art, yet i encountered something weird in the latest version. When i set grid lines to be every 1 px

the grid was actually smaller. Grid doesn't match neither guides set to be exactly 1 px, nor marquee tool or the default Photoshop pixel grid which are
obviously showing pixels perfectly.

Doesn't make sense to me and couldn't find way to fix this issue so far, any ideas (restarting / new project didn't help) ?

Thank you for any clue!

pixel grid.jpg

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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jan 20, 2018 Jan 20, 2018

I do not see that on my Windows 10 system with CC 2018. Are you using any kind of scalling on you system. I aslo set snap vector, text and transform toools snap to pixel grid.  I also notice from scripting Photoshop Photoshop will use sub pixel points.  For If I use the Color sampler tool set to 1 pixel and select the top left pixel color with snap to set Potoshop set its  x and y offset to .5x, .5y.... Have you ant third party plug-ins installed in Photoshop? When you zoon in above 500% where P

Community Beginner , Jan 21, 2018 Jan 21, 2018

Thank you for your help, something really weird happened. I opened new document trying your settings without any result at first, however after I tried different sizes of both document and grid, the grid aligned itself to pixels after i set it to 4 pixels and 4 subdivisions in 12 x 12 12 dpi, making grid line every 4 and subdivision line every 1 px, separating every single pixel with one or another line. After that I set it back to 1 px and 1 subdivision and it was fixed making no more problems.

Community Expert ,
Jan 20, 2018 Jan 20, 2018

I do not see that on my Windows 10 system with CC 2018. Are you using any kind of scalling on you system. I aslo set snap vector, text and transform toools snap to pixel grid.  I also notice from scripting Photoshop Photoshop will use sub pixel points.  For If I use the Color sampler tool set to 1 pixel and select the top left pixel color with snap to set Potoshop set its  x and y offset to .5x, .5y.... Have you ant third party plug-ins installed in Photoshop? When you zoon in above 500% where Phoshop shows it pixel grid is that off you rulers also


I use a Gray background because Photoshop Pixel grid it shows when you zoom in above 500% doe not show on white.  I wanted to test if the grid and the grid you set align.  So I create  a 144px x 144px at 12dpi document and set the grid to light blue 1" 4 subdivisions.  So that would be a grid ever 4px and on 12px boundaries they would be darker. At 500% zoom the pixel grid is not displayed and above 500% it is the two grids align. Layers and objects do not always align to the canvas pixel grid.  Snap to can help there


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Community Beginner ,
Jan 21, 2018 Jan 21, 2018

Thank you for your help, something really weird happened. I opened new document trying your settings without any result at first, however after I tried different sizes of both document and grid, the grid aligned itself to pixels after i set it to 4 pixels and 4 subdivisions in 12 x 12 12 dpi, making grid line every 4 and subdivision line every 1 px, separating every single pixel with one or another line. After that I set it back to 1 px and 1 subdivision and it was fixed making no more problems. Vector tools snapping was set all along, also i had no special scaling and all 3rd party plugins were turned off / uninstalled. Most probably only some bug that can be fixed by resetting grid settings to separate pixels exactly.

Thank you for your time and effort!

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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2020 Aug 10, 2020

2 years later i had the same issue, setting the grid to 4 pixels wide then going back into it and setting it to 1 pixel wide again gave it the kick in the guts it needed to do what it was supposed to. bit of a bug Adobe!

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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2020 Dec 25, 2020

Same for me, couldn't figure out what was wrong but I did the 4, 4 then 1, 1 and it fixed it.

Thank you!

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New Here ,
May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021

Still the same in 2021 😛

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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2024 Jun 14, 2024

Same in 2024 🙂

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