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Help: Images missing pieces/ Previews incomplete

Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2019 Dec 08, 2019

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Hi, appologies if this is covered elseware - would realy appreciate any info here.

Since upgrading to Catalina and installing new LR and PS Classic, I'm getting really strange redraws with pieces of the image missing.

Especially when I'm using a large brush to dodge and burn.

When I save the file, the preview can be missing 1 - several blocks of data; Either black boxes, or boxes of lighter or darker areas.

Sometimes I can open the image, turn a layer off/on and resave and all will be ok. Other times, I just get different block problems.

Also, it seems images are taking about 2x as long to save - 2-3 minutes for a 2.5G ps file of between 6-10 layers.

Is this a problem with PS, with my memory or graphics card?

I'm running:

2017 iMac 21" 3.4Ghz quad i5 32G Ram 1TB ssd

Thanks much!

Catalina 10.15.1

PS classic 21.0.1

Thanks so much for any help!




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Dec 08, 2019 Dec 08, 2019

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black boxes are a hardware rendor fail i.e, the Cpu gave up and just paints the area black

lighter or darker areas = software doesn't match what the data flow is saying i.e, there is info but its wrong


blank areas = normally ram [sometimes cpu] have dropped out during the rendor... it can be caused by hardware or software [or both]

blank spaceblank space



without images it will be hard to help you




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2019 Dec 08, 2019

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Thanks, that helps a lot. I'll post pics tomorrow but it sounds like it's my mac. 😞 Aaarg...




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2019 Dec 08, 2019

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Thank you Ussnorway,

here are some screenshots...

I can also get similar things while working on an image - but mostly upon saving. As I'm painting a mask, it's as if the screen refresh rate is too slow and the computer cannot keep up with me. So I'll get these strange blocks that eventually clear. But on saving, some come back...

Screenshot 2019-12-08 at 21.58.28.pngScreenshot 2019-12-09 at 07.15.30.pngScreenshot 2019-12-09 at 07.15.23.png




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Dec 09, 2019 Dec 09, 2019

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so your basic workflow is camera takes image [of your model], then open that in Lightroom {adjust with the photo raw filter} then send to Photoshop for more edits and finally back into Lightroom i.e, Raw to Psd to Tif?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 09, 2019 Dec 09, 2019

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Thank you again Ussnorway - really great that you are taking an interest in this!

Yes. Raw -> LR, basic adjustments, no spotting or complex edits then open in PS as either psd or tiff (if I know it will go over 2G) then back to Lr.

fyi, issue persists with gpu on or off...


Issue is more prevelent in images with Apply Image layers - especially layers with masks. 

Issue increases when I have mulitple images open and do save/close on one while continuing to work on others. 

Yesterday, this happened:

3 images open side by side so they will share same corrections.

After finishing the first image, I clicked save and close so the image would close after finishing its save.

In the middle of working on the second image, exactly when the first image closed, the Apply layer "hickuped" and did this (images attached) was only that layer/mask.

After redoing the mask, I saved and closed that image to work on the third. Although not seen in PS, when saved, the file again had a box.

The third image saved without issue except, no layers after the Apply layer were shown in the preview. (preview dark as if Apply image was last thing I did and no mask)

The basic preview in finder frequently looks ok, however when I open that image in Preview (mac) I then see the blocks.

Here is the best example yet of what is happening

Second image in lr - no prob seen in ps.pngHow it saved to LR (after redoing mask).pngOverview of layers.pngMask.pngAs seen in PS.png




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Dec 12, 2019 Dec 12, 2019

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I think this is workflow more than bug... a rendor error example of black boxes

rendor errorrendor error

yes your poor Mac is having issues but so would my Ryzen... just not as bad.


ok understand that when you send a file from Lightroom to Photoshop that you still have the file open in Lightroom whilst it is being edited and yes the [save] is when it opens fully backup in Lightroom i.e, having X images linked at once like you describe will push your Mac too hard

1, open edit and save back to Lightroom , 1 image at a time... understand that the raw filter in Lightroom takes a big bite out of your system resources and the save step i.e, Photoshop sends the tif image back to Lightroom will always look different

2, Lightroom will ask you if you want to make a copy of the image first before sending it to Photoshop for edits... say Yes... then make 1 change at a time, i.e, add one hue adjustment layer, [save], make a new copy of the image in Lightroom and send that to Photoshop for the next adjustment until you have the image you are happy with


doing a workflow of small adjustments [with saves] IS less stress on your poor Mac but its also gives accurate results because the rendor engine has less guesswork


p.s, I love how you use the shadow to frame your model in the spotlights... you have a good eye




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 12, 2019 Dec 12, 2019

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Thank you for the compliments and the continued help. 

Honestly though, I cannot buy this work-around. I need to shorten/minimize my workflow, not make it longer. My computer should be strong enough to handle what I'm doing, and if not, more professionals would also be struggling.

This issue does not occure on my 13" 2012 mbp, and it did not occure prior to Catalina and the new LR/PS.

Please remember that it only happens with...

opening or saving multiple images

images with an Apply Image layer and mask

additional adjustment layers and masks above the Apply Image layer.

or a combination.

It is only associated with the mask of the Apply Image.

Prior to Cat and 202, no issues whatsoever! 

Thanks again! 




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 18, 2019 Dec 18, 2019

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Magically, after the last updates from both Apple and Adobe, seems all is ok again. Crossing my fingers it remains so!




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