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I've been stuck in this for a while and have searched the internet for the solution. I have seen a few solutions but none of them have really helped me.
So here's my problem:
Our client provides me the content of his project for design in hindi (He used google translater to type / Google Inputs)
So suppose this is my word I want on photoshop->
I open the text box and paste this word there, and PS automatically selects the hindi font and everything. but the word pasted is like this->
However if I right-click on the word: & see in layers panel, It shows the word that I originally pasted but for some reason it can't show that!
But If now I select that word from Photoshop & copied it and paste it on internet(e.g. Facebook ), It gives me the way I want! (Means proper text).
That means that photoshop is understanding the word but can't show it the way i want.
Please give me the solution for it.
Thanks a lot in advance...
1 Correct answer
Don't know what solutions have you tried. But, if you do Preferences>Type>Middle Eastern and South Asian and then from the top menu Type>Language Options>Middle Eastern Features and start a new document you should get:
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Don't know what solutions have you tried. But, if you do Preferences>Type>Middle Eastern and South Asian and then from the top menu Type>Language Options>Middle Eastern Features and start a new document you should get:
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I am so glad that people like you still exists! Thanks a lot for your help on this. You are a savior!!
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Tried this. Still not working for me.
Please help...its urgent.
Thank you
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The option you showed is not displayed in my installed version of CS5, please refer to the Screen-shot and provide the guidance here.
Language type option in Photoshop
Thank You in Advance!
Atul A.
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I am using Photoshop Elements 2020 and is facing the same issue as yours. There is only option "Show Asian Text Options" which is unchecked. I tried to check it then tried typing in Hindi. No progress.
If anybody out there have a solution, please write and help.
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refer this link of Adobe, they have explained everything about languages.
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langauages > Middle Eastern Features is not enable.
Screen shot attached.
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hindi typing is not happening in photoshop even hindi font selected. selected middle eastern in typing preferences too. After typing its showing english only
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Thank you Man, it Worked like a Charm, You are genius life saver thank you so much
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My shift is not working while typing shree dev font in photoshop cc 2019 so i cant use such types of keys which imp in marathi
And also cant use gylipse in photoshop cc 2019 when double click on the key it deosnt get a proper word i get another key on screen
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Hi Ajit,
can you please help me. how can I use Hindi font in photoshop? I am not able to use Hindi fonts in my Photoshop. I want to use my Hindi font in some images to put on my website. Please answer me ASAP.
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Watch this and Solve your issue --
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This really works ...Thank you
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Thanks a lot... works for me!!!