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My bag was stolen by this guy and i couldnt seem to find anyway to clear the liscence plates of this car. Please anyone that can help with it
Hi Joan and all,
This kind of request(s) is not something we would normally help with here, but instead it would be best to recommend working with local law enforcement officials.
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Sorry , but there is nothing to deblur.
Unlike the impression given by fictional TV programmes, to recover image information from an image, there has to be sufficient data to recover. If that is the only image you have then we cannot help.
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Hello Dave. Its not an image its a recorded video from a security camera. I have the video and i tried to get clear images from it and send ot here. Though, can i attach the video here or send it to you amd see if you can recover any number or letter from the liscence plate?
thank You
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Do you have the original image? anything bigger?
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No unfortunately its not an image its a video. I tried capturing screenshots from it. Tho can I send you rhe original video and u try to work out someth from it ?
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Yes, please send me the video
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Eugenio.NYCdavescmDaveJCummings The video doesn't want to get attached here, so can you please send me your emails and i will send it over there,please?
t and Thank you
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Upload your video to a large-file-hosting-site like or or and post a public share link to it in a reply, here.
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yeah sure, i will try adding it there
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Heres the link for the dropbox video
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or if you cant extract the plates numbers or letters, Try grtting the face maybe?
this is how the liscence plate looks like here.
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Hi, the video is a too low resolution, there are a few frames that I can see information and I tried to increase the sharpness but is not good
I am sending you a new version of the video with better resolution
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I downloaded the video and opened in Premiere Pro to be able to pick out the best frames, and I'd say you did well even to get the result you did. I despair at what appears to be the abominable quality of CCTV in the world today. There is so many excellent quality cameras available for totally affordable prices nowadays, and yet people stay with outdated systems that are effectively useless. What gives?
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Some paid good money to have a contractor put in the system and balk at the idea of paying to replace something that isn't broken in their estimation.
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This is my email
[Email removed at request of poster]
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Eugenio.NYC wrote
This is my email
[email removed at request of poster]
The mods tend to remove email addresses from posts, but you obviously posted it with intent, so it's up to you as far as I am concerned. But another time, don't forget that you can send private information via a PM (Private Message). I guess the clue is in the name.
BTW We get a lot of 'can you deblur this tiny image' posts, and I can't remember a single time when we got a good result, so good luck.
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oh! so sorry, just trying to help, how I can delete that email?
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Eugenio.NYC wrote
oh! so sorry, just trying to help, how I can delete that email?
I've removed it for you
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Eugenio.NYC wrote
oh! so sorry, just trying to help, how I can delete that email?
If you get hold of the video and its quality is half decent, please post a before and after to this thread for reference. Like I said, these requests don't tend to work out well, but you never know.
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Trevor, I was told by Adobe Staff not to accept these requests - just say no not our job. We might get into all kinds of legal problems if we do. So send the customer to their own law enforcement offices. If anyone can do it legally they can. Regards, JH
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There's no way to unblur this. The best option I could think of is if it is a video, if there's any frames that have a fragment of a letter visible as a reference point, someone might be able to reconstruct part of the plate number. It won't be entirely accurate, however, it might provide you enough information to move forward
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Yes all I need is a fragment of the plate. That can lead me to anything to catch this guy. I will attach the video right now. And lets see what happens
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This car hit me and ran away...I couldn't get a clear picture... is it possible at all to decipher any of the numbers on the license plate? If not, is there any resource /program i can use or purchase that you know of?
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kristien123 you've uploaded the image at such a small size, there would be zero chance of reading the plate even if everything was perfect. This shows the plate with the pixel grid turned on, so we can see the entire plate is just 2.5 pixels high.
You need to provide the original full res frame to have any chance at all. Do you know how to do that?
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I'm not sure if that means downloading the picture in a larger size? I just downloaded the photos in their original size from my phone- maybe that will help? Sorry if the pictures are super large!