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I have tried to look this up to no avail. What i am trying to do is make a template of a certain PSD file i have so when i drop a picture into it, the picture snaps to the frame. For example; the picture below is the file i want to make a template that when i drop the new picture (I have around 300 of them) they automatically rezize, distort to fit the sideway canvas.
One example of another picture i want to drop so it replaces the purple version is this:
Any help or suggestions that are close to what i am trying to achieve will be greatly appreciated. I want to make it that i can save time and labor since i have so many pictures to do.
Thank you
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I have seen that but the frame wont let me distort it to make it slanted like the way the canvas is on the first picture.
Thank you
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I would not use Adoeb's Photoshop Frame tool to make the template. I would just use a smart object layer that I add the perspective distortion to its object transform. You would not drop the replacement images on the template, You will replace the smart obj content with replacement images via Layer>Smart Objects>Replace Content or Opening the Smart object and editing the replacement into the original object without changing the object size. You can do this manually or use a Photoshop script that automates the population process.
Free Photoshop Photo Collage and Mockup Toolkit
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Thank you for your reply. I just tried this it is not working maybe i am missing something?
I clicked the layer which is the purple picture in the first file and went to layer-smart object-conver to smart object.
Then i did what you said Layer>Smart Objects>Replace Content and choose the green picture (in PSD and JPG version) and clicked place and it just placed the picture at 100% size which covered everything on the screen.
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It works you must be missing something. See if the sample PSD help you. SampleMockup.psd
It looks like this:
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Thank you so much for taking the time to make this. I did download it and played around with it and followed the instructions you initally gave but it is still placing the image as full size covering the eniter page. If it is not a hassle. Would it be possible to send a example video of you doing it? changing the original picture to the new picture? in case i am missing any steps? Much obliged.
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A video is not needed you simply fill out a Script Dialog then Click the create the output button at the bottom of the dialog. You point the Script to the folder containing the Mockup templates to Populate, Point the Script the Folder that contains the Collections of replacements images for each smart object layer in the Templates. Point the script to the folder you want to output populated mockup save into. And you set the script option for how you want the script to operate. The process is completely automated. All you need do is set thing up properly for the automated process. Here I did not have the correct size images for your mockup so I used the script Edit option to have the script edit the replacement images into the existing objects instead of using the default operation the uses Replace Content.
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Thank you so much, Is it possible to provide me the script you used? I will give it a shot.
Thank you
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I posted that link to my toolkit in my original append Free Photoshop Photo Collage and Mockup Toolkit
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Much obliged for all your help. I will play around with it and figure it out .
Thank you
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Hello my friend,
I have tried the way you mentioned and it keeps giving me an error for some reason. Wanted to see if you would know why?
I tried it with my own template and yours that you provided earlier. I tried the source files as a PSD (with the replacement object converted to Smart) and i also tried the source as all jpg's.
Thank you in advance.
folders i have been selecting.
i dont know why the window comes up this way
but i followed your instrcutions on which folders to select.
keeps giving me this error.
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Please use the scripts help button and read how to use the scripts. You did not set thing up right and put your replacement images for the top most smart object layer into the folder obj0 in your images replacement collections. The message clearly states that folder obj0 is not in your setup.
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Thank you!!
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Please send me your paypal or anything else, i would like to buy you a beer!!
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I drink Wine....
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then wine it is, tell me how to get you one.
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My scripts are free your thanks is more payment then I normally get its appreciated enjoy.
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[I want it so that] when I drop the new picture (I have around 300 of them) they automatically rezize, distort to fit the sideway canvas.
Are you using File > Place Embedded to snap it to the frame?
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I can not use a frame because it does not let me make it sideways the way the canvas looks on the purple picture. I want to replace the content of the pictute on the frame and the frame is set sideways to show the edge of the canvas.