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I use a custom script to batch process files into photoshop layers.
Every time I run the script I have to manually edit the folder path in the script to save the new images in a new folder.
Can a UI dialog be implemented into a script used for batch file processing?
The UI dialog:
Enter folder path
Remember the last folder path used
When the scripts runs the UI dialog displays. After the user enters the folder path the the scripts batch processes a folder of images.
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Instead of entering the path manually would a folder selection dialog not be more convenient?
var theFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("select folder");
if (theFolder) {
var theFiles = theFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|eps|psd)$/i)
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I try the Folder dialog but the Bridge script does not complete when using this option.
I would like to save the new tiff file in the same directory with the stack images.
Is there a way to omit the save location path to save the tiff in the same directory as the Bridge stack images?
var stackFileName =;
var saveFile = new File('~/desktop/pscc test/'+stackFileName+' ');
app.activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, tifOpts, true);
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There is a Bridge Scripting Forum, too, maybe you should post there.
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And you can save the data by putting it to an action descriptor and saving to custom options. I have assumption about JSON encoding, but many other ways of stuffing things to action descriptors are possible.
savePreferences: function (metadata) {
var metadata_json = serialize_to_json(metadata)
var desc = new ActionDescriptor()
desc.putData(0, metadata_json)
app.putCustomOptions (APP_ID, desc, true)
loadPreferences: function () {
try {
var desc = app.getCustomOptions (APP_ID)
if (desc) {
var metadata_json = desc.getData(0)
if (metadata_json) {
eval("var result = (" + metadata_json + ")")
if (result) {
return result
} catch (e) {
var foo = e.message