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How would you go about changing the color of this sweatshirt to this sand color, #e7dfd2? I am really struggling with finding a technique that looks realistic and professional around the hair, especially the fine wispy hairs. Any suggestions? I will eventually need to change this sweatshirt to almost 80 different colors and I am really struggling 😩sand color e7dfd2:
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I think you should clip the shirt in a Group of its own (within the transparency), decontaminate the edges on both sides and go from there. There are many ways for colorizing, but especially in a high volume case I would prefer a Solic Color Layer set to Blend Mode »Color« and a Curves Layer to edit the luminance.
The reflections on the chin and trousers you could neutralize or include in the color correction.
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could you especially zoom into the hair strand at the end? that is the part im struggling most with
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I have been able to get the color with an hsb layer or w the technique you mentioned. the actual problem i am having is coloring naturally around the hair. especially the ends. would you be able to post a short video showing how you are able to color the clothing around the hair naturally? thank you so much for replying!
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this looks perfect! i am not understanding the steps youre taking to get there though. can you explain step by step please or send a short video? I am happy to pay you for your time, if you have a way to do so.
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especially the bg section. im not understanding the "edge" layer, the navy blue color fill above it and the mask of that called "sh", im confused with the painting around the strands (or is it on the strands), and how you got the mask of the sweatshirt (around the hair specifically). also, what is the "col" folder within "bg"? really appreciate your input
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The Group »col« is set to the Blend Mode Color and serves as part of the decontamination of the edges that border the hoodie.
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The thing, as I see it, is that both areas may need to be decontaminated – the one that gets colorized and the one that should stay the same.
And at current I see no good option to avoid manual input to achieve that in many cases.
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I would like to suggest another way to accomplish what you want. With your layer selected, choose Color Range from the Select menu. with the eyedropper tool, click on the green area and then change the fuzziness slider until you have the majority of the sweater. Then choose the Eyedropper with the plus and click on the shadow areas of the sweater to add them to the selection. When you have everything selected click ok.
With the sweater selected, choose Cmd-J to create a new layer with just the sweater. I used two options to change the color, but you can use any number of ways. I added an Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer and changed the values to a sandy color and also added a Layer style and set the Blending Mode to Color.
Here are the results
Using Color Range is really a great option when you have large areas of solid color, and take a close look at the clothing under the hair.
Let us know if you have any questions!
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there is still a bunch of residual green under the edges of the hair. This is not a working solution at all?
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So you may have to decontaminate the hair in the lower Layer, painting with the hair color on a Layer set to Blend Mode »Color« might suffice.