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Since the most recent update of Photoshop CC 2014 (being 2014.2.0) every time I start it, a welcome screen appears:
Not very welcoming I must say, but how do I get rid of this?
(and bonus points for the first who can answer why this screen is essentially empty )
1 Correct answer
See this document: Troubleshoot Welcome Screen in Photoshop
Scroll all the way down to the bottom. There's a check box "Don't Show Welcome Screen Again"
You can relaunch the screen at a later date by selecting Help>Welcome Screen...
If you are a trial user, there isn't a way to easily disable the Welcome screen. That's because we hope you'll use it to better learn how Photoshop works during your trial period. If you do close it manually, it won't appear again until you relaunch.
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See this document: Troubleshoot Welcome Screen in Photoshop
Scroll all the way down to the bottom. There's a check box "Don't Show Welcome Screen Again"
You can relaunch the screen at a later date by selecting Help>Welcome Screen...
If you are a trial user, there isn't a way to easily disable the Welcome screen. That's because we hope you'll use it to better learn how Photoshop works during your trial period. If you do close it manually, it won't appear again until you relaunch.
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Thanks, Jeffrey. I assume you mean scroll to the bottom of the welcome screen. If I wait long enough the welcome screen paints. But there is no scroll bar, and there is no check box. The bottom of the screen has a link to CC, Photoshop Help, Forum, Inspire, and Blog.
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Are you a trial user or do you have a Creative Cloud membership? If you are a trial user, there isn't a way to easily disable the Welcome screen. That's because we hope you'll use it to better learn how Photoshop works during your trial period. If you do close it manually, it won't appear again until you relaunch.
Best regards,
Mark VerMurlen
Adobe Engineering
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Regular CC user. Free free to contact me directly.
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One more thing... I'm using both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of CC.
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@ttwn, We were in the process of updating the content of the Welcome screen over the last hour or so. Can you please try it again? You should be able to tell if you have the new content by going to the New Features tab and seeing features for the Oct. 2014 release. In this tab, you should be able to scroll down to the bottom to get to the footer and see the "Don't Show Welcome Screen Again" checkbox in the lower right corner.
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Thanks, Mark. That resolved the issue. For others reading this thread, I'm running with an i7-2600k processor, 16GB memory, SSD drive, and 60Mbps connection to the internet. With that setup it took 40 seconds for the screen to initialize, and another 20 seconds to open the New Features tab. YMMV.
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works for me now too. why the heck ANYTHING should be tied to a non-working website on product used commercially is beyond me. over two hours of down-time b/c they reeaaaalllly wanted to welcome me to a product i've been using for years.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the "new features" tab lol.
It opens on the "Create" tab why didn't you put it there Adobe
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Ph the Forum could do with an edit feature on our own posts.
Just wanted to thank Mark VerMurlen for his advice worked like a charm.
Checked off "do not show" closed PS and restarted it, voila no welcome screen, It was getting a bit old on me having it show every time, when all I wanted to do was get to work
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Once the welcome image appears it locks up my screen
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Need a little more information here bloodwraith.
When you say the screen locks up do you mean for the Photoshop program, or do you mean your workstation screen?
Which ever it is the issue you have seems more than just the welcome message opening.
Give some system information like:
PC or Mac
Operating System
Internet Connection
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I am a Trial user testing out PS on my Surface. Is there a way to disable the welcome screen? It freezes PS for about 30seconds while it loads the Welcome screen and I don't need to learn about tutorials, since I am an experiences PS user. You say there isnt an "easy" way to disable it. What is the harder way?
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No, there is not. If you are a trial user, there isn't a way to disable the Welcome screen. That's because we hope you'll use it to better learn how Photoshop works during your trial period. If you do close it manually, it won't appear again until you relaunch.
~ Arpit
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Launch Photoshop by dropping a file on the application or double clicking a file that Photoshop will open. This should suppress the Welcome screen on launch.
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Having trouble as well but mine is a little different. My computer bricks as it reaches the "welcome" or "what's new" screen. Any help would be appreciated. Would like to disable this before opening Photoshop.
Will try your suggestion of opening the application by double-clicking a file.
Would like the option of disabling the screen though as I may forget and brick a computer mid-project.
This happened to me as well with a previous update to InDesign.
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its sooo slow loading the content, let it sit for a long time + hopefully should eventually bring it up to disable under new features
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Tried this fix and it did not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the application again with no success. I have logged out and then opened a .psd file only to have the same thing happen again. Very frustrating!!
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Hi all,
despite the problem being apparently solved for most, the magic 'do not show' check point still not present in my case, hence, can't disable the welcoming screen. Any ideas?
Using on Surface Pro 3 with 200% scaling enabled.
Thank you in advance!
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@apollo2014 - A couple of things come to mind. Are you running a trial of Photoshop? If so, you won't get a "Don't Show Welcome Screen Again" checkbox because we want you to see and try some of the tutorials. If you're a paid member, are you currently signed in? (You can tell by looking under the Help menu directly below the Manage My Account menu item. If it says Sign Out and your account, then you're currently signed in.) If you're not signed it, please sign in and then close and reopen the Welcome screen and then if all is working, you'll see the "Don't Show Welcome Screen Again" checkbox in the footer of the New Features panel.
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Indeed, this is a trial version at the moment. I thought it could be disabled for this mode, too. Should have read earlier posts more carefully. Thank you for assistance.
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And what happens when you aren't a trial user? I just updated to the latest version of InDesign CC. I have a CC subscription. I can't switch off the welcome screen as it says there are 0 days left of my trial and I need to join. I am already a CC subscriber. That's where I downloaded the update. So how do I remove the unwelcome Welcome screen?
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Have you tried signing out and back in from the Creative Cloud app for your account changes to be updated?
If that doesn't work, I suspect a firewall or bad host file might be blocking the software from talking with the activation server:
Once you're properly activated you will be able to dismiss/disable the welcome screen.
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It started off with updating to the latest version of InDesign CC. Issues with the update meant I had to uninstall InDesign (including the prefs) altogether and then download it from scratch again. As a result, InDesign thinks it’s a trial version. I have signed out and back in to Creative Cloud. Doesn’t make any difference. As the firewall hasn’t ever blocked the software from activating before (and I have Illustrator CC and Photoshop CC running without issue) it’s more likely that there’s yet another bug introduced with the update. I seem to spend more time these days troubleshooting update issues. It’s like Adobe doesn’t test the updates thoroughly but rely on users to report issues - and every update seems to introduce an issue.
Oh, and I did the 2 Adobe Logos test to check that the host file is working correctly too - it is if course working fine, but Indesign still won’t let me deactivate the bloody welcome screen!