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I have two questions.
runing the 3rd plugin from scriptinglistenerjs get this log:
var xxxxxxid = stringIDToTypeID( "79EAF632-26C0-4329-9B51-E56CB186D97A" )
question 1:
the guid 79EAF632-26C0-4329-9B51-E56CB186D97A Is unique for same plugin or reinstallation will change ?
question 2:
how to get 3rd plugin name or name list ?
example stringIDToTypeID("plugin_name_1")
i will do click my ui button execute 3rd plugin and pass args
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Have a look at the PoorManType in the SDK to see how to do that.
What I wonder if there is an option to send the Plug In more complex data types (Like Structs or Arrays).
Currently it seems you can only send scalars.
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Use uuidgen or something from the web to generate a new one for your new plugin. Do this for each plugin you create? Here is a number for you: d8b7d3ab-4cbc-4656-8ec9-c01efa66a832
Not sure what you are asking with your second question. Run the plugin and see what listener gives you as an answer!?!?!
You can use the PutData/GetData and cast but make sure your structure alignment is set the same for both plugins.