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I'm trying to get identifiers of frames on the timeline panel (Frame animation mode).
I see, that they are stored inside Image Resource Section of PSD file.
Resource ID is 4000 (0x0fa0) which is supposed to be used by plug-ins.
But I can't figure out how to get them using javascript or OLE-automation. Is it possible?
And if not, is it possible to read them from C/C++ plug-in and send to javascript?
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I would try to modify GetHistory in the History example of the C/C++ SDK.
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There is a method called CountPIResources(type) in SDK. It returns count of pseudo-resources with specified type. But i don't know the type of resource. I have tried different types but count is always 0.
Do you know the exact type of this resource with animation info inside?
Or can I somehow retrive resource type from PSD file?
Here is a dump of resource section block:
It starts with 8BIM (38 42 49 4d) and resource id = 4000 (0f a0)
Black blocks are null pascal string (00 00) and 4bites with resource size
Red 8 bytes are unkown.
Next 4 bytes looks like another size.
Green bytes looks like a header of a descriptor: 8BIM 'AnDs' and 4 bytes with size.
Next 4 bytes is a descriptor version (always 16)
Other bytes are descriptor data with animation frame info that I need.
I've tried to use red bytes as a type ('mani' and 'IRFR') without results.
Also there is an old thread (link) where you gave some piece of code which works with this information. So you are definetly aware of what is going on here. Please, help.
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First 4 red bytes is a type written backwards - 'inam'.
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My current solution is able to read 'AnDs' data only from saved document.
Is it possible to get FrameInfo with changes that are not saved yet?
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Can you share your code? I want to read this image resource block too, but there's no documentation about it.
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There is only this documentation. Adobe Photoshop File Formats Specification
Did you find it in the PSD?
This information is not available at runtime.