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function getRedHistogramStdDev() {
var channels = app.activeDocument.channels;
var red = channels[0].histogram;
function getStdDev(arry){
var length = arry.length;
var tarry = new Array(length);
var si = 0;
var s = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arry.length; i += 1) {
if (arry[i] > 0) {
s += i;
si += arry[i];
var average = si / s;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var dev = parseFloat(arry[i]) - parseFloat(average);
tarry = Math.pow(dev, 2);
var powSum = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < tarry.length; j++) {
if (tarry[j].toString() != "" || tarry[j].toString() != null) {
powSum = parseFloat(powSum) + parseFloat(tarry[j].toString());
return Math.sqrt(parseFloat(powSum) / parseFloat(length)).toFixed(2);
This is my code, but the result is inconsistent with the histogram's StdDev data.Please help me, thanks.
Does this work more consistently?
// 2018, use at your own risk;
#target "photoshop-120.032"
//#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0 && activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.RGB) {
var theR = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[0].histogram);
var theG = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[1].histogram);
var theB = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[2].histogram);
alert ((theR[2]+theG[2]+theB[2])/3);
////// get mean of hist
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Does this work more consistently?
// 2018, use at your own risk;
#target "photoshop-120.032"
//#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0 && activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.RGB) {
var theR = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[0].histogram);
var theG = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[1].histogram);
var theB = histogramMeanStandardDeviation(activeDocument.channels[2].histogram);
alert ((theR[2]+theG[2]+theB[2])/3);
////// get mean of histogram //////
function histogramMeanStandardDeviation (theHist) {
// get total number;
var thePixels = 0;
for (var m = 0; m < theHist.length; m++) {
thePixels = thePixels + theHist[m]
// get mean and median;
var theMean = 0;
var aTotal = 0;
var check = false;
for (var n = 0; n < theHist.length; n++) {
theMean = theMean + (n * theHist[n] / thePixels);
aTotal = aTotal + theHist[n];
if (aTotal >= thePixels / 2 && check == false) {
theMedian = n;
check = true;
// get standard deviation;
var theStandDev = 0;
for (var o = 0; o < theHist.length; o++) {
theStandDev = theStandDev + (Math.pow ((o - theMean), 2) * theHist[o])
theStandDev = Math.sqrt (theStandDev / thePixels);
return ([theMean, theMedian, theStandDev]);
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Yes,It works very well,thank you very much!
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Hi c.pfaffenbichler,sorry to disturb you.I want to get value of theMax and theMin in histogram not the the pixels,how to get this? Thanks
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Does this work? (Edit: Otherwise I may have misunderstood your intention.)
// 2018, use at your own risk;
#target "photoshop-120.032"
//#target photoshop
if (app.documents.length > 0 && activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.RGB) {
var theMinMax = histogramMinMax(activeDocument.histogram);
alert ("min "+theMinMax[0]+"\nmax "+theMinMax[1]);
////// get mean of histogram //////
function histogramMinMax (theHist) {
// the minimum;
var check = false;
var theMin = 0;
while (check == false) {
if (theHist[theMin] != 0) {
check = true
} else {theMin++}
// the maximum;
var check = false;
var theMax = 255;
while (check == false) {
if (theHist[theMax] != 0) {
check = true
} else {theMax--}
return ([theMin, theMax]);
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It is that i mean, forgive me for not being clear,because i am not clear about the relationship with them which like "n * theHist
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n being the index also indicated the luminance while theHist
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You got almost full stake! Last time I looked at, you was at 8 lvl. It'll take another century your skull will be finally inpaled 🙂
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I think the last »bar« of those levels takes a lot of points, no hurry …
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I got it. I have ling54k in list of users I follow, actually he added me first. It's why I was announced of his topic.
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Will this work on 32 bpc floating point data? If not, is there a quick workaround?
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It does work on 32 bpc data very well. Just need to display the histograms.
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That's 3rd topic during last month I'm called constantly to although neither I haven't posted anything on here nor anyone mentioned my forum name 😕 That must be some error 😕
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Well, would not be the first time the Forum software displays »issues«, would it?
Have you tried contacting an Admin or asking about the issue on
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No that is no problem for me, it doesn't happen often, especially taking into consideration I forgot 's' at end of 'month' in last post. So once a 1,5 month something causing I'm alerted of new posts in certain topic.
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Hello dearest people and @c.pfaffenbichler !
I don't get this script working. Gives me a spinning cursor and after that nothing happens. Then i fired it in ESTK and it gave me "theMedian is undefined". I tried to figure it out by myself but the best what i get out of it is "NaN" lol.
Is this again some typo error because of the glorious change of forum software? If yes, i don´t find it,
The first script from @raxby gives me "0.00" all the time btw.
Thanks for your help in advance!
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I can also add that I can't get the script working in later versions either, looking for the Std Dev.
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I corrected the scripts.
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@Kukurykus – thank you!