How to remove distracting parts of your image with the Remove tool: 🔎 Photoshop Quick Tip
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How to use the Photoshop Remove Tool
Did you know you can use the Photoshop Remove Tool to intelligently remove unwanted or distracting parts of your image and replace them with realistic and relevant content simply by brushing over them? This feature, released in Photoshop 24.5, removes unwanted objects, even in complex and varied backgrounds, and then automatically fills in the area appropriately. This feature does an amazing job removing larger items while respecting boundaries between objects.
❶ Select the Remove Tool from the Healing brush tool group
You may see a dialog about required components installing automatically when using the tool for the first time.
❷ Set the options
- Use the Size field in the options bar to choose your brush size. Set the brush size slightly larger than the area you want to fix if you want to cover the entire area with one stroke.
- Select the Pressure for Size button if you want to change brush size with pressure.
- Turn on Sample All Layers in the options bar if you want to sample data from all visible layers.
- If you are removing a large or complicated area, you may want to make multiple brush strokes before applying the fill. To allow this, turn off the option Remove after each stroke. Keep Remove after each stroke on if you want to apply the fill each time you make a single stroke.
- Brush hardness and opacity settings are not used by this tool.
❸ Create a new layer for non-destructive work (optional)
If you do not want to alter the original layer, you can work non-destructively by creating and selecting a new layer and then turning on Sample All Layers. The new pixels created by the Remove tool will be put on the new selected layer.
❹ Brush the area you want to remove
Brush over any area you want to remove. If Remove after each stroke is off, you'll need to hit Apply in the options bar to make the magic happen.
To learn about hardware requirements and known issues, visit: Retouch with the Remove Tool
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The remove tool will not work as it gives me a massage that I need MAc Os 12 or higher to us the tool. I'm running v 11.7.7?
How do I access the Remove Toll?
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Mimimum system requirement for macOs will be macOS Big Sur (version 11)
Installation is blocked on v10.15.x.
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If you're receiving a message stating that you need macOS 12 or higher to use the remove tool, and you're currently running macOS version 11.7.7, it means that the remove tool you're trying to use has specific compatibility requirements with macOS versions.
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Mine was working great until I updated my Graphics card and now it does nothing.
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Im Confused - I've just stumbled upon this chat and checked my own version and i dont have it!? I'm working with version 24.6? Does anyone know how to download this or add to my toolbar? TIA 🙂
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I'm in the same boat as well. I too have version 24.6 and don't have it.
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So, I am using PS 24.6 and my Spot Healing Tool does not have any options for any other tool(s). I'm intereste in this New REMOVAL TOOL.Any suggestions on how to get this? Thanks
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If you don't see the Remove Tool, check that you have the recommended hardware for the Remove Tool. The other thing to check is if the tool is configured to the tool group. Go to Edit > Toolbar from the main menu. If you see the Remove Tool is listed under Extra Tools instead of in the tool group with the healing brush, you can click and drag it to the group.
This is how it looks when the tool is not on the toolbar:
This is how it looks after dragging the tool to the tool group: