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I write some code to execute the auto tone of camera raw , but the image has no effects. I konw the Action Manager can't record the auto tone of camera raw,so i add the follow code :
desc1.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID('Auto'), true);
and the auto function is still not work.Any help will be appreciated!
All code is as follows:
(function () {
// Camera Raw Filter
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('CMod'), "Filter");
desc1.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Sett'), charIDToTypeID('Sett'), charIDToTypeID('Cst '));
desc1.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('WBal'), charIDToTypeID('WBal'), charIDToTypeID('AsSh'));
desc1.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID('Auto'), true);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Temp'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Tint'), 0);
desc1.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID('CtoG'), false);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Strt'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Shrp'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LNR '), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('CNR '), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('VigA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('BlkB'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('RHue'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('RSat'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('GHue'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('GSat'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('BHue'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('BSat'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Vibr'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_R'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_O'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_Y'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_G'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_A'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_B'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_P'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('HA_M'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_R'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_O'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_Y'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_G'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_A'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_B'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_P'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('SA_M'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_R'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_O'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_Y'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_G'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_A'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_B'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_P'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LA_M'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('STSH'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('STSS'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('STHH'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('STHS'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('STB '), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_S'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_D'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_L'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_H'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_1'), 25);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_2'), 50);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PC_3'), 75);
desc1.putDouble(charIDToTypeID('ShpR'), 1);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('ShpD'), 25);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('ShpM'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PCVA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('GRNA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('LPEn'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('MDis'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PerV'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PerH'), 0);
desc1.putDouble(charIDToTypeID('PerR'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PerS'), 100);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PerA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PerU'), 0);
desc1.putDouble(charIDToTypeID('PerX'), 0);
desc1.putDouble(charIDToTypeID('PerY'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('AuCA'), 0);
desc1.putDouble(charIDToTypeID('Ex12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Cr12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Hi12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Sh12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Wh12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Bk12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Cl12'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DfPA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DPHL'), 30);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DPHH'), 70);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DfGA'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DPGL'), 40);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('DPGH'), 60);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('Dhze'), 0);
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('TMMs'), 0);
var list1 = new ActionList();
desc1.putList(charIDToTypeID('Crv '), list1);
var list2 = new ActionList();
desc1.putList(charIDToTypeID('CrvR'), list2);
var list3 = new ActionList();
desc1.putList(charIDToTypeID('CrvG'), list3);
var list4 = new ActionList();
desc1.putList(charIDToTypeID('CrvB'), list4);
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('CamP'), "Embedded");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('CP_D'), "54650A341B5B5CCAE8442D0B43A92BCE");
desc1.putInteger(charIDToTypeID('PrVe'), 167772160);
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('Rtch'), "");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('REye'), "");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('LCs '), "");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('Upri'), "<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 \">\n <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\"\n xmlns:crs=\"\"\n crs:UprightVersion=\"151388160\"\n crs:UprightCenterMode=\"0\"\n crs:UprightCenterNormX=\"0.5\"\n crs:UprightCenterNormY=\"0.5\"\n crs:UprightFocalMode=\"0\"\n crs:UprightFocalLength35mm=\"35\"\n crs:UprightPreview=\"False\"\n crs:UprightTransformCount=\"6\"/>\n </rdf:RDF>\n</x:xmpmeta>\n");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('GuUr'), "<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta/\" x:xmptk=\"Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c140 79.160451, 2017/05/06-01:08:21 \">\n <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\"\n xmlns:crs=\"\"\n crs:UprightFourSegmentsCount=\"0\"/>\n </rdf:RDF>\n</x:xmpmeta>\n");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('Look'), "");
desc1.putString(charIDToTypeID('Pset'), "");
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID('Adobe Camera Raw Filter'), desc1, DialogModes.NO);
desc1.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("AuTn"), true);
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Hi Martin,
Welcome to the Adobe Community!
As you want to record Camera Raw's Auto as an action, please have a look at a similar discussion here: Batch Process Camera RAW Auto Correct I think the correct answer is what you're looking for.
Let us know how it goes.
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Thank Sahil.
The link that you gave on the response attempted to resolve similar issue. But, it does not resolve the problem that I have.
(In fact, maybe due to version upgrade, it now does not require Adobe Bridge to call the job of running Scripts of Image Processor. As described on my post, the File Menu of Photoshop has included the menu item of Scripts > Image Processor.)
The problem is stemmed from the recording of "Camera Raw Filter".
To illustrate, I have 500 pictures which are taken at different spots, in-door and outdoor, throughout an event. As a result, some of them are a bit over exposure and some are slightly under exposure. In a manual process of Photoshop, I would open these 50 pictures one by one and apply Camera Raw Filter > Auto to correct them. For convinence sake, I would not manually do exposure and other adjustments one by one, but rely on the Auto function of Camera Raw Filter. Yet, it still take me a lot of time.
So, I tried to record my action steps into the Actions scripts and apply these action steps to the 500 pictures.
When I recorded the Action
I opened the first picture (Modelling Picture) and record the actions. Amongst the actions, I invoked the Camera Raw Filter and click "Auto" (Yellow Arrow on diagram), i.e. leave it to Photoshop to do automated adjustment.
I finished the recording and saved it to Action 1.
Then I runned the Image Processor with Action 1,
Photoshop then went through the scripts of Action 1 and applied them all on the 500 pictures.
The effect was not good. I realized that the Action 1 recorded the fixed value of adjustments based on the Modelling Picture, as noted on the below diagram.
As I said, some of the 500 pictures should be adjust +EV and some others -EV, I wanted to apply Auto of Camera Raw Filter. (I do not want because of the Modelling Picture required +EV then the rest pictures applied +EV.) The required adjustments are not just exposure but other elements.
Would there be a way to set such scripts up?
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Many years later if anyone else comes across this it may be useful. This script I have been using to create a canvas actually installs the jsx as an action. To test I installed it fresh and edited the canvas.jsx it created and ran the script and it worked perfectly. You can run the script as an action through image processor. Someone more adept at coding could make this work specifically for this script.
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I don't believe that this is possible.
You could look into third-party "macro" recording software which could possibly record and automate key presses and mouse movements.
As you are not working on a true raw image and are using the camera raw "filter" on rendered data, you may not be missing out on much (technically), except for convenience of "editing"... So I'd just look into "equivalent" traditional Photoshop commands that do similar (auto options found in levels or curves for example).
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As always, fantastic work r-bin!