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I want to use the content aware fill automatically. but the sampling area is overlay on text so the content awre fill the selection area with text.
Do i have option to ignore the text area in the sampling area? can i controll the sampling area?
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Your text should be on a separate layer, or you'll have to make a selection that doesn't include the text.
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I can get binary image with the text in black and other area with white. how can i use it for contetnt aware fill so it will ignore the text area?
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"you'll have to make a selection that doesn't include the text"
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the text which causing me a problem is not layer text, it text in the orig image
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I have rect area (selection area) which i want to apply content aware, but the text nearby the rect is included in the sampling area, and i am getting the text in the rect area.
how can i remove the text from the sampling area? the text is not layer, it in the prig background image
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In the content aware menu you can draw with the "minus" (-) brush to erase the green highlighted parts (sampling area) so they aren't sampled in the fill. Is that what you're looking to do?
Edit: Just realized you're looking to do this with extendscript so my answer below probably doesn't apply. But at least you can confirm this is basically what you're trying to do with a script?
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yes it exactly what i am trying to do with extendscript
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You can't do what you want with scripting.
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Only use the part of the image that doesn't include text to sample from.
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I am trying to controll the sampling area with extendscript.
Manually it working, I can to dissappear the text by conrolimg the sampling are with brush tool, but i need to implement it with extendscript
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it is possible?
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It would be helpful to provide a few samples of the type of images you wish to automate and perhaps the binary versions mentioned.
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The sample area cannot be set via script AFAIK and there is not a way to select just the text area (which Photoshop just sees as pixels, not text) so I don't believe that there is any way to do this, especially if the location, size, color, font of the text changes from image to image.