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I have a Jsx file that executes fine except that the layer style info shows through out the process. I've been able to hide the history from showing. I would prefer that the user not know what is going on inside the script. Script was initially developed from an action then atn2jsx was applied. Looks like I needed to clicked the fx arrow to hide when I built the action.
function step09(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putProperty(PSClass.Property, PSClass.LayerEffects);
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordina
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function step09(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putProperty(PSClass.Property, PSClass.LayerEffects);
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSKey.Target, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putUnitDouble(PSKey.Scale, PSUnit.Percent, 416.666666666667);
var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc3.putBoolean(PSKey.Enabled, true);
desc3.putBoolean(PSString.present, true);
desc3.putEnumerated(PSKey.Mode, PSType.BlendMode, PSEnum.Multiply);
desc3.putUnitDouble(PSKey.Opacity, PSUnit.Percent, 100);
var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc4.putString(PSKey.Name, "frame 4");
desc4.putString(PSKey.ID, "8233a751-cd92-11e6-be38-c71308788234");
desc3.putObject(PSEnum.Pattern, PSEnum.Pattern, desc4);
desc3.putUnitDouble(PSKey.Scale, PSUnit.Percent, 100);
desc3.putBoolean(PSKey.Alignment, true);
var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc5.putDouble(PSKey.Horizontal, 0);
desc5.putDouble(PSKey.Vertical, 0);
desc3.putObject(PSString.phase, PSClass.Point, desc5);
desc2.putObject(PSString.patternFill, PSString.patternFill, desc3);
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.LayerEffects, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
PSClass.Layer = cTID('Lyr ');
PSClass.LayerEffects = cTID('Lefx');
PSClass.Point = cTID('Pnt ');
PSClass.Property = cTID('Prpr');
PSClass.Version = cTID('Vrsn');
PSEnum.Multiply = cTID('Mltp');
PSEnum.Pattern = cTID('Ptrn');
PSEnum.Target = cTID('Trgt');
PSEvent.Duplicate = cTID('Dplc');
// PSEvent.Rasterize = cTID('Rstr');
PSEvent.Rasterize = sTID('rasterizeLayer');
// var idrasterizeLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "rasterizeLayer" );
PSEvent.Select = cTID('slct');
PSEvent.Set = cTID('setd');
PSKey.Alignment = cTID('Algn');
PSKey.Enabled = cTID('enab');
PSKey.Horizontal = cTID('Hrzn');
PSKey.ID = cTID('Idnt');
PSKey.LayerID = cTID('LyrI');
PSKey.MakeVisible = cTID('MkVs');
PSKey.Mode = cTID('Md ');
PSKey.Name = cTID('Nm ');
PSKey.Opacity = cTID('Opct');
PSKey.Scale = cTID('Scl ');
PSKey.Target = cTID('null');
PSKey.To = cTID('T ');
PSKey.Vertical = cTID('Vrtc');
PSKey.What = cTID('What');
PSString.layerStyle = sTID('layerStyle');
PSString.patternFill = sTID('patternFill');
PSString.phase = sTID('phase');
PSString.present = sTID('present');
PSString.rasterizeItem = sTID('rasterizeItem');
PSString.showInDialog = sTID('showInDialog');
PSType.BlendMode = cTID('BlnM');
PSType.Ordinal = cTID('Ordn');
PSUnit.Percent = cTID('#Prc');