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Hello, I downloaded the photoshop CC 2019 trial version. I followed an online youtube tutorial where the individual lassoed an image, right clicked and selected fill...... The fill option is grayed out for me when I right click the lasso image... Why is this and how can I select it? Thank you.
Can you post a screen shot. It might be that you're not on a pixel layer.
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After making the Selection (as shown with marching ants) if your right click within the selected area you will see the menu shown above on the left. When you choose Fill you will see the menu shown on the right, Choose one of the Contents options and then click OK
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Can you post a screen shot. It might be that you're not on a pixel layer.
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I suspect Chuck is on to it. Or the selected layer is turned off?
I'm an Alt Backspace kind of a guy when it comes to filling with the foreground colour. It's just the one operation, and we do like to save keystrokes and mouse movements.
Hmmm... The last few words above have left me with an unfortunate mind image.
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this still is just a psd file with no layers.
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Wow so many responses so quickly... Here is a screenshot of the issue I was talking about
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Can you include the layer panel in your screen shot?
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Oh my goodness you all are amazing! That was it!!!!! I didn't have that layer highlighted... there was a random layer I didn't know was there.... I saved frame as from After affects and didn't realize it pulled another layer over... Thanks!!