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what is the Actions folder equivalent to this (localized Scripts):
var scriptsPath = app.path + "/" + localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts");
Thank you,
Davide Barranca
This seems work to for me.
var actionsPath = app.path + "/" + localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledActions=Presets/Actions");
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This seems work to for me.
var actionsPath = app.path + "/" + localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledActions=Presets/Actions");
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Great, thank you.
May I ask where you've gotten that from? I've parsed the whole zstring collection without being able to find it.
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It just seemed logical so I tried it and it worked lucky?
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Actually I doubted that "ScriptingSupport" would have worked (what have Actions to do with Scripting?) but nowadays sheer luck is just fine for me, thanks
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When you think about it there should be some zstrings as there were something simular in the MXI specifications.
$photoshopappfolder Specifies the installation folder
$pluginsfolder Specifies the top level of the Plug-ins folder
$presetsfolder Specifies the top level of the Presets folder
$scripts Specifies the Scripts folder
$actions Specifies the Actions folder
$brushes Specifies the Brushes folder
$matlab Specifies the MATLAB folder
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Correct, there should be. Yet, for instance, ExtendScript Folder tokens don't exactly match MXI ones, and probably localized zstrings are different too.
I would personally not expect this level of coherence.
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For those who don't know how to find zstrings, here's a quick primer:
This command line gets zstrings from the PS executable.
$ strings Photoshop.exe | grep '\$\$\$\/' | sort > ~/Desktop/zstrings.txt
You can do the same thing with the ScriptingSupport.8li.
The best way to get a more complete set is to install the en_GB locale and get the Locales/en_GB/Support FIles/tw_10428.dat file. Copy it to your
desktop. If your text editor does not support UTF16, you can open the file in ESTK then copy/paste to your preferred editor and save as a plain text
file. Or, you could do this:
iconv -f UTF-16LE -t UTF-8 tw_10428.dat tw_10428.txt
to convert it to UTF-8 which text editor seem to tolerate better.
Yet another place to find useful zstrings is to check into Adobe's .jsx files in Presets/Scripts and photoshop*.jsx in the StartupScripts folder.
Hope this helps.
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Interesting x!
I didn't know about the locale file - yet I've not been able to find it within the Photoshop package - I'm not sure I have the GB locale, though.
Would somebody mind sharing it, or it violates some ©?
Thank you,
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If you don't magically get the file, you need to install the locale by changing the language/locale in Creative Cloud and re-installing PS. Copy the tw_10428.dat file out and switch back to en_US (or en North America).
Google 'how to change locale in photoshop cc 2015'. There are pages that describe how to do this in more detail.