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Opening up an image in photoshop from lightroom, or just opening photoshop alone, and dealing with the 15 minute bar that barely moves forward in order to "verify photoshop" -- this must come to an end, Adobe. This is absolutely killing me. Only if I had another optoin... I'm longing to jump off this ship. Figure it out, please.
A weary photo editor
You didn't give your OS, but I started getting that message when I updated to Catalina. It only takes a few seconds for me though, not 15 minutes. Try these links if you are on macOS:
The last link says to call Apple Support if you still have issues. If you are on Windows, please say so and perhaps another v
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You didn't give your OS, but I started getting that message when I updated to Catalina. It only takes a few seconds for me though, not 15 minutes. Try these links if you are on macOS:
The last link says to call Apple Support if you still have issues. If you are on Windows, please say so and perhaps another volunteer will chime in.
~ Jane
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I am on macos Big Sur 11.2.3 and it is taking FOREVER to verify. Msg reads "Verifying "Adobe Photoshop"..."
What the heck is going on here? I have work to do? App is up to date. This is ridiculous.
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The "verifying" message comes from Gatekeeper on the Mac.
If none of above links or these additional links help, then ask on the Apple forums.
~ Jane
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I agree @siegeavar The point is, if the Security Setting is set to "Allow apps downloaded from: App Store and Identified Developers", you shouldn't have to wait for MacOS to "Verify" Adobe apps. Or, doesn't Apple trust Adobe? Or are Apple and Adobe at odds over the fact that Adobe doesn't have it's subscription apps on the Apple wagon? Too bad Apple and Adobe couldn't work this out between themselves and save all of us countless wasted hours waiting, searching for answers, replying to threads....
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Yep. I've felt like "the children" during a nasty divorce for many years. And it's not just with Adobe. Apple makes zero effort to play nice with many software developers — including Microsoft. There's an issue with email where some attachments end up being sent in the body of the email instead of a traditional attachment that has been a bug for over 12 years.
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Is anything changed with this?
It [removed] me off, that every time i open an Adobe app i always have to wait for it to verify. Sometimes it can be 25 seconds. Sometimes it can take a few minutes.
But point is, even at 25 seconds, if i want to edit a quick image that SHOULD take me less than a minute, that verfication doubles my work time.
I know this is Apple, not Adobe at fault. But hoped someone would know a hack to either "forever trust" adobe. Or to forever bin the stupid STUPIIIIDDDD apple feature that does this?
Honestly, i truly hate Apples OTT security. Even an hour ago, i logged into my iMac, and within 10 seconds it needed my password to update some software and then 10 seconds after that, need my password again to update other software. Sufely one password entry is enough to proove its me - grrrr
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I have the same issue, but for some reason, it doesn't do the whole verifying shtick when I open the programs through the creative cloud menu in the finder bar.
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It's was taking almost 10 minutes to "verify" Adobe LR and now it's stuck at the dreaded 99% mark for me right now. Mac OS Big Sur 11.6
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Lol - no you are not. And no it is not.
[Note from moderator: this was in response to a spammer, not to a post that remains in this thread. ]
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This is a one-time thing, then you shouldn't see it again. If Photoshop is correctly installed, that is.
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I'm sorry to have to politely disagree with you hrere. It is clearly not a one time thing. The verify message occurs regularly and is insanely annoying. Considering the limitations you have for installing the applications these days - through the creative cloud - I can only assume you are referring to people that still try to pirrate the applications. However, being a legitimate business owner that has licensed the applications, and has for years, I am telling you right now that my designers are asked to verfiy these applications on their macs at least 2-3 times a month, and usually at the most inappropriate times. Someone needs to lift their game.
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Agreed. Was gonna say the same thing when I saw this message.
My Adobe softwares update themselves a few times a month. Mostly annoying When I have a task of just shrinking an image, or something else that should take only 20 seconds - it is SOOOO aggrivating to have to wait 3 minutes for PS to verify.
it forces me into opening up some random web application and doing the job there instead. That's what £50 a month gets you.
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You are confused. The verification step has nothing to do with Adobe. Zero, zilch, nada. That is 100% an Apple security measure that happens when ANY application is installed or updated. The system is checking it to make sure it has not been tempered with.
And nobody is "asked to verify" anything. A little window pops up automatically and it runs without your designers lifting a finger.
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We know.
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So why are you complaining on an Adobe forum?
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1. Adobe could release less frequent updates if they accept this is the only way it can be done.
2. My other software isn't taking minutes to verify. Only adobe. So they could liaise with Apple on how to speed things up.
3. Adobe could piggy back onto the App Store so that verification isn't required and all is seemlessly integrated into Apple
4. Adobe could be more responsive than apple and put pressure onto Apple to sort out the verification.
5. Adobe could have an arrangement with apple where verification isn't needed - a digital fingerprint of sorts.
Im just spit balling and making stuff up on the spot and came up with 5 ideas without trying. All ideas require Adobe being involved.
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None of those is likely. IMHO this is a non-issue. Updates are going to happen and spreading them further out just means that fixed bugs are a problem for longer. Terrible idea. Adobe does publish some software through the App Store but something like CC isn't a good candidate for that. And verification IS a digital fingerprint. As for speeding things up, my MacBook Pro with an SSD is a lot faster than my iMac and its old spinning HDD. Finally, yes other software takes just as long to verify.
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So Adobe shouldn't have as many bugs that it needs updating 3 times a month.
My other pro software doesn't update nearly this often and isn't buggy.
There you go, a reason for this to be in an Adobe forum. Now you can back out because you are obviously flustered and confused.
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This is going nowhere, so I'm going to request that the post be locked.
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My apologies here. My comment was not intented to start a keyboard fight between two grown gentlemen. Thank you Lumigraphics for your explanation about it primarily being an Apple problem, if I decide to take it further I will take it up with Apple. KingKoe, I apprecitate the support, thanks mate, seems like we are all in the same boat somewhat regardless of where the issue originates from.
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Because this only happens with Adobe products.
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I'd like to add to this thread becuase I've been using macs for years, and I'm having the same problem. I have Big Sur (unfortunately) and I'm paying monthly for Photoshop, Illustrator and In Design + Word and others. I prefer to say this system is more like Big Sour. Big Sour soaks up ram and doesnt' allow your printer to work anymore among a multitude of other nasty glitches. Photoshop 2022 is taking five minutes to verify today - wonderful. During these trials and tribulations, I think of the old days (not too old ahem) when things were easier. Easier and faster. In those days we paid a one time fee, but it was worth it becuase the suite would last forever. Not updating your suite is perfectly okay. I had an older suite —maybe 7 years old that I was uing to freelance with daily. I paid ONE TIME - not every month, and not every year. Having to "update" is a way Apple ropes you for money and I was living proof of that everytime I completed a project and was paid using my older suite. In the past, these programs were loaded in with a CD, with a regristration number into our macs. When we opened our programs - they opened immediately becuase we weren't waiting for anything to be verified from apple via adobe online. Everyone claims this doesn't slow things down - but due to my experience I disagree. I woud consider buying the entire suite once as an option. Don't bother to update next year or the year after. Just pay once. The only other option I can think of - is if your mac has enough power — is to just simply leave these programs open. As far as I can tell, thats option number two. Option number three of course means digging through your mac for hours trying to fix it yourself - when time is short and projects are due.
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If Photoshop verifies EVERY time you use it, there is some sort of installation error or permissions problem. It should be one time and then only verify if updated (the binary actually changes.)
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Definitely a mac issue. Every programme I try to open seems to take an age to verify. Very frustrating....