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Macbook Pro hits Kernel panic and restarts when booting PS CC

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Jul 16, 2017 Jul 16, 2017

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I have last 17" MBP, prob late 2011 or so. Running OS Sierra, 8gb RAM & SSD hd.

It's been working like a dream, but now after having PS CC installed for last six months, it started to hit Kernel Panic first with Bridge and now with PS. LR still boots and operates normally.

I've updated everything in Adobe, also everything which Safari says needs an update. I've done every different booting option Apple suggests to try but no luck.

Any ideas? Unistall and then install again?

Thanks a lot in advance, this is seriously annoying problem and i'd liked to get over it as soon as possible.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advisor , Jul 17, 2017 Jul 17, 2017

Several replies for Chris Cox a few years ago.

Chris Cos was a Senior Engineer on the Photoshop team.

From this post: Re: Is Photoshop CC 14.2.1 causing my kernel panics?

First thing you need to know: kernel panics cannot be caused by applications, ever.

Kernel panics (and bluescreens on Windows) can only be caused by defects in the OS, bugs in low level drivers, and hardware problems.

This particular panic appears to occur in the graphics driver code.

Photoshop was running at the time, but this app




Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2017 Jul 16, 2017

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I would suggest to uninstall and run the Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems

Then before installing, use Disk Utility to Verify and repair your drive.

I might also add that some Macbook Pro drive cables can have defects and may not handle SSD speeds that well.

Go to the App store and trial Drive DX to ensure you do not have disk UDMA errors that would indicate a bad cable or drive.





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Jul 17, 2017 Jul 17, 2017

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Also possibly a video card fault. It cannot be the apps, because Mac OS promises that an app cannot crash the system.





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Advisor ,
Jul 17, 2017 Jul 17, 2017

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Several replies for Chris Cox a few years ago.

Chris Cos was a Senior Engineer on the Photoshop team.

From this post: Re: Is Photoshop CC 14.2.1 causing my kernel panics?

First thing you need to know: kernel panics cannot be caused by applications, ever.

Kernel panics (and bluescreens on Windows) can only be caused by defects in the OS, bugs in low level drivers, and hardware problems.

This particular panic appears to occur in the graphics driver code.

Photoshop was running at the time, but this appears to be some problem in the hardware interface with the graphics card - could be hardware or software.

Again, this is not caused by Photoshop. It is just that Photoshop was running when the graphics hardware had a fault.

The Apple techs should be passing this to the Apple OS team, and any who blame Photoshop should be reported to their manager for a lack of training.


Turning off GPU usage might avoid the problems by not using the GPU as much.  But the problem still remains, and could be hit through other applications or operations.

Yes, there is a problem with your OS, a low level driver, or your hardware as I already explained.

Adobe technical support is not going to be able to help you solve the problems with your system - because the problems are on your system, not in the applications.  Calling Adobe to solve a kernel panic is like calling the city roads department to fix a busted headlight on your car.


Since applications CANNOT cause kernel panics -- it has to be an OS, a driver, or a hardware issue.

Someone at the Apple store mislead you, unfortunately.  They should know quite well that applications cannot cause kernel panics (and I bet they didn't even check the kernel panic logs to see what the cause was).

Changing the GPU settings means that you were probably hitting a problem in your video card driver, or a hardware defect in your GPU or VRAM.

The defect still exists, even though you aren't hitting it right now.  Other applications (or even the OS GPU usage) can encounter that defect as well.





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