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I am trying to create a new color sampler using a LAB readout, but cant get this homecooked function of mine to work. not sure if i have the putEnumerated for lab in right context in the descriptor. Any ideas....
newColorSampler (100, 200)
function newColorSampler(xpos, ypos){
function s2t(s) {return stringIDToTypeID(s)}
var d1 = new ActionDescriptor()
var r1 = new ActionReference()
r1.putClass( s2t( "colorSampler" ))
d1.putReference( s2t( "null" ), r1 )
d1.putEnumerated(s2t("colorSpace"),s2t("colorSpace"), s2t("labColor"))
var d2 = new ActionDescriptor()
d2.putUnitDouble( s2t( "horizontal" ), s2t( "pixelsUnit" ), xpos )
d2.putUnitDouble( s2t( "vertical" ), s2t( "pixelsUnit" ), ypos )
d1.putObject(s2t( "position" ), s2t( "paint" ), d2 )
executeAction(s2t( "make" ), d1, DialogModes.NO )}
var class_name = "colorSampler";
var d = new ActionDescriptor();
var r = new ActionReference()
r.putIndex(stringIDToTypeID(class_name), 1);
d.putReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"), r);
var d1 = new ActionDescriptor();
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with((cS = activeDocument.colorSamplers)[cS.length - 1].color.lab) [l, a, b]
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thats useful
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The logic is correct. But it won't work. Probably the developers of photoshop did not foresee such an opportunity or simply did not notice.
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The info palette shows results depending on selected Color Mode.
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Or else it stores binary SolidColor, then checks color mode and displayes result in such mode.
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It was necessary to create in this mode. It was a question.
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Not possible, to do it you have to change color mode first, or get lab colour result by script.
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This will be Actual Color, not pure LAB Color. It will change depending on the document mode.
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ColorSampler is a bad tool in scripts.
Here is a real ColorSampler 31x31.
See what the code shows
alert (activeDocument.colorSamplers [0]
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Then 1x1 px selctions instead of ColorSamplers can be solution?
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Probably meant 31x31?
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Yes, that's right, by maybe Gibson Editions won't need this extensive scope 🙂
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I am reading the numbers in LAB but my document is in RGB.
its strange, as i can read the enumeration in LAB if ive changed the color sampler manually.
I dont know whether it is described inside toolPreferences perhaps...
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for the panel options that is.
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What you mean by changing color sampler manually?
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This is the stucture i have found
function s2t(s) {return stringIDToTypeID(s)}
function t2s(t){return typeIDToStringID(t)}
function c2t(s) {return charIDToTypeID(s)}
var r1=new ActionReference();
var d1=new ActionDescriptor();
l1 = d1.getList (s2t ("colorSamplerList"))
d2 = l1.getObjectValue(0) //colorSampler 3 items // position (obj), color(obj), colorspace(enum)
o1 = d2.getObjectValue(s2t ("position")) // 2 items
o2 = d2.getObjectValue(s2t ("color")) //3 items
o3 = d2.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("colorSpace"))
L = o2.getDouble(stringIDToTypeID("luminance"))
A = o2.getDouble(stringIDToTypeID("a"))
B = o2.getDouble(stringIDToTypeID("b"))
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This is where im up to, any ideas how to make it work?...
I've never used lists before so not sure if im describing the list correctly...
Also not sure if "to" is correct for putObject
function s2t(s) {return stringIDToTypeID(s)}
var r1 = new ActionReference();
var d1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var d2 = new ActionDescriptor();
var l1 = new ActionList()
//l1.putList(s2t("colorSamplerList"), 0)
r1.putEnumerated(s2t("document"),s2t ("ordinal"), s2t ("targetEnum"));
d1.putReference( s2t( "target" ), r1 )
l1.putInteger( 0 )
d2.putList(s2t("colorSampler"), l1);
d2.putEnumerated(s2t("colorSpace"),s2t("colorSpace"), s2t("labColor"))
d1.putObject(s2t("to"), s2t("colorSampler"),d2);
executeAction( s2t("set"), d1, DialogModes.NO );
This is an example of Structure in JSON
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var class_name = "colorSampler";
var d = new ActionDescriptor();
var r = new ActionReference()
r.putIndex(stringIDToTypeID(class_name), 1);
d.putReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"), r);
var d1 = new ActionDescriptor();
//d1.put... some properties
d.putObject(stringIDToTypeID("to"), stringIDToTypeID(class_name), d1);
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID("set"), d, DialogModes.NO);
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Thank you so much for you expertise, thats really helpful.