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I have an image of a brick wall. The image has been cropped so that it is 2 bricks wide and 6 bricks high. The pattern is seamless and 'tiles' quite nicely, however there is some variation, but there could be more.
Is there an easy way to add variation to the pattern, either by generative ai to extend the image by twice or four times as much using the base content to repeat and randomly add variety to the tone/colour of elements of the brick?
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Are you using Pattern Preview? It's one of my favourite Photoshop features.
Your brick texture was quite big, so if you need to scale it down, use Layer Styles to fill your layer as it has a Scale option.
I'm thinking that the pattern is not repeating too badly, but if you want to randomise it a bit, add a Render Clouds layer and set it to Overlay. You can see that my clouds layer does not have much contrast, so I clipped a curves layer to fix that, but you could just nearer to black white colours when creating the clouds layer. You can't see in the screen shot, but I have the clouds layer opacity reduced to 80% because it was too dark as it was.
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I didn't know of that option. I will have to try that. I think the challenge will be in the randomising, which I will have a go at. Thanks
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Once you have the pattern filled over a large area, you can add a layer and then Filter > Render > Clouds or fill it with 50% gray and then Difference Clouds.
You can scale this layer larger if needed, or run other filters such as Median, Gaussian Blur, Add Noise etc.
Change the layer blend mode to overlay, soft light or hard light and adjust opacity or blend options as required.
If you require less repetition, then you are going to have to create a larger tile with smaller bricks and edit the bricks so that they are less repetitive.
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I was going to suggest a Brick Scripted Fill, where you can randomize the color and density of the pattern. It only acts on the whole 2x6 pattern block, rather than individual bricks, which makes the variation stick out like a sore thumb.
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I didn't mention it, because anyone who had Eye Candy 7 would already know it has a brick texture, but it's very clean and looks too much like an illustration. It's one of the zillion effects EC7 can do though.