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49m ago
I answered a very similar post yesterday, which has me wondering...
I advised that poster to look at Manage Updates settings, but I also said that as this was not a major version update, I would not have thought the 'Import previous settings' parameter to be relevant. Check that thread and see if it looks like the same issue.
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an hour ago
It's only got the one layer, and that layer is filled with black, so unless you have a different version of the file, you are probably out of luck.
Do you know what format you saved it? There's a good chance that if there is another version, it will be in the same folder. We can't see whether you are using Mac or Windows, but if you open that folder in Finder or File Explorer, and set it to details so you can view by date order.
Otherwise, if it was a .psd for instance, you could search (if using Windows — I don't know the Mac equivalent) and it would list every psd file on the drive(s)
* type: = .psd
Sort by Date modified, and cross your fingers.
The Photoshop Recovery doesn't keep a constant record of what you are doing. The way it works is if your system or Photoshop freezes, it attempts to save an emergency record of the file before you End Process or otherwise shut down thew crashed Photoshop. The next time you open Photoshop it will load the file with (recovered) added to its file name. When you see this, the smart thing is to immediately save it with a new file name.
I wish you luck.
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2 hours ago
Your attached PNG is OK. No halo at all.
I turned on the bounding box to show that the 'A' has no content outside of what it should have.
I don't know if it is a clue, but the PNG has a transparent border beyond the A.
The bottom line is that the graphic is fine, and has no actual halo.
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Mar 27, 2025
Check the layers Blend Mode. Modes like Difference and Exclusion could skew what you'd expect to see.
As @Sameer K has said, screenshots would probably show what is going on. It would need to be full res, of your entire workspace with the layers panel visible, and the layer with the mask selected.
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Mar 27, 2025
It has a Nearest Neighbor look about it, but I am wondering how the Interpolation method would affect a selection/mask? Is this the Web version? Or could it be the iPad version? I have no experience with either, so I don't know if it has Interpolation options. Have you rotated the object or mask?
With the full version, if we rotate an object — especially to a shallow angle — using Nearest Neighbor will lead to pixelation/jaggies. Could that fit with the edits you have used? BTW I am zoomed in to 208% for this screen shot.
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‎Mar 27, 2025
03:21 PM
I'm wondering about this as I generally have the CTB turned on (I toggle it on and off with F3) and I never see the popups. Not a one. Is it the difference between Tool Tips and Rich Tool Tips? I always have Tool Tips enabled, but Rich Tool Tips turned off.
If you are not getting on with the Contextual Task Bar, then please stick with it and give it a chance to grow on you. It is, after all, 'Contextual'. Exessive mouse/cursor movements are annoying, and add up to significant time over a day with Photoshop. Plus they give near direct access to functions that might be hidden in super annoying right click menus.
With a mask selected.
There's more to selections than Generative Fill.
If you like paying way too much for small bottles of spirits, then there is the Mini Bar.
It's like they added a bunch of Easter Eggs to Photoshop. Cycle through the tools to see what the CTB does.
This is the Crop tool
What's not to love. If you use a decent sized screen and don't need the Function Key defaults, then put them to use for you. (F3 toggles the Character panel by default.)
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‎Mar 27, 2025
03:16 AM
@Katherine28919344k69a I honestly didn't know what I was letting myself in for when I started the above post. It was like being Marvin waiting at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. They just kept coming.
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‎Mar 27, 2025
03:00 AM
You are using Windows so go to this location:
Note: You will need to make Hidden Files & Folders viewable in File Explorer if they are not already set.
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2025\Adobe Photoshop 2025 Settings\
Set it to Details so you can see Date Modified. Right click on any of the column headings (tabs) if that is not already set.
Now, I am a bit fuzzy here because I was messing with mine recently, and I think I copied the workspaces that were missing from one of the two Workspace folders to the other one. I was thinking they would just be ignored if in the wrong location.
What do _YOU_ see? Are your workspaces there? Do the Date Modified dates tally with what you expect.
What I am thinking is the recent Release version update was not a major update, so there should not have been an option to remove the old settings. To be totally sure for the future, open the Creative Cloud Desktop app and go to
Apps > Manage Auto Updates > Photoshop > Advanced and make sure Import previous settings... is checked. But like I said, I don't see how that would have come into effect for yesterdays update.
If your workspaces are there but not showing, then if that remains the case after a couple of restarts, then I can't think of anything that will fix it other than resetting preferences, (which I took a long time getting round to!)
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‎Mar 26, 2025
09:45 PM
Thanks Jane. I'd love to be able say no, and my gut tells me I am not doing that as after testing, I find it takes a 'particular set of skills finger movement that would be hard to do accidentally. You know I am messing with shortcuts at the moment, and I'll email where I am at with that ver soon, so I might have broken something. Your shortcuts still work as they should both in Essentials, and my default three screen workspace, which has all the custom Function key shortcuts.
It has now happened in the release version as well, but I have only witnessed the change once which was right after switching windows. It seems likely that it is something that I have done, so I'll stick with it and see what gives.
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‎Mar 26, 2025
08:50 PM
Goodness. Are people still having problems with this. If you still can't find the brush links after scrolling down, then I wonder if it is a cache issue. Use Ctrl F5 to force a hard refresh and see if that sorts you out.
It might also be a country code thing. I see this when first logging on, and I usually choose America.
Here you go. Direct links to all of the downloads. These will download the .abr files to your downloads folder. I went through and counted, and all told, there are a thousand zillion trillion presets! There really are close to 700 pressets just in the Mega Pack. Remember, if you double click the file it will install directly to the main Photoshop brushes panel, but will not be saved to the right click list (clicking on the little cog icon top right corner). So, much better to place the .abr files directly in the presets folder, or in a Documents/Finder folder and place a shortcut in the preset folder. *******
This is a serious liost of brushes. You can rename the abr files to make them appear in a more sensible order. If you want to rename individual presets for the same reason, then you have to export the presets again. Make sure you have the Search bar enabled, and use that to look for specific presets. This will only search groups that are open in the main panel, and not the .abr files accessed via the dropdown (little cog).
Way better to cherry pick your favourite presets to a new group, and export it to a new abr file... and one day I might get around to doing that myself 😞
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‎Mar 26, 2025
02:03 AM
I doubt that it's relevant, but I sometimes wonder if an image has an even number of pixels on a given side, then an image element with an odd pixel count can't be perfectly centered. It has to compromise its posaition one pixel either way. But I also have a strong belief that pixel peeping can drive you mad.
Since Type layers are vector, I wonder if this makes a difference? It sure depends on that same odd/even pixel count thing I mentioned
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‎Mar 25, 2025
01:39 AM
My first thought is GPU video card glitch. Are you using the nvidia Studio or Game Ready driver? Photoshop tends to work best with the Studio driver.
Second thought is could it be a zoom ratio vs display resolution glitch. It is right on the cusp of displaying the screen on one or the other virtical line positions, and is jumping between them. I can't image systems having that sort of issue for a very long time, but something is causing it.
Or is the Taskbar having diversity issues, and can't decide whether to be on or off, or maybe identify as a cat. I still blame Donald Trump.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 25, 2025
01:27 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 25, 2025
01:27 AM
1 Upvote
Whilst I do like the Recent Files list, it occurs to me just how much I use Bridge. You can drag your current project folder into the Favourite area, and sort its contents by Date Modified, which is much more controlable and flexible than Recent Files. You can arrange thumbs manually, and batch rename keeping that order. I have a workshop this week, and started the prep by opening Powerpoint. Before making a single slide I thought, 'what the heck am I doing? It was way better to use Bridge together with Photoshop. Have layered demo images with much control over how they looked, and reveal a layer at a time while demonstrating the point of each image/layer. Tab the UI on and off to make the most of limited screen space. I have gone from hating using a laptop for Photoshop, to realising that it is entirely doable. Essspecially with todays high pixel density screens.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 25, 2025
01:02 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 25, 2025
01:02 AM
1 Upvote
I'm finding that it highly dependent on precise work flow.
You can double click the Type layer (in the layers panel) regardless of what tool is selected, and the Type tool will automatically be selected, and the entire text box contents will be highlighted.
If the Type tool is already selected, and you double click inside the text box in the document window, then just one one will be highlighted. However, if you double click inside the text box with Shift Ctrl Alt held down, then the entire contents will be highlighted.
If you triple click inside the text box, then the entire contents are highlighted without any modifiers used.
Hmmm... Now it is working with a double click.
One thing I have noticed is that if I start with a different layer, or no layer selected, then the Type layer turns blue and the blue Layer Bounds rectangle shows around the text box. Nope. I turn those options off and it still works. It definitely feels inconsistent.
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‎Mar 24, 2025
08:38 PM
I didn't answer your actual question, did I? Yes, I would definitely want to uber fast 2TB drives rather than a single comparable 4TB drive. Your MB will have lanes enough to read and write to both at the same time (that's why raid 0 are so fast) so it makes sense to have OS and application running on one, and data and temp files on another.
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‎Mar 24, 2025
08:30 PM
With my last system, I found that Photoshop rarely used anything close to its allocated memory, so I stuck with 64GB again for my current build. What it does do is create substantial temp file on your scratch drive, so it seems reasonable to do what you can to maximise drive performance to read and write to thos temp files. My current build is two years old, and the 980 Pro were a good option at thge time.
It doesn't seem that long since HDDs were doing 120MB/s sequential.
...but drives are twice as fast now. The 2TB 980Pro is a bit over $200. The highest rated drive with a price against it is $409 for another 4TB drive. I will absolutely be giving drives priority again the next time I update.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 24, 2025
07:56 PM
‎Mar 24, 2025
07:56 PM
Reminds me of school dinners. (I must have one heck of memory to remember that back that far!)
We have polital ho-haw going on here right now over the school dinner contract being given to a new company which under performed big time, and then went bust. At one time it got so bad, they were shipping the meals across the Tasman.
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‎Mar 24, 2025
07:31 PM
You can at least get rid of the thumbnails by going File > Open Recent > Clear Recent File List
I find them suoer useful, and losing them is easily the worst part of having to reset Preferences.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 24, 2025
02:37 AM
‎Mar 24, 2025
02:37 AM
Hi Susan. Unfortunately, this new screen is fooling a lot of people. You are at least the third person to post here about it. Just ignore all the sign in stuff at the top of the page, and scroll down to the actual brush sets.
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‎Mar 24, 2025
02:21 AM
Stephen, what about the save to location? When I have done this, the action always saves to the folder used when creating the Action. Is that just the way it is, or can it save to the same location it loads the file from?
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‎Mar 23, 2025
03:04 PM
I haven't tested, but I wonder if Overscroll makes a difference? I always keep it turned on so you can move the image around the screen. %With it off, the image is locked and can be hidden behind panels. I like to keep all of those zoom options enabled, and it always just works as it should for me.
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‎Mar 23, 2025
02:59 PM
Can you see the thumbnail in Bridge or Lightroom?
I assume this is the case with all .CR3 files? If not, then what size are the files on the drive? i.e. are they as l;arge as you'd expect them to be?
Are they from the same camera?
If you open Edit > Camera RAW Preferences, what version number are you seeing?
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 23, 2025
01:28 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 23, 2025
01:28 AM
1 Upvote
If you are looking at Shortcuts rather than Actions, then...
Just a thought, but are you seeing this warning dialog? If not, then make sure the field is properly active before typing the character sequence. I find it can be easy to get this wrong so it appears not to work. If you see a similar message to below, then you are definitely sure it will not work.
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‎Mar 23, 2025
01:20 AM
Use Remove Background, or Select Object to focus on the desired area, and clip a Hue/Sat Adjust layer to it. Or Alt click the layer you want to focus on, to turn all other layers off. Then use Prominent Colors.
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‎Mar 23, 2025
01:17 AM
Hey, I hadn't seen that. Thanks.
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‎Mar 23, 2025
01:14 AM
Are you signed in to your Adobe account when you click on your avatar in the top right corner of that page?
Does it look like things are working as they should? i.e. does it show that have Generative Credits?
What plan do you have?
Have you signed in to more than the max two systems making the problem system as signed out?
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‎Mar 23, 2025
01:04 AM
Some of the Function key/modifier options will not work as shortcuts, but will work triggering Actions. It also differs between Windows and Mac. F1 and all modifier combinations seem to work as shortcuts. I was expecting F1 to be hard wired as Help.
You say you are not able to use the Fuction keys. Are you trying to trigger Actions, or use them directly as shortcuts?
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‎Mar 22, 2025
08:00 PM
Dave, you are using Windows, so it is super easy moving your presets between systems, but I wouldn't do that with Preferences, because they are being updated so often. I might be thinking of just the beta version, but I find I have to reset Preferences way more than I ever have to.
I'm sorry you had issues with the installation. Is the Windows 11 system a new build with a clean OS install? It's a very long time since I've had installing issues.
Regards presests, there is a Preset Manager, but that is only for Tool Presets. I find it safer and more convenient to store things like brush presets in a Documents folder, and place a shortcut to that folder in the presets folder. It lets me share the same files between versions (Release, beta, 22.2) and keeps them safe at major version updates.
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‎Mar 22, 2025
07:48 PM
1 Upvote
What version are you running? Only I thought they at least removed the distracting blue colour a while back.
Otherwise this works, but you should probably take more time than I did.
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‎Mar 22, 2025
04:20 PM
What did the unedited original look like?
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