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in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 19, 2012
12:35 PM
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‎Mar 19, 2012
12:35 PM
1 Upvote
If you are talking about the Text in a Photoshop file, then you can copy and paste to Word. You can also copy and paste an image from Photoshop, providing it is eith a flaterned image, or a copy merged layer.
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‎Mar 07, 2012
11:50 AM
But using high values of Smooth and Contrast in Refine edge is going to do a reasonable job. Otherwise, use the Pen tool to follow the outline, but cut a few corners and make it smooth as you need. Turn the resulting Path into a selection, and use the Clone tool to fill in the gaps inside the line - invert the selection, and repeat for outside the line.
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‎Feb 26, 2012
05:15 PM
Is this a blank Canvas? In which case Image > Image Rotation > 90° CW If a picture, then as Noel says, use the crop tool. With the Crop tool selected there is a drop down box from which you can choose precise aspect ratios. But... There is another, more elegant, and far more powerful way to do it. Content Aware Scale You could just copy the BG to a new layer, and use Free Transform to squash it up into a narrower Portrait mode aspect ratio. but with CAS you can select thos parts of the image you want to remain un squashed, and save the selection. Then: Ctrl a (selevct the entire canvas) Edit > Content Aware Scale Towards the right of the Options bar use the Protect drop down, and choose the selection you previously saved. Now squash the image by draging the center left or center right handles towards the middle of the image. This was taken five years ago with a Canon 30D, so not that flash an image. But a competition judge suggested it might look better as a portrait mode image, so I used the above technique to produce this: You'll notice that the interesting rock as retained its aspect ratio.
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‎Feb 25, 2012
02:30 AM
Having just disagreed about the use of Actions, I absolutely agree about how useful custom Workspaces are. They are so easy to set up, and you get a button up on the Options bar so that one click of the mouse takes you to the current best workspace. You cn even fine tune and resave a custom Workspace. Or just explore the alternative Workspaces Adobe provides as defaults may open your eyes to tools and features you didn't know were available. Yes Workspaces are solid gold. Use them.
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‎Feb 23, 2012
11:26 PM
Sohow much RAM do have now? Photoshop became hungry for RAM with CS4, and you need at least 4Gb, and 8Gb is better. Does Win 7 Ultimate only come in 64 bit? History is there under the Window menu.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 22, 2012
01:25 PM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 22, 2012
01:25 PM
1 Upvote
If you are set at JPG, Quality 100, and Optimized, I'd say you were OK.
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‎Feb 22, 2012
06:58 AM
Save for Web does it but has a maximum image size. Not sure what it is, but I just tried it on a 3000 pixel wide image OK.
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‎Feb 21, 2012
04:43 AM
I don't know if it has already been suggested back up the thread (too many posts to trawl through) but would one of the specialist keeyboards help? View larger I use a 30inch Dell 1920*1200 monitor, and I have very poor eyesight, but get by OK because like most folk here, I use the shortcuts for tools, or just know where they. But I think a 2560*1600 pixel screen would prove difficult for me, and my 19 inch 1920 x 1200 laptop is already unusable for Photoshop for me. Tom's hardware was discussing 4K and even 8K televisions recently. That's 3840*2160 for 4K, and 7680*4320 for 8K. 4K is bound to filter across to computer monitors within the next few years - that is to say, possibly within the lifetime of CS6. They are already talking about a 10 inch display with a 2048*1536 resolution for the iPad3. I sounds like a bit of a leap for the graphic card manufactuers, but it is obviously doable. So bottom line here, CS6 will have the tool icons issue fixed.
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‎Feb 15, 2012
02:43 PM
Noel Carboni wrote: billnor wrote: Yes, I don't know why I can't reply My reflexes are a bit dulled today because I have a supreme headache, but... Didn't you just reply? -Noel Oh oh! The explanation is HERE
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‎Feb 15, 2012
01:40 PM
It sounds exactly like what you would expect with Preferences > Cursors set to Full size brush tip. What do you have set there? Normal, should bring the size back down to the solid part of the brush, i.e. not showing the overspill from a soft brush tip. Hmmm... It looks like you might not be able to respond.
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‎Feb 15, 2012
02:29 AM
I'll add my name to this feature request. As Pierre says, there just so many ways Clouds and fibres can be employed to creative ends.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 15, 2012
02:05 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 15, 2012
02:05 AM
1 Upvote
I have a registration on the 'How to Cheat at Photoshop' forums, but have not posted for a while. Steve is very approachable though, so I'll drop him a line.
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‎Feb 14, 2012
03:36 PM
Lundberg02 wrote: Besides, I have 14 USB devices and only 13 ports. Isn't amazing how quickly they fill up? I gotone of those ShuttlePro gizmos for use with Premiere Pro last week, and was astonished to find I was pluging it in to the last remaining port of an 8 port hub on the back of my desk! I think most of the USB2 ports on the back of the system box are occupied, so all I have left are two on the front of my box. The board only came with two USB3 ports on the back, so I had to swap out the USB3 PCIe card from my old box because I have three WD My Book externals. That seems kind of short sighted because surely USB3 will take over. My USB3 externals give me 110MBS read and write using Crystal Disk Mark, and that is faster than some of my internal drives!!
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‎Feb 14, 2012
01:27 PM
Add a 'Me too' for the MX Revolution. There is something rather luxurious about using a really nice mouse. The response is silky smooth, and the control very fine. It is also far and away the most comfortable mouse I’ve ever owned, and you get so used to the extra buttons, you wonder how folk cope without! Mine is also about five years old. They are supposed to have a huge range, but I have to connect the receiver to an extension cord to get it within a foot of the mouse for reliable operation. It works on most surfaces, but I have a shiny black mouse mat that has very low friction. The buttons are application specific, but I keep most of them on the defaults because they make sense. I do have button behind the wheel programed to ‘Show desktop’ though. About the only downside - appart from the price - is that the batteries only last about three days, but it comes with a little charging station which you can park it in over night, but it charges from flat to full in about 30 minutes. If I had to replace it I’d go with the M950 Performance Mouse. I almost wish my MX Revolution would die so I could justify the purchase.
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‎Feb 14, 2012
12:53 PM
If anyone is familiar with the Steve Caplin books, he uses the Clouds filter for half the effects he creates! The classic use is in creating lightning, and you can see how that would work from Christoph's great example.
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‎Feb 13, 2012
12:51 PM
It looks like everyone is all fixed up, but when I first looked at the thread I had to think about the Precision Mode, and Display Toggle switches on the Intuos 4. (Third and forth buttons from top )
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‎Feb 09, 2012
02:22 PM
Noel Carboni wrote: In light of this thread I renew my request: Please, Adobe: When saving files, instead of writing into the very same file or permanently deleting it as you do now, move the old file out of the way by using the Windows Recycle Bin feature, then save the new file. -Noel (Post clipped) Premiere Pro has a nice auto save feature. It saves something like five rotating versions of the project in a remote location, quite separate from the primary saved project file. But... Premiere Pro is assembling large source files, and the project files are tiny by comparison, so an auto save only interupts your worksflow for a second or so. The autosave has saved me on one occassion though, and I was very glad about it. (A Premiere Pro project can have hundreds of hours committed to it.)
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‎Feb 09, 2012
02:15 PM
verheem777 wrote: @gozgirl02 No I wasn't doing a search,I was going on working as usual on my design in photoshop,saved it into my laptops D-drive (as usual) went to my room to get my power cord,and voila,when I tried to reopen my file it gave the message that it can't open as 'some files are corrupted'.All I was left with was a black canvas where my design used to be!!!nothing strange or done differently on my behalf,just a random "corruption" of what I can say was my time,deadline and money!So no,no search,and I was working on my internal drive... Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you! Chris and others have spoken about your laptop loosing power guring the save, but you apparently left it way too late to go fetch the power cord. Maybe I am a bit anal about stuf like that, but it makes me shudder to even think about working on an important project on a laptop with a nearly flat battery. My laptop gives me a series of ever more frantic pop-up warnings before it actually powers down, and tries to save the contents of memory as well. Just a thought, but that does not sound like safe operating practice.
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‎Feb 05, 2012
10:21 PM
It sounds like you are talking about a cartoon type gif image, and the Indexed colour is definitely the way to do that as above, but if you want to keep it as a jpg then Save for Web is a very useful tool, and you can see what affect it has on file size as you adjust the output options. But I think you already had the right answer.
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‎Feb 04, 2012
01:19 PM
So were you using and having the problem with 6.1.7-3 ? And 6.2.0w5 has fixed it for you? And I am having the opposite affect with those two drivers, which is more than odd. It's not an issue for me as I never use that end of the Pen, and I pointed them at this thread, so they have the chance to see what is happening.
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‎Feb 04, 2012
03:42 AM
Hah!!! I got as far as typing the following The same set up here. Win 7 64bit Intuos 4M Photoshop CS5 12.0.1 Wacom driver 6.1.7-3 Works fine with Photoshop 32 and 64bit. ...but thought I'd just check before posting, and sure enough 6.2.0w5 was released on the 25 Jan this year, and sure enough I now have the same problem. I'll let you have the glory of reporting the bug. [EDIT] I couldn't help myself, and I have reported the bug.
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‎Jan 31, 2012
02:17 PM
I'm looking at the Intuos4 tablet properties, and if you select Grip Pen and then the Eraser tab there is a drop down that gives you several options for the eraser. Can you see how yours is set? Or just click on Defaults in the Eraser tab. I personally find it quicker and less disruptive to workflow to hit the 'e' key and use the nib end rather than reversing the pen.
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‎Jan 31, 2012
12:58 PM
Start using the Type tool and hold down the Alt/Option key and type 0162.
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‎Jan 16, 2012
07:06 PM
Thanks for that.
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‎Jan 16, 2012
01:56 PM
Speaking of CS6, and taking this thread OT, I am nervous about Adobe's recently announced more draconian policy with upgrade paths. Specifically, that CS5 to CS6 is going to come with the full upgrade discount, and that it won't be limited to CS5.5 owners. Getting back on topic, I am really pleased with my 3930K system now the bugs have been ironed out, and it is working really nicely. I have seen pretty high CPU usage while exporting, but never more than half of the 32Gb RAM.
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‎Jan 03, 2012
03:05 AM
I wonder if you did not understand my suggestion above. Make your selection on the first layer, and copy that selection to a new layer. Ctrl click that new layer, which will reload the exact same selection. Go to your second layer and copy that to a new layer. Select the two new layers, and merge (ctrl e) Use Free Transform on the merged layers. Right click to change to warp. Place the original two layers and the merged copies into a named group for the sake of good house keeping. --------------------------------- When ever you make a complext selection it is not a bad idea to copy that selection to a new layer. It is much quicker to reload that selection by ctrl clicking it, than saving and reloading the selection. With your selected image element on it's own layer, you can edit layers lower down the palet without affecting your selected image element. You can add shadows, you can fill the shape with other pixels, you do heaps and heaps.
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‎Jan 02, 2012
12:48 AM
Bill you can can cancel a double Kindle book purchase, but you have to be quick. I was reading in bed when I made my blunder, and it was way too late when I tried to cancel the next day. I'll have to put my hand up and acept it as karma in my case, as the first version of the book I doubled up on was a mobi file I found on the web! One of the things I love about the Kindle is that my eyesight is not too flash, and I couldn't re-read some of the old SiFi title I used to love because they were never available as Large Print. I am having a great time going through the early Iain M Banks 'Culture' titles on the Kindle.
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‎Jan 02, 2012
12:42 AM
...and she is in fact going to be a " movie star "...despite the fact she never took singing lessons, dancing lessons, acting lessons or worked in a circus . I am probably one of the last people in the world to hear about it, but I understand being able to sing is no longer required and just about every recording artist uses 'Autotune'. How long before there's an automatic CGI application to fix bad acting?
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‎Jan 01, 2012
06:41 PM
Not sure you can streamline the process that much, but you don't need to save the selection. Make your selection and copy first layer to new layer, and ctrl click the new layer to instantly reload the selection. You can then select and combine the two copied elements, and use FT. Not sure why Warp would not work for you - when you start the FT process you can right click and change to any of the FT options. The whole thing would take you about five seconds!
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‎Jan 01, 2012
02:24 AM
You should never underestimate Hollywood's capacity to miscast leading characters according to how they are portrayed in the original books. Lee Child's 'Jack Reacher' is a case in point. In the books he is portrayed as 225lb and well over six foot, but for some reason the diminutive Tom Cruise will play Jack in the upcoming film ‘One Shot. Even Lee Child seems to have sold out by making lame excuses why TC will be suitable. I have read all the Rich Rapp books and agree he would make a great film character. Along the same lines would Daniel Silva’s ‘Gabriel Allon’, and possibly Stephen Leather's Spider Shepard. I also think that Barry Eisler's Tom Rain would be right up there. I love my Kindle. A thriller costs NZ$38 in New Zealand, but only a third of that on the Kindle. My only reservation is that I once tried to read the book notes for a title I was half way through, and bought a second copy with an errant click.
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