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Hi! I'm trying to use Photoshop, but I can't use any of the menu items. All of them are greyed out. I'm not opening anything from other programs (all other answers pointed to Lightroom, which I don't even have installed.) and It's getting really frustrating. Does anyone have any ideas what could be happening? I've tried restarting the app, which didn't help, as well as restarting my whole computer which didn't help either.
have you tried to reset the preferences settings ?
edit -> preferences -> general click on reset preferences on quit, then restart Photoshop
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Check your options bar to see if you are in a feature, such as type, crop, transform, etc. If you see a check mark and cancel button on the options bar, click one of them to exit the feature. This is the most likely suspect without seeing your screen.
Please post a screen shot if that’s not it, thanks!
~ Jane
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Screen Problem
I have a screen like this and I can't even describe the problem other than "Screen Problem"
If any solution is available I'll be very happy. I can't use Photoshop efficiently right now.
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have you tried to reset the preferences settings ?
edit -> preferences -> general click on reset preferences on quit, then restart Photoshop
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This seemed to fix the issue! Thank you!
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it was the restart that helped fix the issue.
See this thread in the Photoshop Family forum.
Other users are finding that if you are opening photos in PS from LR, starting PS first helps with the issue.
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he mentioned above:
I'm not opening anything from other programs (all other answers pointed to Lightroom, which I don't even have installed.)
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Thanks, should have read that closer. There are just so many post about the LR -> PS issue 🙂
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There is no "reset preferences on exit" option
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Reset preferences really does fix a lot of problems, including a crashing oprinter process - good tip Mohammad
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That option does not exist