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Hi All,
I have taken a pic of my text document using my cell phone however due to inadequate lighting condition
the image got blurred and not fruitfully readable. Can any one let me know how and what can I do with Photoshop
to improve the photo quality for reading purpose.
More over since I could not use flat surface to put the page hence image text is also distorted at some extent.
Can anything be done for this also? I am completely new to Photoshop hence please explain me in a very simple
The trouble with "sharpening" is it is often done by increasing the contrast of edges which when overdone can introduce halos.
Try this - right click the layer and convert to smart object.
Open the camera raw filter and try the settings below :
I have increase "clarity" much more than I would for a normal photograph, but you said your aim here was to make it easily readable.
100% sample
Click to view result at 100% (the forum software will blur it at less)
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Hi Ravi,
As you want the text to be a bit sharper so that you can read it , I would suggest going to Filter > Sharpen and choose Shake reduction, this option will correct the image and the text will start looking a bit sharper.
Also, you can play with the brightness and contrast of the image to make the text most visible.
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as you can see the document is not kept on a flat surface and used clip to keep the paper tight and flat. Hence text and images
are not in line. How can this be fixed ?
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Have you tried the steps mentioned above?
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yes. attached is the modified image after following your suggestions.
not working as expected.
need more advice on this.
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The trouble with "sharpening" is it is often done by increasing the contrast of edges which when overdone can introduce halos.
Try this - right click the layer and convert to smart object.
Open the camera raw filter and try the settings below :
I have increase "clarity" much more than I would for a normal photograph, but you said your aim here was to make it easily readable.
100% sample
Click to view result at 100% (the forum software will blur it at less)
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thanks Dave this is what I am looking for. however I have few queries regarding this.
-- how do you come to that values in settings in raw filter ? is it just a trial error or some thing else ? I have many more documents
of different colors,images and texts. how will know these values ?
-- as i said, i usually shoot book pages. for them i can not unbind pages and put them on flat surface hence use
clips to put pages as much as flat. is there any feature in Photoshop which automatically fix distorted images/text particularly on the edges?
or any anti glare heavy glass which can be put on the pages before taking picture and them doing exercise with Photoshop.
-- i used settings given by you. and here is my modified image. don't you think your image is looking a bit better than mine ?
if yes then why ?
thanks once again.....
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For the exposure related adjustments I looked first at the histogram :
All the blank area to the right shows a lot of under exposure, which was borne out in the dark image
I held down the Alt key whilst moving the white slider to the right and the Black slider to the left so the image was taking up the full range (holding down Alt lets you see on screen as you go too far)
Then the others were by eye - but the resulting histogram shows a better use of the range
When adjusting clarity (or any other sharpness related control ) view at 100% zoom. I can't stree how important that is.
As far as distorting the image - you can try and use transform and warp to correct, it is much better to do this before taking the picture. You will save hours of work (probably with limited success) if you can get it right at the taking stage. Lifting the right side of the book vertically will help flatten the page on the left -but make sure you don't create a shadow. Whilst glass might help flatten it, you would have to be very careful to avoid reflections.
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thanks Dave.
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This is great.......I've tried.....but my knowledge of Photoshop is low! I need your help. Do you have youtube channel or......Just need few tricks to do the rest.....
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Perspective Crop is a great tool for straightening out this sort of 'taken at an angle' image
That leaves a distortion due the curve of the page near the spine though
If that was the full height of the page, you could fix it with a Displacement Map with a map like this
You'd need very low settings, like 2,2, which gives you this. Not perfect, but more time making the map would do a better job.
The distortion is not the full height of the page, so correcting a copy and using the map on the top half of the copied layer gets you close.
Sorting out the background with Curves or Levels and sharpening finishes the job. Note this was quick and dirty for the demonstration, but taking 30 minutes instead of two, would make a world of difference.
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help me with this
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We'd have to gave a larger file to see it clearly. Can you post it at full size?
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In all the years I have been on this forum, this is easily the most outrageous lost cause request I have seen posted here. As Leslie has suggested, yoiu need to supply the full size file, and use the add image widget rather than paste directly into your post. You also need to say what sort of help you need.
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Is that really the highest resolution version of the image that you have? It's actually fairly readable, so a full res image would be easy to read IMO. I increased the res to 1000 pixels wide and sharpened it a bit, but if you have a better original, you'd be golden.
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