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Need to save as copy in order to save as JPEG, WHY?

New Here ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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The psd is small size, 72mb.

I have tried flattening the document. 

I have tried deleting layers.

Have done much of everything I can do to minimize file size, yet it remains the only way I can now save jpegs is to save them out as a copy- WHY?


This started yesterday 5/19/21 - it is incredily irritating and would like assistance in solving this obstacle. 






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Community Expert , May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

"Save As" now lists only the formats that support all the current properties of the file. All other formats, with limited support, are now moved to "Save A Copy".

This was changed because the Save As jpeg function had already been broken for over a year on the Mac side, since Catalina. Saving over a jpeg resulted in a separate file with "-copy" appended. The programming function to strip "-copy" from the filename had been removed by Apple, and there was no way for Adobe to work around it. The Sav



Adobe Employee , Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

 See "Revert to legacy Save As options" here for the old way: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/saving-images.html 


Explorer ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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Same here - it seems to be a bug of Update to 22.4.1 Same procedere so often ... That doesn't seem to have anything to do with file sizes or anything else. An interesting thing happened: Older (PSD)files can be saved as ... a JPG f.e., but just new created files not. I've tried to redo the same procedere of an older file conversion (-> RGB to CMYK conversion, Contrast and selective color correction) and there is no way to save as JPG - only possible to save a copy as a JPG. This is a waste timer ...The older (created the same way) PSD can be saved as a JPG, the newer one (just created) not.


Please Adobe FIX IT!




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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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"Save As" now lists only the formats that support all the current properties of the file. All other formats, with limited support, are now moved to "Save A Copy".

This was changed because the Save As jpeg function had already been broken for over a year on the Mac side, since Catalina. Saving over a jpeg resulted in a separate file with "-copy" appended. The programming function to strip "-copy" from the filename had been removed by Apple, and there was no way for Adobe to work around it. The Save As jpeg function was rendered useless by this and had to be totally rewritten.

To be clear, saving a layered/16 bit file as jpeg saved out a copy the whole time. That is important to understand! The jpeg format does not allow 16 bit, layers, transparency or alpha channels. That fact was just hidden by Photoshop, by removing "-copy", but with Catalina it was no longer possible and "-copy" would always appear regardless.

Everybody should keep in mind that the direct save to jpeg, from 16 bit/layered files, was introduced in Photoshop CS5 in 2010. Prior to that, it was not possible at all to save directly to jpeg. First you had to remove every property in the file that wasn't supported in the jpeg specification. Only then could you save it. So this is nothing new - but this time you can use Save A Copy.

Platform parity has always been a sacred principle in Photoshop, so it had to be changed in the Windows version as well, even though it never was a problem on Windows.




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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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That is BS. My Photoshop Scripts still save Jpeg file from layer template documents without needing to flatten.  Adobe just made some annoying chages to Photoshop UI that give users Adobe issues they need to deal with. Here is a Photoshop script "SaveDesktopJpeg.jsx".  Have an open layered document in Photoshop and run the Photoshop Script. Tell me a jpeg file is not saved to your desktop. I say one is




var Name = activeDocument.name;
var jpegfile =  new File('~/Desktop/' + Name);
SaveAsJPEG(jpegfile, 10);
function SaveAsJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){
	var doc = activeDocument;
	if (doc.bitsPerChannel != BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT) doc.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT;
	jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
	jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
	jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
	jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
	jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
	activeDocument.saveAs(File(saveFile+".jpg"), jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);


So it is Apple rules and control Adobe dummies. I do not want to be controlled by Apple I want freedom.







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Explorer ,
Jun 02, 2021 Jun 02, 2021

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Lot of peers working in imagery and video are moving away from Adobe. The programs are becoming more and more broken and buggy and Adobe doesn't fix anything without creating new issues.


Probably the worst part is the Creative Cloud is still workable if you aren't connected to the internet. It doesn't. And yea, I know you have to check in now and again. But it simply doesn't work as advertised and billed. 




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Community Expert ,
Jun 02, 2021 Jun 02, 2021

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Well, good luck with the competition. Affinity can't save to jpeg either, not even as a copy (!). You have to Export.




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New Here ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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I agree. This is a big pain in the ***. I've learned to work with it, and I usually overwrite the JPG I modified, but JPG has been around forever, and there's simply no excuse for saying it can't be done.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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 See "Revert to legacy Save As options" here for the old way: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/saving-images.html 




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New Here ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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Thanks, Jeff.

Yours is a far better answer than "just live with it".

It'd be like Audition dropping suport for MP3. Not workable.

I've been using Photoshop since 2002 on Win and Mac, but I had a seven year "break" from computing so it's like starting over, only with a little knowledge from the past.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 27, 2021 Aug 27, 2021

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In fairness, "just live with it" was the only answer when those posts were written. The option to revert back was added in a later update.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 28, 2021 Aug 28, 2021

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I am so glad I am not the only one struggling with this? So what is everyone's new workflow if they are not saving a copy as jpeg? JPEG 2000 makes an ungodly sized file (unless I did something else wrong too). I also can not find my newly saved image in LR when working back and forth between the two. I got a new computer and installed the programs only to take hours trying to figure out a new workflow. So far I have not found one. 





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 17, 2021 Nov 17, 2021

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I agree - this is one of the most ridiculous "updates." Thanks, Adobe, for taking away a workflow that worked just fine and making it clunky - and for no reason. I have NEVER had any issues with it before now. I would like to join the other voices in saying that this is by far the opposite of an improvement, and am NOT appreciative of this new function. You have added extra steps to my already complicated workflow, and I would like it changed back!




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