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Nik Software and Topaz Plugins are not on PS CC

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Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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I have installed the new PS CC but I can't find my plug ins for Topaz or Nik Software, can I not use them with CC?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

Nik is working on an update, but users are working with older version of the plug-in I think.

From Nik:

On a Windows:

1. Make sure all versions of Photoshop are closed.

2. Run the Nik Collection installer from the file you received via email and downloaded. If you no longer have this file, you may email customer support (supportus@niksoftware.com) to have the file sent to you again.

3. During the installation process when you get to the Host Application window, you will notice a plus sign to add an



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Oct 05, 2013 Oct 05, 2013

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I keep doing what everyone suggests,  I've re-intalled the Nik Collection about 4 times, I've moved the files, I copied the files from the plug-ins folder in CS6, then pasted them into the folder for CC, now the window for all the Nik software comes up, when I click on say CEF open a new layer, then I get a message telling me it isn't available.  this is so frustrating. 




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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2013 Oct 07, 2013

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Give Nik Software support a call. They were able to help me get my filters working.




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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2013 Nov 22, 2013

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thanks it's usful to me ..




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Explorer ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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I followed your instructions, and there are individual folders for each of the filters. This is the one for Color Efex Pro 4. I'm missing somehting but I can't figure out what it is.screen shot.jpg




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Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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My .8bf files in that location are actually shortcuts to another:


Here is where it is pointing:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Nik Collection\Color Efex Pro 4\Color Efex Pro 4 (64-Bit)\Color Efex Pro 4.8bf"




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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Hi Patski,

Right folder wrong .8bf file. You are running 64bit PSCC and you are in the x86 folder which requires the "Color Efex Pro 4.8bf(64bit).8bf" plugin.

Dodger is right that there is a shortcut to the actual 64bit ColorEfex4 plugin.

Try this: C:Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CC (64bit) > Plugins > Google > ColorEfexPro4.

Copy the "Color Efex Pro 4.8bf" (shortcut) and the other ColorEfexPro4 Xml file into the folder you "screenshotted".

Your folder should look something like below. (Not sure what those FHM files are in your folder?)


We will keep trying until you get it as I know this is very frustrating for you

Let me know how you make out.





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Explorer ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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Hi Ed.

I copied everything that was in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Google

into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Google
and the Nik filters still do not come up.

I can't get my Topza filters either.





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Participant ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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I have done everything that people have said, the filters come up, I click on them, then Nik software comes up, but I can't save anything I do in it.  So I have to press cancel.  I stopped trying and now I get an image to a point where I want to use it, open CS6 and use the filters in that. 

Though having said that Topaz does work in CC.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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I do not know if this will help but this was my experience just a few days after CC was realesed.

Nik, Topaz and OnOne all gave me a problem.

For Nik I copy & pasted and everything was fine till the first CC update and my filters were not working. I did exactly as the instructions on Nik's site and I was up and running in no time at all. Here is what I did and the key thing was to find the origanil link that Google/Nik sent. I say "Google/Nik" because (follow me here) I origanilly purchased CEP 4 and Silver Effects Pro 2 separatley. When Google & Nik merged I received an email stating as an existing customer they were giving me the whole Nik collection and there was a link to click on.

So upon my first try I downloaded directly from the Nik site and nothing. I contacted Nik and they said go to your most recent link (crazy I know) I did and everything installed and I have all my Nik in CC & CS6. Agian... it worked for me, not sure about others.

On a Windows:

1. Make sure all versions of Photoshop are closed.
2. Run the Nik Collection installer from the file you received via email and downloaded. If you no longer have this file, please email customer support to have the file sent to you again.
3. During the installation process when you get to the Host Application window, you will notice a plus sign to add an install location. Click that button and navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CC\Plug-Ins\.
4. Complete the installation, then open Photoshop CC to ensure that the plug-ins have successfully been installed.




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Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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She I uninstall what I have already?




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Explorer ,
Sep 28, 2013 Sep 28, 2013

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I've loaded the Nik collection twice. I guess I need to contact Nik. I have followed all the instructions forTopz too. Is this going to happen every time there is an update?




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 29, 2013 Sep 29, 2013

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And for Topaz here is the email I received from Topaz help. Again this worked for me but not sure if it works for everyone.

Topaz wrote:

Hi Richard,

Follow these instructions to have access to the Topaz plug-ins in PSCC:

1. Exit out of all Photoshop applications

2. Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64bit)\Plug-ins

3. In another window open up C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64bit)\plug-ins

4. Drag/copy the Topaz shortcuts (eg. topazdenoise5_x64) to the CC Plug-Ins folder

5. Re-open Photoshop CC and your Topaz Labs filters should be in the filter menu.

See here for a video on how to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0a4_WfV8Ng

Let me know if you need any other assistance with this, thanks!


Darcy Wheeler




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Explorer ,
Sep 29, 2013 Sep 29, 2013

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Thanks Darcy. That is exactly what I did but only some of my Topaz filters are showing up in PSCC even though all the shortcuts are in the proper folder. Maybe it's an issue with my Creative Cloud and I will need to reinstall it.




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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013

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Which plug-ins do not appear in PSCC?

All of our installers were updated to work with PSCC, you might try exiting out of PSCC and re-downloading the plug-ins from topazlabs.com/downloads, which should automatically appear in your Fitler menu upon completion of reinstallation.

The other fix for this is to uninstall the ones not showing from your Control Panel. Next, exit out of PSCC and re-download them from topazlabs.com/downloads.

Let me know how this goes for you.




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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013

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All that show up are Adjust & Restyle. Here is the plug-ins folder. I have already downloaded the filters from the website but I will try it again.





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Explorer ,
Oct 01, 2013 Oct 01, 2013

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I finally have all the Topza filters.
The Nik Collection still isn't available in PSCC even after uninstalling and reinstalling, for the third time.
All the folders are in the right place, and it runs just fine in CS6.
I compared the Color Efex folders and in PSCC I have two additional files: jpegfhm_shared.fhm and tiffhm_share.fhm.
In HDR Efex besides the same additional files as in Color Efex I have openexr_shared.fhm.
Silver Efex has a resource folder that is not in PSCS6.

Thanks for all the help. It's just so frustrating.





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Enthusiast ,
Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

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Hi Pat,

Glad to hear Topza is finally available to you. As for Nik (scratching

head) I'm not sure why you can't install them. As I said before, the same

thing happened to me, but with all the fiddling (as described) it works.

I'm sure there is one tiny thing that needs to be done... I am sure you

have tried to contact Google/Nik. If you can actually get in touch with one

of the original Nik team (before they were Googleized) they are very

helpful. You can also try their facebook page as I know they monitor that.

I hope you get this solved.





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Explorer ,
Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

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I contacted Nik support and they sent a link to download the Nik Collection. This time it worked. I don't understand it because the file I downloaded had the same name as the one I had been using. Just glad to have them back.

Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions.





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Enthusiast ,
Sep 29, 2013 Sep 29, 2013

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HI Pat,

I'm sorry you can't get Nik to work (I don't use Topaz). I've almost exhausted my knowledge base. There must be one step missing (hiding in plain sight). Or, there is an outside chance that the download was corrupted for some reason. Although rare, iIt's happend to me before with other downloads for who knows what reason. Try to get a new download from google.

Below are screen shots of the locations of my plugins along with the actual location of the Google folder containing the plugins.  See if they match yours. Note the file sizes. They should match.

Note the "breadcrumb" trail on the top (ie: C: > Program files...).

I would say to uninstall any and all instances of the Google/Nik filters one more time being sure that any and all instances are uninstalled and try again. As stated by others, make sure PS is closed when installing.

Keep plugging away, you'll get there

Program Files Adobe CC.jpg

Program Files Google folder.jpg

Program Files(x86) Adobe CC.jpg




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New Here ,
Jan 04, 2014 Jan 04, 2014

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Hi All CC & Nik users around the world.

I try to solve the actual bug that SHOULD HAVE BEEN SOLVED BY "NIK BY GOOGLE" BEFORE THEY DECIDED TO SPREAD THAT CRAPPY LATEST VERSION... And I literally can't calm down 'cause this is my second week of struggle.
I can't understand how this is possible for us - users to accept the fact of being forced to do someone elses' job?!
Google Nik support guys gave me their bullshit advise about self solving problems installation of Nik version while it still has bug inside.
Newest Photoshop CC 64 bit just does not see newest Nik on newest Windows 8 64 bit. Crap+crap+crap. I'm exhausted of chasing new information on all available forums and of hundreds and hundreds oposit opinions and solutions from users. I am going to wreak havoc with Nik guys asses. It's enough. Believe me or not. I've tried ALL THE POSSIBLE combinations of where which bloody file or folder of Nik should sit. Today I won, but just for a while. Photoshop CC finally opened with Nik filters but only once and when I closed it and closed the system and opened it again in the evening and run Photoshop - guess what? All bloody Nik disappeared again! Should we all be IT guys to cope with softwares we are spending money on? I am just a photographer and would like to have fun with my new softs.
One more thing. If you decide to put here any instructions or tutorials first please make sure you are doing it properly and precisely. If you are not sure then please just quit because there are at least 25 different "successfull" solutions around that are not working at all. I've tried them all and still haven't found one proper for PSCC64 + Nik1.0.0.9+ Win864.

Happy New Year!





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2014 Jan 04, 2014

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I undersatnd you frustraion and how right you are that "we" the purchaser of a goods or service, software included should have to jump through hoops to get it to work. And even more so when you arrive at a message board only to find advise offered by people who shouldn't be allowed to give advice. Not sure of your situation with the CC vs Nik at this time. But I can tell you my situation was easily corrected when I contacted Nik support directly. My issue was; I had PS CS6 and had only purchased two separate pluggins from Nik and all was good. Nik merged with Google and they sent me an email one day with a link to the whole Nik bundle and life was grand. Then PS CC came along and I had nothing. I too took to the message boards and found all kinds of hoops to jump through. I then contacted Nik and as crazy as it sounds was told I had to re-download via the link in the email and not their website (like whats the difference?). I did as I was told and my Nik has been in CC ever since. Strange I know.

However you situation may be very different and maybe I was just a lucky person. I just thought I would share that with you. And I can say that message boads have good advise but it seems the confusing out weighs the bad.

I wish you luck my friend.





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Participant ,
Jan 04, 2014 Jan 04, 2014

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I couldn't agree more with Rich,  contact Nik directly, they will take you step by step with what you have to do.  I tried to do what people said here, didn't work, contact Nik and had it all working in no time.





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Jan 04, 2014 Jan 04, 2014

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I have brand new PC on Win8 which is 64bit system and as far as I know there is no 32bit Win8.

I had no legal CS6 before. I couldn't afford one for long time, but I could afford Nik (recent version which works fine up to now) for 150$. As plenty of people do I learned Photoshop on cracked version of CS6. I had told myself that once I've earned my first money on photography, I am buying legal PS. And I did about Christmass.  Creative Cloud idea with their latest 'special offer' allowed me to buy subscription for what's called Photoshop CC for reasonably price I could afford. Now I am sitting 8h per day trying not to get crazy with all bunch of complications I received together with the legal license. I came to the conclusion that being honest does not pay.

Adobe for some reason constructed their Creative Cloud the way that installs both  32bit and 64bit Photoshops CC on your/mine computer. For what reason???! I don't know, maybe somone knows and could explain. And no way you can change that, it just instals both without 'chose one' option.
This tiny fact of having both 32bit and 64bit Photoshops CC provides conflicts between Nik and PSCC - that's my understanding of this issue.

Look at the fact that Nik during installation links to both of them - first in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\blah blah blah  and second in C:\Program Files\Adobe\ blah blah blah.

For some other reason previous ( Nik version WORKS FINE on 64bit Win8+64bitPSCC while latest Nik version ( does not.
Fof another "some reason" contemporary softwares tend to upgrade themselves without asking you for permition. So our Nik Collection does every second day.
That's not us who own our PCs. They are being owned and directed by softwares' producers like Microsoft or Adobe. We are like just an operators of those PCs.
Decisions are being made behind our backs. So every second day I am forced to uninstall Nik and install back my good old version.

Now. I live in EU. We've got 9 hours shift in time zones so it is a bit uncomfortable for me to wake up in the middle of the night and call guys in California or Alaska or where the hell they are sitting and discuss rather complicated issue in the language that I am not fluent enough to feel comfortable around computer and software stuff. I preffer writing and reading 'cause I can check or translate what I don't understand.  I asked Nik support team 4 times (four e-mails sent) for instruction step by step. They should have prepared all possible instructions for this bloody issue because it is popular around the world and they should send those instructions of solving issue in PDF format not even being asked for help, just because they sold us damaged product. When Toyota sels cars with crappy brakes - they just call customers and fix the issue on their cost. Here companies like Google, Nik or Adobe can play fool with us because they feel they can get away with it 'cause there's no risk someone's got killed like in car crash still money flows to their pockets.

Same old song from years and every new version of whatever software has got more bugs than previous one.

I'm telling you- we are doing their job. We find errors, we solve the issue. They will send you what they read on forums.

For today I don't believe they can give me the solution.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2014 Jan 04, 2014

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You say you sent 4 emails to Nik. Did they reply? And if so what did they suggest?





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Jan 05, 2014 Jan 05, 2014

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They responded only first time on my first e-mail, and they did very quickly, but their advice was to uninstall old version and install new one- they sent special link same as in your case. But this solution does not work.Then I've sent three more e-mails every second day and I am pretty sure they won't respond because it is now seventh day from my e-mail with my precise description of the issue. The last three e-mails were just a kind of reminders that I am still awaiting their answer. My case is #00319051 in their system. Guy that responded on my first e-mail introduced himself only with his first name William and added to reply on his e-mail in case I had any further questions, well, I had and I still have, but he's got no answers I'm affraid.






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