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Does someone know why option 3 " apply layer mask " is not active.
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Is the layer a smart object layer? Smart object layers pixels can not be changed.
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Layer A is on the left of Layer B? That is what JJMack is pointing that you can not apply Layer B to Layer A when Layer A is Smart Object layer.
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Why is this feature working in perfect Windows
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When did Windows become perfect?
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Everyone who works on a Windows PC is using this option and are able to apply those two layers. My question is simply, why is this not possible on a MacBook. Or is there another way to apply those smart object layer to a regular layer?
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Please try to understand this. In your firts post you posted part of a screen capture. In it we can see there is a Layer 1 that has a Layers Mask and a Background Layers. There is a Layer Popup menu in which the menu item Apply Layer Mask is grayed out. The popup menu is covering parts of the Layers palette so you can not tell what kind of layer Layer 1 is.
So I ask if the layer with the Layer mask was a Smart Object Layer.
You reply was:
Now you write
"Everyone who works on a Windows PC is using this option and are able to apply those two layers. My question is simply, why is this not possible on a MacBook. Or is there another way to apply those smart object layer to a regular layer?"
To tell the truth I'm a window user and have not seen any of your documents or layers. Can we please get back to your Layer 1. If Layer 1 is a Smart Object Layer no user on a PC or Mac can use menu item Apply Layer Mask for it will be grayed out like you see. Because Layer 1 is a Smart Object Layer and Smart Object Pixels can not be changed with Photoshop tools they are harden by Photoshop when rendered. To change them you need to open the smart object and modify the object and commit your changes. Then Photoshop will update the smart Object layer Object and generate new pixel for the Object and harden the new rendered pixels.
I hope you can understand what is written this time. To change a smart objects Pixels you have to replace the object one way or an other. You can not change them with Apply Layer Mask that option will be grayed out.
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My question is ! why is this option working correct on a Windows computer and why is it not doing the same on a MacBook or is there a different way to reach the same what is apply a smart layer to a regular layer
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What exactly is working on windows that does not work on a Mac. Apply layer mask is not available for use on smart object layers. So please identify what is working correctly on PC and not working on Mac.
Apply Layer Mask should be grayed out on Smart Object Layer on both platforms and not be available. If on somone's PC the option is not grayed out on a smart object layer the user has an issue. Their Photoshop either has a bug or there is corruption in the current running Photoshop environment or in the document. Apply Layer Mask should be grayed out on their machine on Smart Object Layers. Smart Object are protected by Photoshop. Photoshop features can not change the a smart object layer's object. Smart Object can be replaced via menu Layer>Smart Object>Replace Content or replaced by opening the object in its associated editor (ACR|AI|Photoshop) alter it content and committing the alterations. The mask will still be on the smart object layer with the replaced object the mask is on the layer it changes the layer pixels not the object.
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If this is true what you write here that some features working well on PC and not on a Mac and visa versa why is Adobe selling one version of Photoshop instead of one version for Mac and one for Windows.
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I believe they sell to make money. Adoeb'e goal is money not users satisfaction. Photoshop is feature rich and you can many things with it. It is more than an image editor it is a professional powerful developer's tool. Photoshop is marketable. Adobe pulls in a lot of revenue with Photoshop. It may be the post powerful image editor available. It may also be the image with the most bugs for its the image editor with more features than the other image editor. From all reports Adobe is making lots of money with their subscriptions. I do not think that they will change goals its money money money.... User here do not work for Adobe so you. If you want an opinion from Adobe use their feed back site ask Adobe there Photoshop Family
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apply layer mask Can be only applied to "Raster layer" , if you don't want the layer to be a smart object any more, first, Rasterize the Layer, then apply layer mask .
Rasterize the layer by pressing on an empty area next to the layer mak , right click and select Rasterize
then apply layer mask
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Test this yourself Shape Layer, Text Layer, Adjustment Layer apply layer mask not available.