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P: Photoshop 22.4 - Missing Save as formats from the menu

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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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I just updated to the mentioned version and the formats dropdown list only shows 3 formats: Photoshop (*.PSD;*.PDD;*.PSDT), *.PSB and TIFF (*.TIF;*.TIFF).

jane-e_0-1620929274567.pngexpand image

macOS , Windows




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Community Expert , May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

If your file contains items that are not supported in your required format (e.g. layers or 16 bits/channel) then the file format is moved to the Save a Copy menu. This was driven by changes in the Mac Operating System, although the changes are applied to both Mac and Windows versions to keep the two aligned.

What's new in Photoshop



Adobe Employee , Jun 07, 2021 Jun 07, 2021

Hi All,


We appreciate your feedback on the recent “Save a Copy” change. To address your concerns, we have created two new options in Photoshop 22.4.2 that will enable both revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow and/or omit the addended “copy” when saving as a copy. These options can be found in the File Saving Options section under Preferences > File Handling.


To quickly summarize, you will now have the option to revert to the legacy “Save As” workflow (from before recent changes) on both macOS




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Adobe Employee , Jul 09, 2023 Jul 09, 2023

Hi all


You may already know that flatted file formats have been relocated from the "Save as" menu option to the "Save as Copy" option in Photoshop. To learn more about this workflow update, please refer to the following quick tip: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/learn-how-to-save-all-file-formats-from-photoshop-s-save-as-dialog-quick-tip/td-p/12933468?cgen=ZFN4FD71&mv=other


Or see this video tutorial link


Hope it helps,



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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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"Not necessarily."

By what possible metric? Don't be daft. It absolutely is an extra step, and san entirely unecessary one at that. I'm in the middle of a project an suddenly I'm troubleshooting what was a universally accepted save as function. Who exactly is this supposed to help? 




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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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Cory5ED9 wrote:

Who exactly is this supposed to help? 

It exactly helps the many users who have been complaining for a long time about Save As bugs like this one, which spiked after Apple released macOS 10.15 Catalina, apparently because of Apple changes to the Save As dialog box that broke how Photoshop connected to it. People have been begging for a long time for Adobe to “fix it now.” Jane-e already covered this in an earlier post in this thread.


But the fix, which finally happened now, apparently could not work with the way the Photoshop Save As dialog box has been coded before, so Adobe decided they had to tear it down to the studs and rebuild it in a modernized way that would work right on current OSs.


Adobe probably isn’t happy about it either. It looks like Windows users also have to adapt to the changes even though the fixed Mac Save As bugs did not affect them as far as I know, but Adobe understandably wants Photoshop to be as parallel as possible across both platforms.


Cory5ED9 wrote:

"Not necessarily."
By what possible metric? 


Because I’m personally already used to making the Save As vs Save a Copy vs Export decision in other applications like InDesign, Illustrator, and After Effects. So for me it’s no big deal. But… of course I can’t and don’t represent everybody, so I fully understand that this change is a huge, major hassle for a lot of people. All I’m doing is explaining the rationale behind the change.


I checked Affinity Photo, a major Photoshop competitor built on the latest code, and you’ve never been able to choose other file formats in Save As in that application; you must use Export to get other formats. So maybe that is the way it has to work for everyone on modern OSs now.




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Community Beginner ,
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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Replacing a small problem with a bigger one ("copy" attachment in every save dialog!) doesn't help anyone who has to work seriously with this tool.




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Community Beginner ,
May 16, 2021 May 16, 2021

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The problem for me is that there is automatically a "copy" appended. But if I just want to save a JPG or TIFF from my work file, I don't want to change the name, even with copy at the end! Since I always need to be able to save many files quickly, this actually costs me nerves. I want to decide what the file is called, I don't want to have a "copy" dictated to me by Adobe. Other people may see this differently, but for me as a Photoshop user since version 1.0 this is not acceptable.

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Explorer ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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I am also a very, very long time user of Photoshop since its earliest days. I work on graphics and videos all day long. It would be one thing if all I had to do is choose a different menu item - I'm sure in a few weeks my fingers would get used to choosing the new menu choice rather than the one I've been using for longer than I care to admit. But this adding of a "copy" word to every single file I save? That is going to drive me ABSOLUTELY BONKERS to have to do every single time. There has got to be SOME way for Adobe to talk with Microsoft and be able to pre-populate that field with something else. We as users should be able to choose what word (if any) we want to append to a file that we are doing a "save as" operation on.


I also feel with a change of this magnitude, that impacts the very core of how the entire system operates, that they could have done sort of a pop-up or something for the first load of it, to let users know that it had changed. Like many other users here, I just wasted critical time while I was knee-deep in projects trying to figure out what in the world had broken with my system.




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Community Expert ,
May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021

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Yes, you very precisely described the problem. We all agree that it's a major workflow shift.


However, this was a fait accompli and Adobe had no say. Apple removed the API (application programming interface) that allowed Photoshop to strip "-copy" from the filename.


With the new API, Photoshop has to finalize the base filename before entering the Save dialog. That name has to contain "-copy" because it is a copy. If it wasn't a copy, your original would have to be overwritten as an 8 bit flat image acceptable by the jpeg specification. Making a copy avoids that.


Export and Save For Web are different functions that don't need to append "copy". You can still use those. That's what e.g. Affinity does - it can't Save to jpeg either. Just for context.


It was also changed in the Windows version for platform parity, which has always been important. There's a whole ecosystem of actions, plugins, tutorials etc that depends on Photoshop working identically on both platforms.




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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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For convenience, an extra step was added to save as for formats were remove from save as or you can learn to remember and use a new shortcut Alt+Ctrl+S the new feature  save a copy.   Why does Adobe keep changing users work flow adding new interfaces that add no real new function  Save as could always save a copy and it still can via click and extra dialog,   What seem to be new is we now have a interface that can save image file like Save as could with copy added to the docyment name you can even remove the copy  the file name in the Save copy dialog and get the same prompt  you got in old save as do you want to replace the file.    The new function we get is copy added to the document name in the Save Copy dialog  so now save as can add copy to the document name through save a copy WOW.


If I use save or delete the opend file  how does this save as change protect my work my work has been changed or delered

"According to the release notes for this version (22.4), Save As now only provides formats that “preserve your work”    Pure "BS"

How does not supporting other file formats protect my work?  What protect my work from my mistakes? If Adobe wants to presserve my work they need to record and log all that I do. Removing fle format support from save as does not preserv work recording  work can.





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Community Beginner ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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I can't even wrap my head around the logic behidn this deciions. It's as baffling as it is [removed]. Infuriating, honestly.




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New Here ,
May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021

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Same issue, have been using Photoshop since 1995, and stopped work today to update to v22.4 to see same issue, save a COPY? Nope, going backwards now. v22.3.1, even though it loads slower, I am not changing the work flow.




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New Here ,
May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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it doesn't protect your work -it preserves it ---as in making sure that you aren't degenerating your image quality by saving the same jpg multiple times....it's only offering non-destructive save methods.


Now-that being said----it's really annoying.  If I want to preserve my image quality then I will save a copy in one of those formats ie. PSD, PSB, Tiff..........but sometimes I am only doing 1 additional save to a jpg --and that is the small web optomized graphic ---I am not concerned about preserving the integrity of the image at that point, because I've already downsized it and expect a cetain amount of loss...so just let me do it without taking extra steps. I understand that they had to fix some issues w/ Mac OS ---well the Mac version used to always be inherantly different anyways --so just make those changes on the Mac version and leave the PC version alone. 




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Community Beginner ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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First line - "Convenience" and "extra step" are antithetical in nature... Command + Save to overwrite a PS file was way way more convenient. Not to mention the time we have to all spend now in this forum to find out what the hell is going on. #wasteoftime




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Community Expert ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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Yes, we all understand that, the problem is that it wasn't possible any more due to changes in MacOS.

This was changed because the Save As jpeg function had already been broken for over a year on the Mac side, since Catalina. Saving over a jpeg resulted in a separate file with "-copy" appended. Apple removed the API (application programming interface) that allowed Photoshop to strip "-copy" from the filename. The Save As jpeg function was rendered useless by this and had to be totally rewritten.

This is not a bug, but a deliberate policy from Apple.

Platform parity has always been important in Photoshop, for the sake of actions, plugins, tutorials and so on. So it had to be changed in the Windows version as well, even though it never was a problem on Windows. But it may well be in the future, if Microsoft adopts the same policy.




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Explorer ,
May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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I call bull on this one. Platform parity going the other direction from PC > Mac has NEVER been important to Adobe. 

Example: Windows disallowed thumbnail previews in save dialogs (or so Adobe claims) so you  can no longer see what a PSD file looks like before opening it up in windows. They went and changed the whole saving structure to strip this out of windows. Yet Apple users still get to bask in the glory of seeing thumbnail previews. 

So here Adobe's excuse for this change is a little thin.




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Explorer ,
May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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I'm a PC user and never had any issues before saving files. I now have to use the 'Save a Copy' button and then remove 'Copy' from the file name each time rather than just being able to save as a JPEG!!


If this was an issue with just Mac users why not just update their version, why mess with the PC users version as it wasn;t broken??!!




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Community Expert ,
May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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That actually makes a lot of sense.  Save as a copy is certainly a lot quicker (and safer) than flattening, saving and remembering to undo the flatten, or duplication a copy merged layer to a new document.  However it definitely comes into that category that initially annoys you, and years later you wondered how you ever managed without.




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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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If you had Image >> mode >>32 bits/channel you get  a similar reduction in option.

MikeGondek_0-1620933083360.pngexpand image

Try seeing if you need to switch to 8 bit.





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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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If you flatten you may see more options. Photoshop 22.4 has a big problem updating its floating image even though photoshop has updated the document correctly on my widows workstation.  For minimizing the window and reopening the window will show the operation Photoshop correctly. The windows content will correctly updated.  Photoshop 22.4 is less usable then 22.3.1 what is going on at Adobe with program development?

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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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On windows you need to make sure you have see all document format on. 

Try it and let us know!!!





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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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"On windows you need to make sure you have see all document format on. "

Where is that setting is that  some new setting in 22.4?





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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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The problem seems to be related to the new feature save a copy changed the old save as feature. Adobe must want users to use new feature. So old Save as has been changed so you must use save a copy what wrong with adding in an extra step here. You use save as to get to save a copy.

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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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UGH!  Amazing Adobe is still fumbling this.

When I go to "Save a copy..." it apparently never occurred to the Adobians that I might want to save File.PSD as File.PNG or File.JPG.

So now every time I "Save a copy..." I have to mouse up to the file name and manually remove the word " copy" in the file name.

Who the heck wants THAT?

Just brain dead design.





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May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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Another bemusing, obnoxious decision stuffed down the gullet. This had me scratching my head for the last 45 minutes when suddenly I could no longer quickly edit and resave files out in whatever format I feel necessary. 
Why in God's name is there an additional step to save images out now? What could possibly be the reasoning behind this nonsense? What. Are. You. Bozos. Thinking? This is quite frankly, a stupid decision. I don't want this. Nobody wants this. Cut it out.




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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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Adobe programming development management is doing a poor job. While upper management is occupied enjoying their life styles. Junk get designed in and many bugs are delivered to Adobe customers. Users here are not Bozos we are in your boat are you a Bozo





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Community Beginner ,
May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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This is the most inconvenient adobe update ever did. Unbelievable!




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Participant ,
May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021

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Adobe's logic: If you run too fast, you can trip and hurt yourself. Adobe cares about safety. That's why Adobe shoots itself in the foot - so you can't run too fast and you won't trip!




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