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when attempting to open a photo in Photoshop on my HP Laptop, details below, the photo appears in the layers tab bottom right, but not in the workspace /desktop: It is a constant Black / White strobe. The desktop /workspace flashes Black and white
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on 24/03/2021
OS build 19044.2604
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0
Hi All,
Apologies for the flashing/strobing you're experiencing when opening files, this tends to affect older graphics cards (GPU) that don't support all of the aspects of DirectX 12.
For Windows:
For macOS:
We would like to find out if there are any of you on Windows for whom:
A. Use Older GPU Mode is Checked, and
B. Deactivate Native canvas is Unchecked, and
C. are still experiencing this strobing issue with a GPU that supports DirectX 12?
If so, could you please provide Photoshop's Help > System Info dialog text in this thread?
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@AVDG did you enable this option in preferences and restart Photoshop
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open photoshop>edit>preferences>technology preview>check "disable native canvas" restart photoshop
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Buongiorno, quando si carica il file su PhotoShop è visibile nel pannello dei livelli ma la schermata del tavolo di lavoro lampeggia insistentemente non rendendone possibile la visualizzazione e la post-produzione. Ho provato più volte a riavviare il pc ma senza risultati. Non era mai capitato fin'ora, cosa posso fare, quale potrebbe essere il problema?
Nello screenshot allegato la schermata rimane nera ma nella realtà lampeggia di bianco.
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@veronica29152369onaa go to Edit > Preferences > Technology Previews and enable this option, then restart Photoshop
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habe gestern das neuste update in photoshop gemacht, jetzt geht gar nichts mehr... lade ein bild rein dann kommt nur noch ein blickener Bildschirm. hat dies vielleicht sonst noch jemand?
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We are sorry you are having this issue. One option is to select Preferences > Technology Previews > Enable "Deactivate Native Canvas" > Restart Photoshop.
Let us know if this fixes the issue, or if you are still having the problem?
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This is only a temporary option while you find a solution. The Adobe Creative Cloud app allows for the simultaneous installation of multiple versions of their programs. You could install and use an earlier version of Photoshop for now.
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I need help with my phpshop, every time I open the application and start a new document my work screen is blinking non-stop, regardless of the type of file I'm trying to create. I already deleted and reinstalled the application but I couldn't solve it
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Hi @Lucas Leite290681329clf Go to Photoshop Preferences/Technology Preview and check “Disable Native Canvas”. Then check “Use Older GPU Mode (2016)”.
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Hola, al instalar la ultima actualizacion y abro un archivo raw o jpg en el interfaz de photoshop parapadea continuamente y no sale la imagen, antes de la actulizacion no ocurria.
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@Lanceta enable this option in preferences and restart Photoshop
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Solucionado y muy rapida la respuesta, gracias.
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@Lanceta you're welcome
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Muchas gracias por la solucion . Yo tenia el mismo problema y solucionado al momento
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When I open a picture file from yesterday, the screen flickers in an infinite loop.
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Try this: Preferences > Technology Previews > Enable "Deactivate Native Canvas" > Restart Photoshop
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Thank you very much.
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The last update has problems. The file does not open and the screen is flickering in photoshop 24.3
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@danielf55784600 enable this option in preferences and restart Photoshop
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That fixed it. Thank you!!
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@angieb14527732 you're welcome 👍
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Thank you! Fixed mine as well!
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Did not fix mine.....