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Photoshop 2023 - Countless Issues, Bugs, Problems, Slowness

Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Not looking for help, I've already went back to an older version. 


But I wanted to submit feedback about how horrendous the 2023 update is;


I used PS 2023 for about a month and ultimately got sick of the bugginess and slowness of too many features to even mention here. And before you suggest it, yes, I resetted/cleaned my preferences and the usual basic troubleshooting that gets suggested here.


For at least a little specificity, I'll give you the top 3 grievances I had:

  1.  The shortcut for type tool (T) is glitchy and switches briefly before reverting to the previous tool you were using (this issue may have occurred possibly with other shortcuts too).
  2. Warp (and puppet warp) is badly broken. It flips the thing you are transforming upside down for no apparent reason, making it impossible to see what you are doing
  3. When you have an undocked document window with multiple documents in it, switching between documents causes the window to resize which is extremely annoying and a little disorienting.


Good luck with photoshop, I can see clearly it is going in the wrong direction. I wont be updating anymore.





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Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Community Expert ,
Feb 28, 2023 Feb 28, 2023

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Hi @adamc82922445 

There are noted solution for some of your issues listed:

1. Go to preferences/Tools and disable Spring Loaded Tool Shortcuts.

2. Update to 24.2 to resolve the noted Warp invert issue.





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