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Photoshop CS2 for free?

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Feb 14, 2017 Feb 14, 2017

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I've seen several websites advertising Photoshop CS2 for free, is this true?...


[Piracy sites removed by moderator]


There are far more sites like this if you search.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Feb 14, 2017 Feb 14, 2017

These sites are liars. They don't care that if you follow their instruction you will have unlicensed software. They don't care that if you're a business and you get audited, you face large penalties.

The deal is, this is a REPLACEMENT CS2 for people who ORIGINALLY PAID FOR CS or CS2. The replacement is needed because the original no longer installs properly. That's all. If anyone else uses it, it's no better than any pirate software off the web.


Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2017 Jun 18, 2017

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Actually... I disagree with this.
Before Adobe started forcing paid updates down everyone's throat, as opposed to people being able to CHOOSE when to update, things were way cheaper.
Don't get me wrong, I love Adobe software. I've grown up with it (Photoshop V2). When CS came out, I bought it. Then I bought the upgrade to CS3. Then Adobe figured out that people didn't buy every version, so they basically forced you to buy the upgrade of the next version to be eligble for the upgrade price. So I had to buy CS4, CS5, and CS6.
When I was still able to skip a version, I would pay around €500 for the upgrade (also one of those things, but I'll get back to that a little later). I'd pay around €500 every 3 years. That's about €14 per month. For the entire design suite. If I now want to get InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Acrobat Pro, I have to get the full package, because they cleverly took out the design software. It's either Photoshop and Lightroom for €12,39, or the whole package for €61,99.

So when you say it's gotten cheaper... Sorry, but no. It hasn't. Because Adobe has taken away our choices.
And when you bring up the "but you get all the updates automatically now" and all that kind of crap... Well... really... The Creative Suite hasn't really seen any MAJOR update since they went to the Cloud. In the time that people still would buy their perpetual license, Adobe had the "pressure" to come up with something in the new version that made it worthwhile to upgrade. That pressure is gone now, and they've gotten lazy.
I agree with God I hate Adon'tbe that it's turned into a money thing.

Adobe doubles the price for stuff in Europe, even if I buy the English version, I pay twice as much as the English version in the US.
Right now, that the exchange rate has gone down, and the $ and € are pretty much the same in price, it's gotten a bit better, but when I updated my CS5 with my CS6, the exchange rate was very unfavorable, and when the US version was US$599, I paid €799 for the exact same -English- version, which at that time was the equivalent of just over US$1,100.
I understand the differences in taxes. Here we paid (at that time) 22% Value Added Tax. But seriously... 22% of 599... That's not 500 bucks. Not by far.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 25, 2017 Jul 25, 2017

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the page is down? it is redirecting to cc offer?




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Community Expert ,
Sep 13, 2017 Sep 13, 2017

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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2018 Jan 23, 2018

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IS IT JUST ME OR This Is Really Free 

As mentioned above it is intended for existing owners of legacy software.

EDIT [product serial numbers removed by moderator]




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 10, 2018 Jan 10, 2018

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> Photoshop is truly a great product, but it has been taken away by the suits and turned into a cash cow...

One solution is to make Adobe pay for Adobe:

buy ADBE on dips

sell at peaks for profit

subscribe to CC with ADBE profits

keep remaining profits in pocket...




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Community Expert ,
Jan 10, 2018 Jan 10, 2018

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Jeff, it would be very cool if you were related to Jill Greenberg

Make my day and say that you are, even if it isn't true.




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Feb 11, 2018 Feb 11, 2018

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Yes you can’t Register. No, it’s not free. To download it and use it, if a person didn’t have a license is, as far as I‘m concerned, STEALING. If a person is ok with stealing when they think they can get away with it, that’s on their conscience not mine. But to try to trick other people into stealing it, by lying about it being free, is really low.




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Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/God+I+hate+Adon%27tbe  wrote

I've seen several websites advertising Photoshop CS2 for free, is this true?...

Download Adobe Photoshop CS2 For Free Legally While You Still Can [Tutorial] | Redmond Pie

Download adobe photoshop cs2 full version free


There are far more sites like this if you search.

Well, i doubt these outsourced sites. Always go for official Abobe portal with proper licensing. But i guess CS2 support isn't there anymore.?




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Community Expert ,
Mar 17, 2018 Mar 17, 2018

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But i guess CS2 support isn't there anymore.?

That would be a fairly good guess given that this software was released in 2005

The whole question is rapidly becoming moot anyway. Good luck getting CS2 to work at all on modern systems.




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New Here ,
Jun 22, 2018 Jun 22, 2018

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It looks like the support is gone. I actually purchased CS2 back when it was current, and when I tried to install it to a new computer, I contacted Adobe support, and they directed me to an Adobe website, and it had CS2 with product keys on the page. I recently looked for the page, to move the CS2 install, and it seems that they have taken the page down. It was legit. Adobe stopped supporting CS2, and thus, offered it free to those that asked for it, but it was hard to find and navigate to. Basically, Adobe pointed people there, for only those that asked.

Here's the page (Only those that have previously purchased CS2 should download it):

Download Adobe Acrobat 7 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 products

My favorite, free alternative is Gimp, but it takes some serious rethinking on how to use the program. It isn't quite as intuitive as photoshop.




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Explorer ,
Jul 03, 2018 Jul 03, 2018

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Free installers are a scam.

Not just because of the false advertising that Adobe released CS2 with a free license. It's not just CS2. There are free full version installers for CS6, CC 2017 and CC 2018 as well but all will fail at one point or another, the CCs will still require a cloud subscription and might even contain viruses or other malware.
This is also the case with Microsoft Office or it's individual software. This has become more common over the decade and is intentional to discourage stealing.

That's right, if a product is only legally available by free trial or purchase, obtaining it via freeware is stealing and the distributors can end up doing jail time. Google 'kickass torrents'.
For users, as far as I know, it's more a matter of conscious.

There are full alternatives that are legally free albeit less intuitive and precise such as Gimp and Krita.

The CC subscription I've been using for the past few years has recently expired and it's so flippin' expensive that my stepdad won't renew it. Understandable.

I've now downloaded both Gimp and Krita and have started to feel Gimp out but am frustrated with the lack of layer focus.




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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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I know this is an old thread but if you follow the redmondpie tutorial you will see that they are actually sending you to create account on Adobe site.

Once you log in with your account you will have to find download page. It is quite tricky to find it but if you enter CS2 in search and selct first link you will get there.

You will have to accept licensing agreement that CS2 is not supported anymore but once you do that you will be presented with number of CS2 products with LICENSE NUMBERS next to it, including CS2 Suite.

Licensing servers are down so you cannot register your copy, however, if you think this is illegal to use, then why would Adobe provide serial numbers in the first place?




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 11, 2018 Nov 11, 2018

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Excellent guide, I always liked this effect, but I did not know how to do it in Photoshop.




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Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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youre just trying to justify stealing it. Did you read that license agreement?




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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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Do you really think I have to “Justify stealing it“ to myself? No I do not, I couldn’t care less... They have  allowed the download and they provided serial number on official Adobe website... I did not used crack to allow it to work, I did not used illegal license number either, so even if you are right and I am using it against license agreement I really don’t care and I am not going to lose any sleep over it

And if you are really correct and anybody that use this is breaking licensing agreement, then how come you don’t have every other CS product available for download with serial number next to it? This does not happen by mistake ..

You see, there is this thing called common sense, and it tells us that companies that do not want their products to be used for free, would not provide serial number before you pay for the product...




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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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The agreement you have to check off before proceeding:

Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 6.17.16 PM.png

What you do in private is your own business, but don't walk in on a Adobe sponsored public forum and say what you believe trumps their legal agreements and copyrights. If you own a YouTube channel and upload what you just said with the CS2 links, you'll be back here screaming about getting a "copyright strike."




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Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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HEGGA, your arguments amount to nothing. It is illegal. This is like saying it is OK to steal good left on show outside a shop because there is nobody to stop it.

It is important to protect people from the consequences of bad advice. In many countries they may be audited and if they are found to have software with no rights they can prove, they face major penalties.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 24, 2020 Aug 24, 2020

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Creative Suite 2 was never free, nor authorized for use without a valid license. Here is an article from that time:


Adobe: Rumored Free Download of CS2 Software Isn't Actually Free






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