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Photoshop CS5 Applescript

Apr 21, 2011 Apr 21, 2011

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Hi there. I am trying to figure out whit this script works with CS4 however using the same action and the exact same script with CS5 it no longer works. Help?

This is the script.

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles

tell application "Finder"

-- move psd files to temp folder

repeat with thisFile in theseFiles

if name extension of thisFile is "psd" then

move thisFile to folder "temp" of thisFolder

end if

end repeat

set thePSDFiles to every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias list

set saveFolder to (folder "save" of thisFolder) as text

end tell

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles

open thisFile showing dialogs never

tell current document

do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA" -- action and set name, case sensitive

save in (saveFolder & name) as PNG with copying

close saving no

end tell

end repeat

end tell

tell application "Finder"

-- move .psd files left in temp folder to save folder

move thePSDFiles to folder saveFolder

end tell

end adding folder items to

Actions and scripting






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guide , Apr 25, 2011 Apr 25, 2011

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles

tell application "Finder"

-- Make sure sub folder exists

if not (exists folder "temp" of thisFolder) then

set tempFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

with properties {name:"temp"}


set tempFolder to folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias

end if

-- Ditto here…

if not (exists folder "save" of thisFolder) then

set saveFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

with properties {name:"save"}


set saveFolder to folder "save"




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 22, 2011 Apr 22, 2011

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This is a known problem and here is a workaround for your CS5 version. From my colleague Jon...

In CS5, the interpretation of "alias/file/folder" object was broken. We have to ask the user to change the object from alias/file/folder to text/string outside Photoshop, then cast the text/string as file/alias in PS.

If this user change a little bit of the script, it should work for him:
set thePSDFiles to every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias list
  set myFolder to (path to folder "temp" of thisFolder) as string
  set thePSDFiles to name of every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder

  open thisFile showing dialogs never
   open alias (myFolder & thisFile) showing dialogs never

   save in (saveFolder & name) as PNG with copying
    save in (saveFolder & thisFile) as PNG with copying

move thePSDFiles to folder saveFolder
  move (every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder) whose name extension is "psd" to folder saveFolder

This should work. But I haven't tried it myself. Might need some tweak.





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Apr 24, 2011 Apr 24, 2011

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I modified the script to this - as you suggested.

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles

     tell application "Finder"

          -- move psd files to temp folder

          repeat with thisFile in theseFiles

               if name extension of thisFile is "psd" then

                    move thisFile to folder "temp" of thisFolder

               end if

          end repeat

          set myFolder to (path to folder "temp" of thisFolder) as string

          set thePSDFiles to name of every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder

          set saveFolder to (folder "save" of thisFolder) as text

     end tell


     tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


          repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles

               open alias (myFolder & thisFile) showing dialogs never

               tell current document

                    do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA" -- action and set name, case sensitive

                    save in (saveFolder & thisFile) as PNG with copying

                    close saving no

               end tell

          end repeat

     end tell


     tell application "Finder"

          -- move .psd files left in temp folder to save folder

          move ((every file of folder "temp" of thisFolder) whose name extension is "psd") to folder saveFolder

     end tell

end adding folder items to

However it doesnt open the files within photoshop CS5. It will move the files from the main folder to the temp folder located within the main folder. Nothing further happens though.





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Guide ,
Apr 25, 2011 Apr 25, 2011

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on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles

tell application "Finder"

-- Make sure sub folder exists

if not (exists folder "temp" of thisFolder) then

set tempFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

with properties {name:"temp"}


set tempFolder to folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias

end if

-- Ditto here…

if not (exists folder "save" of thisFolder) then

set saveFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

with properties {name:"save"}


set saveFolder to folder "save" of thisFolder as alias

end if

-- move psd files to temp folder

repeat with thisFile in theseFiles

if name extension of thisFile is "psd" then

move thisFile to tempFolder

end if

end repeat

-- Get the file list

set thePSDFiles to every file of tempFolder as alias list

end tell

repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles

-- Coerce each alias to string

set thisFile to thisFile as string

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


open alias thisFile showing dialogs never

tell current document

if mode is not RGB then

change mode to RGB

end if


-- action and set name, case sensitive

--do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA"

save in file ((saveFolder as string) & name) as PNG with copying

close saving no

end tell

end tell

end repeat

tell application "Finder"

-- move .psd files left in temp folder to save folder

move thePSDFiles to folder saveFolder

end tell

end adding folder items to

This works fine here although Im no great fan of FAS… I just comment out the action call as I don't have this available…





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Apr 25, 2011 Apr 25, 2011

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Thank you so much! All I had todo with this was uncomment the action portion and change CS4 to CS5.

Perfect. If you have paypal I'll gladly send you a tip!


Finished Script:

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles


     tell application "Finder"


          -- Make sure sub folder exists

          if not (exists folder "temp" of thisFolder) then

               set tempFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

                    with properties {name:"temp"}


               set tempFolder to folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias

          end if


          -- Ditto here…

          if not (exists folder "save" of thisFolder) then

               set saveFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

                    with properties {name:"save"}


               set saveFolder to folder "save" of thisFolder as alias

          end if


          -- move psd files to temp folder

          repeat with thisFile in theseFiles

               if name extension of thisFile is "psd" then

                    move thisFile to tempFolder

               end if

          end repeat


          -- Get the file list

          set thePSDFiles to every file of tempFolder as alias list


     end tell


     repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles


          -- Coerce each alias to string

          set thisFile to thisFile as string


          tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


               open alias thisFile showing dialogs never

               tell current document

                    if mode is not RGB then

                         change mode to RGB

                    end if


                    -- action and set name, case sensitive

                    do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA"

                    save in file ((saveFolder as string) & name) as PNG with copying

                    close saving no

               end tell

          end tell


     end repeat


     tell application "Finder"

          -- move .psd files left in temp folder to save folder

          move thePSDFiles to folder saveFolder

     end tell


end adding folder items to





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Apr 26, 2011 Apr 26, 2011

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I have one more question. Is there any way to conver this script to a stay open application that will check the last modified date of the main folder "Folder2" ?

I found this script wich illustrates the principle but I cant get it to work.

In short.. could anyone conbine these two scripts?

property targetPath : "sneJ:Shared Folders:Jens Public:Drop Box:" -- path to target folder

property targetFolder : 0 -- target folder alias (set at startup)

property modDate : 0 -- mod date of folder when last checked

on run

     set targetFolder to alias targetPath -- get alias to the folder

end run

on idle

     set newModDate to modification date of (info for targetFolder)

     if modDate = 0 or newModDate > modDate then

          set modDate to newModDate


     end if

     return 3 -- Idle time in seconds

end idle

on folderChanged(f)


     -- Put anything you want here, and it'll run whenever the

     -- folder is modified. See the “What's New?” sample script

     -- for a more sophisticated example,  which figures out what

     -- files have been added and displays their names to the

     -- user.

end folderChanged

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theseFiles


     tell application "Finder"


          -- Make sure sub folder exists

          if not (exists folder "temp" of thisFolder) then

               set tempFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

                    with properties {name:"temp"}


               set tempFolder to folder "temp" of thisFolder as alias

          end if


          -- Ditto here…

          if not (exists folder "save" of thisFolder) then

               set saveFolder to make new folder at thisFolder ¬

                    with properties {name:"save"}


               set saveFolder to folder "save" of thisFolder as alias

          end if


          -- move psd files to temp folder

          repeat with thisFile in theseFiles

               if name extension of thisFile is "psd" then

                    move thisFile to tempFolder

               end if

          end repeat


          -- Get the file list

          set thePSDFiles to every file of tempFolder as alias list


     end tell


     repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles


          -- Coerce each alias to string

          set thisFile to thisFile as string


          tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


               open alias thisFile showing dialogs never

               tell current document

                    if mode is not RGB then

                         change mode to RGB

                    end if


                    -- action and set name, case sensitive

                    do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA"

                    save in file ((saveFolder as string) & name) as PNG with copying

                    close saving no

               end tell

          end tell


     end repeat


     tell application "Finder"

          -- move .psd files left in temp folder to save folder

          move thePSDFiles to folder saveFolder

     end tell


     tell application "Finder"

          set finalFolder to folder "Untitled:Users:sympa:Desktop:finalfolder"

          set initialFolder to folder "Untitled:Users:sympa:Desktop:Folder2:save"

          move everyFile of initialFolder to finalFolder

          set label index of everyFile of finalFolder to 5

     end tell


end adding folder items to





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Guide ,
Apr 27, 2011 Apr 27, 2011

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Funny… thats other thing you can do with AppleScript that Im no great user or fan of… Stay open apps… What is much nicer is adding your scripts to iCal event alarms. Its very flexible, a piece of cake to set up… Nothing need be running either…





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Apr 27, 2011 Apr 27, 2011

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Alright, If I wanted to attach this to an ical event alarm how would I do that and how would that benefit me more? What im trying todo is make sure no files get "missed". I need every file within the drop folder to get processed even if two users are dropping items simultaneously.





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Guide ,
Apr 27, 2011 Apr 27, 2011

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The reason Im no fan of these is they tend to be a little erratic at times… (been called that myself) When testing the script I posted there can be a lag in response to the items added event some times it no trigger at all. The problem being there is little or nothing you can do when this is the case… Personally I always find these scripts the most difficult to get right. You do have several options available to you but knowing a little more about the work flow would be of help… iCal can run AppleScripts that are added to calendar events. I've also had it run ESTK scripts too although I have not checked now that CS5 appears a little fussier over it's script locations… Bridge scripting has a 'schedule tasks' but it requires it be running. iCal can do the same need not be running.





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May 05, 2011 May 05, 2011

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Alright Mark. Youve been super hepful so far so I have one last question. This is being run on a separate computer as a server. Occaisionally when a user has dropped files a file will be corrupt and photoshop cannot open the file. When this occurs the entire script hangs and waits for input. It requires me to keep checking on the computer and forcing photoshop to continue. Is there a way I can force photoshop to skip this corrupted file if it throws an error?

I saw another post of yours here using the method below. However I cant seem to get the try block to play well with photoshop when I tried to combine it and my current script. Whenever I used the try block, the script would skip photoshop altogether and simply begin moving the file. Help please!


with timeout of 2 seconds

open The_File

end timeout

on error

tell application "System Events"

tell application process "Adobe Photoshop CS2"

keystroke return

end tell

end tell

end try

property lastModDate : 0 -- mod date of folder when last checked

global targetFolder, saveFolder

on run

   -- set targetFolder as an alias on first run

   set targetFolder to alias "ACTION:Users:Shared:Hotfolder"

    -- create the save folder if it doesn't exist; store its path as text

   tell application "Finder"

        if not (exists folder "save" of targetFolder) then

           make new folder at thisFolder with properties {name:"save"}

        end if

       set saveFolder to folder "save" of targetFolder as text

   end tell

end run

on idle

   -- 'info for' is deprecated, so getting mod date from the Finder

   tell application "Finder"

        set currentModDate to modification date of targetFolder

   end tell

    if lastModDate = 0 or currentModDate > lastModDate then

       set lastModDate to currentModDate


    end if

   return 120 -- Idle time in seconds

end idle

on ProcessNewItems()

    with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds —30 min timeout

       tell application "Finder"

            -- move psd files to save folder, go back to idle if there are none to process

           set thePSDFiles to move ¬

                (every file of targetFolder whose name extension is "psd") ¬

                    to folder saveFolder

           if thePSDFiles = {} then return

       end tell

        repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles

           -- Coerce each alias to string. files are in Finder file specs, so use the Finder

           tell application "Finder"

                set thisFile to thisFile as text

           end tell

            tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


               set display dialogs to never

           end tell

            tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"


               open alias thisFile showing dialogs never

               tell current document

                   if mode is not RGB then

                       change mode to RGB

                   end if


                   -- action and set name, case sensitive

                   -- do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA"

                   save in file (saveFolder & name) as PNG with copying

                   close saving no

               end tell

           end tell

       end repeat

        tell application "Finder"

            set finalFolder to folder "ACTION:Volumes:photobasearchive:hotfolder:finals"

            move every file of folder saveFolder to finalFolder

           delete every file of folder saveFolder

        end tell

   end timeout

end ProcessNewItems





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Guide ,
May 06, 2011 May 06, 2011

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Im currently at work and have no access to my snippets… But the example posted in this forum does work. What you need is a 'try/on error' inside of a short time out statement… Say 10 seconds dependent on your images and how long you expect to take to open… Photoshop will not error in these situations but AppleScript will from the timeout… in the on error call a sub-routine to do the keystroke. That should be it. It looks like we may get a change in this behavior in future releases Tom has requested it… I can't do any of this using the ESTK…





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May 09, 2011 May 09, 2011

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Is this the correct code then?

property lastModDate : 0 -- mod date of folder when last checked

global targetFolder, saveFolder

on run

     -- set targetFolder as an alias on first run

     set targetFolder to alias "ACTION:Users:Shared:GAP_PNG:process"


     -- create the save folder if it doesn't exist; store its path as text

     tell application "Finder"

          if not (exists folder "save" of targetFolder) then

               make new folder at thisFolder with properties {name:"save"}

          end if

          set saveFolder to folder "save" of targetFolder as text

     end tell

end run

on idle

     -- 'info for' is deprecated, so getting mod date from the Finder

     tell application "Finder"

          set currentModDate to modification date of targetFolder

     end tell


     if lastModDate = 0 or currentModDate > lastModDate then

          set lastModDate to currentModDate


     end if

     return 60 -- Idle time in seconds

end idle

on ProcessNewItems()

     with timeout of (30 * 120) seconds

          tell application "Finder"

               -- move psd files to save folder, go back to idle if there are none to process

               set thePSDFiles to move ¬

                    (every file of targetFolder whose name extension is "psd") ¬

                         to folder saveFolder with replacing

               if thePSDFiles = {} then return

          end tell


          repeat with thisFile in thePSDFiles

               -- Coerce each alias to string. files are in Finder file specs, so use the Finder

               tell application "Finder"

                    set thisFile to thisFile as text

               end tell


               tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"



                         with timeout of 2 seconds

                              open alias thisFile showing dialogs never

                         end timeout

                    on error

                         tell application "System Events"

                              tell application process "Adobe Photoshop CS5"

                                   keystroke return

                              end tell

                         end tell

                    end try

                    tell current document

                         if mode is not RGB then

                              change mode to RGB

                         end if

                         if exists path item "crop" then -- check if there is a path called crop, if so do action, else flatten and save


                              -- action and set name, case sensitive

                              do action "CROPFLATTEN" from "SYMPA"

                              save in file (saveFolder & name) as PNG with copying

                              close saving no



                              save in file (saveFolder & name) as PNG with copying

                              close saving no

                         end if

                    end tell

               end tell

          end repeat


          tell application "Finder"

               set temps to folder "ACTION:Volumes:photobasearchive:hotfolder:_temps"

               if not (exists folder "ACTION:Volumes:photobasearchive:hotfolder:_temps:GAP_PNG") then

                    make new folder at temps with properties {name:GAP_PNG}


                    set finalFolder to folder "ACTION:Volumes:photobasearchive:hotfolder:_temps:GAP_PNG"


                    move every file of folder saveFolder to finalFolder with replacing

                    delete every file of folder saveFolder

               end if

               -- set the label index of every file of folder finalFolder to 7 -- grey

          end tell

     end timeout

end ProcessNewItems





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 02, 2011 Jul 02, 2011

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I can't "AppleScript"...  but get a feeling that this has something to do with the issue I came across:

In earlier versions of photoshop (e.g.CS3) in OSX I was able to move a PSD file that was still to a new folder and the path of the file would update automatically in PS without me having to close the file. I could see the new path by cmd+clicking the title bar. This is one of the most beautiful things in OSX, I think, and it works in most programs. It allows me to re-organize files on the fly and still continue working with them. Very efficient.

But I just noticed now -- first serious job with the new CS5.5 in my new iMac -- that this no longer works in Photoshop. Now if I want to move a file I have to close it, move it and reopen.

Is there a workaround for this issue? Or maybe my issue has nothing to do with this post?





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