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Photoshop CS5 freezes

New Here ,
May 14, 2010 May 14, 2010

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Have been using PS CS5 since the trial became available. But seems CS5 responds a lot slower than CS4. Sometimes, it just freezes or slow the whole computer down when I tried to open a many-layer file. I had to force quit the application, It's really frustrated because the system responds very slow even I tried to quit PS. Once it's quite, everyting's back to normal. Does anyone have this problem?





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May 24, 2010 May 24, 2010

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Chris first of all don't let them bash you for trying to help. Secondly I am having the same problem with my Photoshop CS5 freezing up when I select the font tool. It only happens when I try and use the font tool could this be due to a duplicated font or some other reason? My system is a 17" MacBook Pro 10.5.8

2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo


Besides this problem I have been very pleased with the CS5 even though I do wish the rest of the CS5 programs were 64 bit.




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May 24, 2010 May 24, 2010

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If just Photoshop is freezing, and only when rendering type previews or selecting the type tool -- yes, that could be due to a font problem (duplicates aren't a problem, but corrupt fonts, and bugs in some Apple's font APIs are problems).




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Explorer ,
Jul 22, 2010 Jul 22, 2010

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Here's a rich one.

I had five 5MB PSDs open to try to standardize some design language details between the comps.

I am OCD to the point of … well something not YET pathological about keeping my Font Book spotless (validations) & even going so far to check every single font out in fontographer before calling it good enough to install. I also use Adobe's font diagnostic tool.

In this last situation I was composing a snippet of type in a type layer (maybe 40 characters) and needed to change the text box dimensions. When I selected the characters using the "T" tool the entire PSD document inverted colors (literally) and froze to the point where no other system functions (even cmd+opt+esc) were available. It did not grey out a kernel panic, but all my edits were gone (darn me for not saving after every edit commit!) The font in question was a licensed version of Helvetica Neue LT 55 Roman.

Anyhow, even with decent font hygiene it seems 10.6… and 12.0… don't play nice with one another, yet.

Hard system reboot using the power button on my 2010 17" MBP i7 / 8GB.

I have gotten other catastrophic PS crashes before and after this incident, but none were when I was using the font tool.

fodder for the fire..




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Jul 22, 2010 Jul 22, 2010

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characters using the "T" tool the entire PSD document inverted colors (literally) and froze to the point where no other system functions (even cmd+opt+esc) were available.

That sounds more like the NVidia driver bugs on 10.6.4.  In fact, almost exactly like the NVidia driver bugs.

Yes, there are some outstanding video driver and font bugs in MacOS 10.6.4 that we're waiting for Apple to fix.




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May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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hy friends ...am krish from india i too have de same problem

in my pc have 2gb ddr2 667bus ram and core to due processor 2.53 processor ,9400 nvidia graphic card ,64bit windows 7 os

am using but when am using my photoshop i put image resolution as 300 , its very slow for me and many times

my pc freezes for long any one cal plz help me .. how to make fast my pc and photoshop cs5 for me ....

my mail id mohankrish420@gmail.com     plz any one help me




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Engaged ,
May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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You are arguing over semantics and not substance. If you really want to help out, you may want to suggest possible alternative example(s) to show conditions which the software fails. Other then that, you are pissing in the wind.  I for one have givein up on Adobe on many fronts, but to bitch for the sake of bitching is pointless.

Trust me on that one.




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Explorer ,
May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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Anyone else noticed that this thread now has over 1200 views? This seems to be a topic of concern for a lot of forum readers, but it's not Adobe's problem - "it's your buggy OS" (that ran every other PS software iteration without much issue at all). There ought to be a class-action suit against Adobe for releasing this so prematurely AND CHARGING FOR IT. We, the users - should at least be able to bill Adobe for all the lost hours trying to get it to function at least as well as CS4.




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Engaged ,
May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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There is no doubt that the release of CS 5 was a corporate moronic mistake. With that said, you can't put the crap back in the toilet so deal with it. If Adobe corporate has any F-ing brains left, they will learn from this debacle and wake up.  Until then, stop using the program if it causes you pain.  Duh....

We have put a lid on the release at this point.

Other then that, yes its a mess. Yes they are tring to fix the mess. If you dont like mess, dont use it.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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For people with font issues, here's the doc on troubleshooting Fonts in Photoshop CS5 (including script to aid in finding troublesome fonts)


For the people experiencing slowdowns/freezes, have you tried creating a new user account and running Photoshop from the new user account?

Have you tried a clean install of the OS (from the OS install disk, not from and image or from Time Machine, with a fresh user account) on a second harddrive? (Like an external USB or Firewire drive)




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May 26, 2010 May 26, 2010

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Hi Jeffery,

I have a completely clean install of OS10.6.3 (on a blank drive) and only Creative Suite Design Premium 5, the latest Wacom driver, and the OS installed. I see these "freezes" (although I think OS stall would be a better term) in both my standard working OS10.5.8 environment or the clean 10.6.3 environment.




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New Here ,
May 27, 2010 May 27, 2010

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Today Adobe PS CS4 updated itself with some fixes.




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Explorer ,
Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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I am having constant freezes too.  Shuts down my whole system, If I want to Force Quit I have to wait 30-45 minutes.  I just keep turning off the machine it becomes useless.  Not running snow leopoard, have 14GB Ram and at least 60 GB Scratch disc. Crashes come at random times - using Content Aware Fill, Mini Bridge, accessing Wet Brush - it is totally random.  But yet PS says I am at 100% efficency.  Having a difficult time making my CS5 training DVDs because it always crashes!




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Explorer ,
Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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Working with fonts is painfully slow.  I Type and it takes 20-30 for letters to appear.  If I backspace over type I push Delete and wait 5- 10 secs for it delete the letter.  But I have not had any crashes when doing text, just other operations.




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Explorer ,
Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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Chris I would be willing to use Log Me In or something like if it helps you guys trouble shoot.




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Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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I'll repeat this, just in case:  if anyone seeing the freezes/whole system slowdown is in the SF-Bay area, or Seattle area, PLEASE let us know.

(we've visted one customer, but more info would help)

Whatever this is, it seems to affect a few people, but not most.

Somewhere there is a triggering factor on those specific systems, and we need to isolate that factor.




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Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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I really can't actually think that this thread is real. I work with Light room and Photoshop and Illustrator and a few other apps Like After Effects and PPro
and I have the same MacPro as Scott and have not experienced one freeze or crash. I had other problem which I am happy to report was user error on my part regarding printing from Photoshop CS 5. I get great prints from PS CS 5 now and itwas a very small change in procedure.

But this freezing and crashing things has me concerned as I am not experiencing it at all, I must be doing something wrong.

Now I am wondering you guys have the cleanest installs possible but do you also have plug ins that are really created for CS 4 but actually work in CS5.

I know one user here who I believe uses a lot of plug ins, I wonder if that could be a contributing factor?

Also some of the things said here indicate that some you if not using plug ins should be, just to seal up some of the holes.

I am wondering why PS CS 5 is working great for me and not for other users on this thread perhaps there is a commonality between all of you.

Not MO of course but the rest of you.




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Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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BTW I am using a macPro 1,1 and do not have this issue but perhaps all of you are using two monitors.

It should nit be a difference but have any of you tried t increase the cache tile size say to 132 or 1024?




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Explorer ,
Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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I do have dual monitors but I have tried all 3 cache settings and same problems!




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Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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Wade - we already ruled out plugins, and probably fonts.

(see previous replies from users)

We're down to "order of installation and updates", and maybe "phase of the moon" stuff.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 01, 2010 Jun 01, 2010

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Okay. I'm just going to throw this out there. My systems totally freezes up and I upgraded from CS3 not CS4.

I upgraded from CS3  Design Premium to the whole Master Collection- are the people who are having no trouble at all using just Photoshop alone? or the whole Master Collection?




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Jun 02, 2010 Jun 02, 2010

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That may be a valid question. I installed CS5 Design Premium after already having CS2 Design Premium, CS3 Web Premium, and CS4 Design Premium installed and running the CS5 cleanup script due to some prerelease software I had prior to the CS5 release.

Maybe it is an installation order issue. It may be a good test to try a clean install of OS10.5.8 and see if the issue persists on my system. I'll try and clear some time this week to try that.

However, I can also reproduce the issue with OS10.6.3 and only the OS, CS5 Design premium, and the latest Wacom driver installed. Albeit, the issue is much less common on OS10.6.3, but it does still happen occasionally.

Here, it's obvious the Window Server is pegged when the slowdowns happen.

I had a connect session with Jeff and was able to reproduce the slow down with and without all plug ins disabled (32bit mode both times) simply by opening files.




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Jun 02, 2010 Jun 02, 2010

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Ae you running PS CS 5 in 32 or 64 bit?

I am a little confused about this and when you say you can reproduce this on a 10.6.3 boot is that on the same computer or a another tower r a MacBook Pro?

I wonder what steps you take to reproduce the problem.

Just curious.




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Jun 02, 2010 Jun 02, 2010

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Same hardware, Wade. (Quad 2.66 Xeon MacPro 1,1) 32bit, 64bit, OS10.5.8, OS10.6.3, all show the same issue. Only difference is how frequent the issue occurs.

I've also got a MacBookPro, which I really don't use that much for Photoshop, which, so far.... I have NOT been able to reproduce the issue on. But again, use there has been very limited. But it makes me wonder if dual monitors or multiple video cards are what's confusing the hell out of the Window Server when PSCS5 is running.

To reproduce the issue on the MacPro.. all I need do is open files. Eventually it'll occur. I can open and close files in succession, eventually I'll open one and the entire system grinds to a crawl even if that is the ONLY file open. If I'm working in some other application for a while and PS is backgrounded. Then I double-click a PS file to open it (even a flat jpg) chances of the issue occurring are greater. Doesn't seem to be related to any tool or specific process, at least not here,but rather more related to the actual screen drawing and panel updating from the looks of things.




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Explorer ,
Jun 02, 2010 Jun 02, 2010

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Mine is the Master Collection




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Jun 02, 2010 Jun 02, 2010

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Perhaps the 3D preferences are confused as well as open gl have you tried any adjustments here?

Screen shot 2010-06-02 at 11.56.57 AM.png




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